What If Bigfoot Ruled the Earth?

The Fortean Slip Episode 42 The Who Needs a Title Episode. This week Steve and Chris are sans Matt and talk Dawn of the Planet of the Apes and genetic manipulation. They also discuss dinosaur bones with soft tissue found on them, a haunted house and lake monsters in New Jersey. This webcast is uncensored.


  1. Replies
    1. In after the more superior Mexican Bigfoot poster who was able to precede me with their magnificent contribution.

    2. Don't forget the Pacifico's
      : )

    3. Stupid question what If BF ruled the earth. Simple really, we wouldn't have a fashion industry which would piss off the gay bf.

  2. Bigfoot certainly rules the lives of the JREF footers who desperately attempt to be skeptics, while posting about the subject dozens of times a day.

    1. Bigfoot is real, skeptic. Quit trying to pretend that you are a bigfooter exposing bigfooters posing as skeptings when you yourself are a skeptic posing as a bigfooter who is exposing skeptics, ya bastid!

    2. Yeah. Like a movie reviewer refusing to believe Sharknado is on par with Schindlers List. They secretly think it's the next Citizen Kane but won't admit it. Idiot..

    3. Alert Alert...... The Queen of all JREFERS has been found behind a Home Depot in San Antonio on his/hers hands and knees.The police report has stated that his\hers Golden Vibrating Butt Plug of Skepticism went haywire. Also there was a note attached to his nature sack with the initials of R D.
      If anyone has any information regarding this horrible act, please contact the JREFERSOFBUTTPLUGISM.COM

      And I thanks you fer yer time.Stank Ape/Hillbillie.

    4. You must be sophisticated to know about Orson Bean.

    5. I got sucked into the bigfoot subculture and I really don't know if I'm a footer, foot-tard, skeptic, skeptard, pro-kill, no-kill, habituator, bigfoots are people proponent, bigfoots are apes believer, pro-PGF, anti-PGF, knower, bleever, skofftic, or just what the deuce I am. I think I need to check into a psycho ward.

    6. If they aren't real then you must eventually admit to yourself that you spent a lot of blood, sweat, and tears on make believe.

    7. I will absolutely never accept that I have wasted the prime years of my blessed life expending toturous effort in searching for a fairy tale beast. You may as well ask me to drink a gallon of turpentine.

    8. I know where I stand! Whack one of them suckers already..

    9. I don't know if bigfoot is real or not, but one thing is certain: Bandini is pretty much a jackass.

    10. loves to ride the butt plug of love ^

  3. Beyonce would have to change the lyrics to her song
    "who rule the world? ....bigfoot"

  4. Basketball rims would have to be a little bit higher


    1. So u assume that bigfoot would be good at basketball?

    2. Basketball jones


    3. 5:35

      Oh yeah.

      Listen to the song

    4. they would form their own league and team bigfoot would beat the U.S in every olympics !

    5. MMC, We spat. A lot. But that was funny. Good on you, you nutjob.

    6. Bigfoot would lose every event except hide and seek.

      The thing can only do one thing intelligently, and that is cower like a dog.

    7. 6:32

      I found it funny too. Glad you enjoyed it


    8. George Harrison, Billy Preston and Carole king played on the basketball recording. Great song


    I don't know whats going on anymore

  6. Man thos squatches aint never gonna rule the wold. Hell ol mr GRASSMAN took WILLYS gun right from his hands but didn't have the BRAINS to put 2 an 2 together an turn the tables on team AIMS. He just DROPPED the dang thing.

    1. Dang ol mr GRASSMAN be tooo DRUNK on shiner MASH

    2. "Wild Bill" the PHONY Marine!

  7. What if Paperclips ruled the earth?
    That is just about as believable and feasible as the made up bigfoot idea.
    Only idiots believe in bigfoot.

    1. 6:45 comes here and says the same thing everyday. He's just lashing out at his fellow footers because his own sighting wasn't bleeved.

  8. Dawn of the Planet of the Apes was terrific. I loved it.

    1. The story was decent, but the CGI ape stunts were unrealistic. They should have hired Bill Munns to create live action ape suits to give the film a better feeling of verisimilitude.

    2. Ernie is Joe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. I see that psychopath who pretended to find the P/G suit is over on the BFF lying to the footers again although he said this before he left the last time : " I have endeavoured to enter into the foreign service of my country as a diplomat using my language skills and knowledge of foreign affairs and history."

    LOL..Is this asshole for real ? That's a lie only the JREF footers would believe.

  10. Bigfoot does not exist. So there.

  11. About the dinosaur creationalist guy in Steve's news section:
    "Mark H. Armitage earned a BS in Education from Liberty University and an MS in Biology (parasitology), under Richard Lumsden (Ph.D. Rice and Dean of Tulane University’s graduate program) at the Institute for Creation Research in San Diego, CA. He later graduated Ed.S. in Science Education from Liberty University and is a doctoral candidate there....Until recently, Mark served as the Manager for the Electron and Confocal Microscopy Suite in the Biology Department at California State University Northridge. Mark was suddenly terminated by the Biology Department when his discovery of soft tissues in Triceratops horn was published in Acta Histochemica...This is the first report of sheets of soft tissues from Triceratops horn bearing layers of osteocytes, and extends the range and type of dinosaur specimens known to contain non-fossilized material in bone matrix."

    1. However....

      "See bone is alive it contains cells called osteoblasts and osteoclasts that build and tear down bone in constant remodelling allowing it to deal with the stresses and strains of normal life and indeed fractures. To find fossil evidence of them is kind of cool.
      The prior notion was that millions of years should cause such soft tissue to degrade, however newer theories think that in specific cases the soft tissue can be mummified and preserved particularly if it is kept in an anaerobic state.
      Not one of these ideas pushes fort the fact that the Triceratops in question is 4000 years old by the way...This is not the termination of an employee because of his religious views but the termination of an employee who literally believes in fairy tales and who is utilising actual research in an intellectually dishonest manner. "


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