Watch This Video Ghost Attacks Man Caught on Security Camera

So you're just walking down an empty hallway in your hoodie and baseball cap, minding your own business, when all of a sudden a shadowy form approaches and shoves you to the ground! You try to escape, but the formless apparition grabs your leg and starts dragging you down the seemingly well lit corridor. Finally it releases its deathly cold grip, and you are able to flee to safety. Or maybe not.


  1. Replies
    1. If, by Bigfoot, you mean Mexican Bigfoot, then yes.


    2. ISIS’s Black Flags Are Flying in Europe

      The symbol of the murderous Islamic State is waving in The Hague. ‘Death to the Jews,’ shout the demonstrators

    3. therm thumpers bring in Bigfoot and worms

    4. Executive Order 13662: Obama Bans AK-47s
      SO NO AKs for YOU

    5. 1:35 maybe the jewish liberal media will start fluffin the right wing hawks. Keep a eye out for it, I bet it happens.

    6. How can you tell you're at a gay BBQ

    7. But your guess also is true lol a gay general contractor told me that pop shot out of my nose

    8. What's up harry, how you doing mang?
      Big doris

    9. If a contractor told me that!
      It woulda been pacifico, or some swill blowin out my nose! Lol

    10. Lol same shit new day how's about on your end

  2. WILD BILL and WILLY needin to build some traps fer tham types of critters

    1. what type of Knife does Wild Bill gots
      i gots to gets me 1

  3. Replies
    1. I see that psychopath who pretended to find the P/G suit is over on the BFF lying to the footers again although he said this before he left the last time : " I have endeavoured to enter into the foreign service of my country as a diplomat using my language skills and knowledge of foreign affairs and history."

      LOL..Is this asshole for real ? That's lie only the JREF footers would believe.

    2. That was the ghost of Treyvon trying to steal that mans hoodie.

    3. 1:15 is a butthurt BFF member who doesn't like it when JREF spoils the make believe fun and games.

    4. Comment of the week;

      "AnonymousMonday, July 28, 2014 at 7:34:00 PM PDT
      Here's the explanation:

      Teacher: What does your daddy do for fun at home when he's not working ?

      Kid : He looks up Bigfoot stuff.

      Teacher: Oh.

      Kid : He posts about it on a bunch of different websites and he also watches Bigfoot shows and has some books about it.

      Teacher: So he's a footer ?

      Kid : No, he says he's not like those idiots cuz he's a skeptic.

      Teacher: LOL"

    5. Joe so you agree footers are idiots? Fair play man, fair play.

    6. Joe just called himself an idiot haha the just can't catch a break

    7. ^
      William Parcher again ? Come on man you're like 50 and still in your elderly mother's basement spending most of your worthless existence pretending to be a skeptic.

    8. ^
      No, I sent your mother packing last night.

    9. NOooooooooo me mom iss DEAD

    10. 2:00... You really shouldn't bite, I'll only use it more.

      Plenty found, none caught.

    11. whuts tham mexicun folk invadin lack tham la raza ans MS-13 ans such

    12. Sykes is coming! Get up on that pedestal JoeREF.

    13. I'm on the same one. And Sykes is certainly coming.

    14. back to the kebab king with you

    15. joe be smokin these dumb ass JREFERS..... Lmao.....

  4. Are the JREF footers led by the raging simpleton who tried to get reckless endangerment charges filed on the NAWAC'ers still waging war on the NAWAC'ers on JREF?

    1. when Mountain Monsters reruns coming on!

    2. Ahh, Drew has just clung himself to the NAWAC people like a mold because he was banned from the original BFF when Brown owned it. Obviously still butt hurt over it.

    3. I once worked at a sperm bank but was fired for drinking on the job! 😢


    4. Lizard demon are in tham woods

    5. HI!!!! It's me Big Jon,,,
      2:20.. ME TOO! ; (

    6. "Ahh, Drew has just clung himself to the NAWAC people like a mold because he was banned from the original BFF when Brown owned it. Obviously still butt hurt over it."

      That makes a lot of sense. Either that or he's an epic loser in life.

  5. DWA's first name is Donn. More to come as the story unfolds.

  6. "The film is not convincing to me at all and I think the case Prothero makes for fraud/hoax is quite credible, more so than the film." - Prof. Todd Disotell

  7. he bein mexicun caws wes gots mor than wes needin heers

  8. The "ghost" looks less blurry in its reflection on the floor. Now all we need is a bigfoot to attack someone in the same hallway and BOOM. Mystery solved.

  9. So its a bigfoot site and you douchebags start talking about iraq? fuckin morons


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