This "Bigfoot" Taken By Tammy Murray Is The Most Realistic One I've Seen, Yet

Our friend Tammy Murray just got back from Beachfoot a few days ago and it looked like our good friend Rictor and her had a blast at the event. Along with photos from the conference, Tammy also shared these awesome photographs of a massive woodape:

Reminds me of the squatch from Harry and the Hendersons 

Front view

I see a little sadness in its face

Tammy and the squatch


Probably the only Ripley's Believe it or not museum showcasing Bigfoot

Everything you'd expect from a Bigfoot photograph. Blurry.

"I got Bigfoot by the balls now!" - Rictor Riolo


  1. Replies
    1. "Wild Bill" The PHONY Marine!

    2. Only if being a Marine, Bear Hunter, expert tracker, and trap builder that carries a BIG KNIFE is a faker come on! REALLY !!!


    1. Haha pwned by Evans and sykes

    2. "Wild Bill" The PHONY Marine!

    3. told you that dude was gay... see first chance he goes right for Mr. Squatch's kahonies

    4. WILD BILL gots a BIG KNIFE

    5. 2:47, "Haha pwned by Evans and sykes:"

      You are gleeful that Sykes and Evans didn't find a bigfoot?

      If so, why are you gleeful? What are you gleeful about?

      Please elaborate in detail below. BEB wants to know why you are gleeful.

  3. THE best teeth in bigfooting

  4. Bryan Sykes: "Imagine the scene when you're at a particular hotspot wood and there are 2 groups of bigfootologists, one on either side of the wood that start knocking and then the others respond, it would go on for ages wouldn't it then"

    Mark Evans: "Communicating to each other"

    Bryan Sykes: "Yes and unknowingly ha ha ha"

    (Both mark and Bryan continue to laugh)

    1. Mark Evans' face once a returning wood knock came back;


    2. Yet he was not persuaded. There are other explanations than 8 foot apes wacking trees with a stick.

    3. Joes face when the credits rolled on bigfoot files;


    4. I took it has having a little laugh, sense of humour if you will. It is in fact quite a funny idea. The fact that he's theorizing as to what people are seeing and rallying researchers to find more samples, whilst defending them... Tells you something.

    5. (Duh?)

      That he has an enthusiastic stance on the subject.

    6. Carl the Gardner in "Caddyshack", as portrayed by Bill Murray, gives us a key in pursuit of another species....."In order to catch the Gopher (Bigfoot) you should act like and whenever possible even look like ....the Gopher (Bigfoot) To achieve this you must find suitable sustainable habitat, clean water/dense cover area with travel corridors, and plenty of game. Now it's time to have fun. When you want to try to collect audio go to the bible ( Morehead Berry Tapes) and then branch out. My own unique journey led me everywhere from Freeman Young's fantastic interview where he not only deftly covers mimicry but he does it great himself, to his overlapping speed speech and Scoobey Squatch impersonations. It's spot on and deadly funny. Then we go into the strange mystical world of shaman chanting and the speeding up and slowing down of recordings to try and make out their actual phonetic sounds. Finally, as my family did, and yours will hopefully too, when they walk in on you playing slow looped dogs and cows just to hear a quick rapid fire staccato Sasquatch blip which likely meant nothing more than one Bigfoot telling another to get out from under the damn porch idiot you will have arrived at a point where they might ask you if you'd like to go on a little trip to see a nice man in a white coat. It is at that point that you should turn off all recordings and take off your headphones and look your family in the eye and try mimicry yourself. In my best Ian Holm/Bilbo Baggins voice I replied " I think I'm quite ready to go on another adventure " :)

    7. Footnote: metallic sounds. Sasquatch have the ability to produce sounds which sound like machinery. The last interaction I heard was one doing a classic owl hoot. The other replied with an owl screech. The screech, as good and long and creepy as any owl could ever hope to produce, nevertheless sounded as if it were made by taking cut tin soup cans and running their edges along a chalk board. That was my cue to leave as it was very close and I was out of AFRIN.

    8. Thanks Joe, as you very well know my journey in this subject matter is coming to an end very soon. But you could easily spend a lifetime on this fascinating subject. Would it were that colleges or universities found it suitable for grants. I would be sitting in the back row of Freeman Young's audio class thinking " I study human science I love my classes, I got a crazy teacher he wears dark glasses and things are great and there only getting better, I'm doing all right and getting good future's so bright...I gotta wear shades"

    9. So good watching mike troll Joe

    10. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    11. Was I?, perhaps my conversational tone in commentary waxed a bit nostalgic. But I ask you to consider just one more possibility. That perhaps it was you, my dearest of all Anonymous Responders, whose quip at 4:43 provided the exact audio that I required. :)

    12. MIKE. Fantastic. Sometimes I think I am viewed in the same vein.

      I go back three years to our 10 day family reunion at my sisters and brother in laws weekend house on Round/Indian in Iosco county, MI ( about 10 miles west of East Tawas, MI ) in a time period spanning July 4 2011. I am usually in bed by midnight for an early rise. This night I stayed up late sipping on my last beer for the night. It was at 2 am that a call came out directed across the lake to the North. It had a lot of volumn to it and was very loud, definitely the loudest people type sound I had heard in this area ever. ( The young ones are always parting around this lake at this time of year but their voices have always been muffled ). I actually thought the sound may have been blasted by a loud stereo speakers and said to myself, damn someone is sound blasting for a Sasquatch. Almost immediately comes a loud owl type sound about 50 yards away and closer to me than the blast. Then right after came the sound of a loon with the early morning cooing sound that was loud, however it seemed almost to loud for a loon. You just do not hear loons up here at 2 am, instead almost always as first light comes. Then all was quiet and 10 seconds later came the long drawn out wail/ moan so reminiscient of the Ohio Moan. This came from the Woods to the north and I could tell it was maybe a mile away, but was created by something with enormous lung capacity. It only happened once and all was quiet. I waited another half and hour and none of the sounds were repeated.

      I was certain at the time and told everyone the next day that I had heard a bigfoot a mile to the north coming out of the Huron National Forest. They were amused however it bothered me not. It was the other sounds that bothered me for 2 1/2 years. If someone was call blasting why only one especially since they got a response and why from a cabin/house about 300 yards away. The owl and loon I thought had answered the call blast but why. The Ohio moan from the North I thought had answered the call blast.

      Now fast forward to this year. I read Freeman Youngs accounts you speak of. I listened to Coonbo Baker and others on the Sasquatch Chronicles. They all talked about the Sasquatch ability to mimic forest animals. Freeman Young talked about how they will send in members to the edges of civilization at night for food and maybe other purposes. It was with all this that the AH HA moment came for me. I now realize that all the calls came from Sasquatches signaling each other. I am just not sure weather it was 2, 3, or four. Part of the group were sent into the lake area and were on Indian River road most likely, probably for food. The head of the clan was the one to the North and his moan was a signal to the one(s) close to me to come on back.

      MIKE what you speak of is true, although I have not heard the metallic type sounds, many have attested to it and I am more than certain it is true. What I did hear that night in 2011 made for a special July 4 holiday.


    13. Chuck man that was great. Let's just roll on with it then. The scariest sounds don't even necessarily have to be at night and they most certainly are not what creatures they are attempting to mimic and done to both communicate and I think sometimes they really enjoy messing with certain people. Last summer I drove the 1/2 mile of gravel past 3 coded gates to get to the ranch house and I was shocked to see noone was there. As I jumped out of my truck at the house I heard a duck call in my driveway and almost certainly done from inside my hay barn. He was late on his "Mikes here" signal as I usually quickly exit all vehicles as if there were gunfire present. And sometimes there is :). Yet it's effect was literally stunning. I froze. I began to examine what or where a "duck" would be calling from when the hair on the back of my neck and my goosebumps had already told my body in sensory response that I was in fact in very real danger at 2 pm by myself in the middle of nowhere. So I did what every brave man would do. I yelled knock it off and went and made a sandwich. Chuck what I like most about that was despite what you and I know we both still try to attach a natural sound like other Footers or a House Duck to that which we know is from them. Which in my opinion states the very case we are all dealing with internally and externally every time we consider these questions, that in terms of Subjects we do not know or understand and therefore fear, that there is a huge difference between knowledge and acceptance.

    14. And for the plaigerism police below my last quote was very similar to what Jor-el said to his son Kal-El when asked why he must hide his presence from the world...Because you are an alien to them. They do not know you or understand you. And that put all parties at too high a degree of risk, though I'm sure the daily planet enjoyed Clark Kent's service, such as it was. In the end Chuck I don't think mainstream science will ever want to examine the entire phenomenon. As Brad Pitts' character said at the end of "Killing me Softly".....This is America my friend and America is not a's just a business. Until mainstream academia can attach a value to this Subject beyond a "Television Reveal", and the business can profit and there are many, then what profit would there be in funding research to erase the fear and replace it with knowledge and acceptance.

    15. Very well stated MIKE. No one was home but in reality there was and it was not a duck. They have made this place a home ( for now ) and will share it, on their terms of course. I looked at some of your postings on google you made while I was in the U P. Man you have a face in their that is quite good.

      Body and brain are saying flee and you did the Tim Peeler on them. I really think they respect this approach. I agree with the messing around with people especially if they sense no trouble.

    16. I'm stepping back for a number of reasons. Chuck they have lost all fear of me and as a result now come so very close to me alone I watched a 19 second clip I took that had a young one just turn his back to hide. He didn't duck. And at that point a huge hairy hand came out of the bush on camera and clasped and unclenched not far at all from my head. It seems that to be accepted by them yet still feared around their young and therefore threatened in the manner I was on film, which is how Bob Garett says they often kill, by simple efficient one hand decapitation, is a risk I'm not willing to take. MKB

    17. And let me be even more specific. Cause if anyone ever could manage to get themselves killed by an undocumented species, be it Bigfoot or Count Dracula or even Count Chocula :), it's probably me.

    18. MIKE. I can fully understand the stepping back, especially since I am sure they will do anything, as all mammals will do to protect their young. What happened is way to close for comfort. What is needed at the ranch is Sonya, Todd Standings experimental habituator. For the Sasquatch entire history they have witnessed the male specie of our race doing all the hunting, first with spears, then arrows, and when the White Devil came, with the thunder sticks. The female was the gentle, smaller, petite, one that would cultivate the crops and nurture the young and posed no threat to the Sasquatches themselves. They are amused by you but the threat of you by just being a male is always at the top of their mind and danger is inherit.

    19. Well said, though I once dated an American Gladiator who was both more physically imposing and aggressive than me, for the most part you are absolutely correct. I did some things looking back in retrospect now that were beyond foolish in terms of luring them in by enticement or challenge and then later attempting to indoctrinate myself by mimicking their own behavior, into their unit. Then Again Chuck as resistant as I was to the terminology and no matter how much humor I used to mock and ridicule the current accepted approach at the time, I believed then as I do now that many of the things I did worked. Very few men can do what Bob and the Big Thicket crew do when they chase wild clans through a huge natural forest at night. The lines get real blurry real fast. Go back and listen to Bob recount his frightening night on The Lone Star Trail on Bigfoot Hotspot Radio and you will know what I mean. But, if you can emplore many of those same methods to a small clan in your area you may get what you want. Then again you may get a little more. Thanks Chuck, your fare is food for thought

    20. "... So I did what every brave man would do. I yelled knock it off and went and made a sandwich."

      Man, that made me laugh. Amazing thread again Chuck and Mike.

    21. Hey JOE. That is quite funny is it not. I did the same thing. It reminded me of Timothy Peeler in North Carolina and his story, quite remarkable if true, defending his chickens and standing next to an 8 plus footer with his long pole, sticking it in the ribs, and telling it to git.

      MIKE. I am not one to mock any method that is used. I have never been in that situation. The proof is that you methods have not resulted in them fearing enough to move on. I imagine this clan laughs at you and snickers to themselves, hell who knows maybe they even joke about it, about this goofy Texan. Your experiences are unique and I hope chronicled and someday may make for a great book, or at least a lengthy article.

    22. So plenty have been found, but none have been captured -- did I get that right?

    23. Chuck! I've watched that Tim Peeler and it's quite amazing!! One if the funniest things you'll see!

    24. I've always said the same; Mike's a top researcher. His affiliation with the best people in the game is testament to that.

    25. ans Wild Bill BIG KNIFE fer acuttin ans aslicin

    26. You have been consistent, I'll give you that.

    27. Sorry. I was at the bottom humming Hank Jr...ummm no doubt Chuck they are entertained by me and no doubt annoyed and maybe more when young are present. As to a good book I wont write it but I've saved some imagery that I feel can and will be enhanced for some media purpose. Most importantly I never took myself seriously or got caught up in the negative. Finally, Tim Peeler, Mike Chuck, they yell out to maintain their own self delusion that they maintain control of their specific area with regard to their own safety and self preservation at that time. That allows them to relax and free up the blood flow necessary to eventually digest the sandwich. :). Have a great day

    28. Just a Note. Just say a note on the Science channels Unexplained Files on TV next Tuesday. They will be examining the Paramus ( might have spelled wrong ) skulls. Mentioned what will DNA tell us. Also the word hybrid was used.


    29. Specifically what I was mocking wasn't so much a method as it was the mainstream idea that only one way works, and that this is a serious topic and that gives "us" the right to keep our findings secreted and ridicule others. I felt it was a cold way to operate and if you haven't guessed by now I have a warm heart and will likely spend eternity in a very warm climate. Email me man. Miss our old exchanges. Joe, as the great Stan Lee used to end Marvel Comics. "Nuff Said".

    30. DSM - I, for one, will miss your witty comments and insight. I wish you well and hope your eternity isn't too warm. Please pop in for a PSA once in awhile for our safety ;-) Uno!

  5. Mark Evans: "And what about the rest of Bryan's american results?

    There were 7 samples from Washington state.

    2 were cows.

    1 was a black bear.

    1 was a white tailed deer.

    Derek randles high hopes sample was canine, a wolf or a dog.

    And so was the hair from marcell cagy's backyard.

    And elsewhere in the USA, there was a horse in texas, a racoon in Arizona and way up in Michigan a porcupine."

    Bryan Sykes: "Am I disappointed we didn't find a bigfoot? I guess it would have been fun if we had but my ambitions of the project are entirely fulfilled in that we have identified and examined the best evidence and done it in a scientific systematic and successful way, so I'm really very pleased."

    1. "I don't think this finishes the Bigfoot myth at all. What it does do is show is that there is a way for Bigfoot enthusiasts to go back out into the forests and get the real thing."

      "The fact that none of these samples turned out to be [Bigfoot] doesn’t mean the next one won’t,” said Bryan Sykes, the Oxford researcher who led the study, according to the Associated Press."

    2. Someone's conjecture and someone's actual results are very different things.

      The results stand for themselves.

    3. When the conjecture is backed up an enthusiasm to "go get the evidence" (notice he's suggesting the evidence is there), then a handful of samples is merely that that have not turned out to be Bigfoot are merely that.

    4. No. When the conjecture is backed up by actual samples then and only then will you have a point.

    5. ... And when you have all the time in the world to attain those samples and a willing participant who's the best geneticist in the world ready to test them, I you'll get an awful lot more sweaty by the end.

    6. Joe sounds more and more like DWA every day.

    7. If DWA spends as much time as I do baby sitting and correcting closure desperation, then we're most certainly similar.

    8. Similar as in deluded, yes.

    9. It's deluded to maintain a false scenario, yes... We're getting somewhere.

    10. DWA is abhorred by proponents and skeptics alike.

      Welcome to the club.

    11. He's a poor mans DWA that doesn't post on BFF, just scours it for hours stealing other people's posts and rewords them to make them seem original. It's supposed to be a clever attempt at skirting plagiarism but alas it's still plagiarism.

    12. reference
      noun: reference; plural noun: references
      the action of mentioning or alluding to something.
      "he made reference to the enormous power of the mass media"
      synonyms: mention of, allusion to, comment on, remark about; More
      a mention or citation of a source of information in a book or article.
      "each chapter should have references to books covering the subject in greater depth"
      a source of information cited in a book or article.
      synonyms: source, information source, citation, authority, credit
      the use of a source of information in order to ascertain something.
      "popular works of reference"
      the sending of a matter to an authority for decision or consideration.
      "the publishers reprinted and sold the work without reference to the author"
      synonyms: referral, transfer, passing on, handover, direction, remission
      a letter from a previous employer testifying to someone's ability or reliability, used when applying for a new job.
      "I was dismissed from the library, but with a good reference"
      synonyms: testimonial, character reference, recommendation, good word, backing,
      verb: reference; 3rd person present: references; past tense: referenced; past participle: referenced; gerund or present participle: referencing
      provide (a book or article) with citations of sources of information.
      "each chapter is referenced, citing literature up to 1990"
      mention or refer to.
      "the media referenced our association in almost 40 articles"

    13. bigfoot exists only in your idiotic welsh brain

    14. It is in fact in your own back yard... Don't worry, it's ok, nothing will hurt you.

    15. You're a liar, Joe. Do you get off and feeding people your lies? You're sick!

    16. Aren't you the one making things up about me being Shawn and being a paid troll and stuff?


    17. ... To which Sykes will most certainly be coming.

      ; )

    18. Vroooooom vroooooooooooom vrooom

    19. obamacare take care of all your truth needs and its FREE

  6. Rictor is living out his fantasy


    1. I also envy Rictor!

      Wish i had the b***s to show off my man to the world! :'(


    2. My boyfriend bought me a dozen yellow roses! :')

      Thanks, Zach!


  7. There is something on the hill...

    1. Where's the red circle? I don't see it.

    2. "Wild Bill" The PHONY Marine!

    3. Wild Bill the bear hunter and expert tracker!

    4. "Wild Bill" the PHONY Marine!
      "Trapper" the phony trapper!
      "Buck" when he falls, he creates his own land slides!
      'Huckleberry" the guy with uncut Toe nails, and a questionable past!
      "Jeff" Whose never writes nothing down when taking notes!
      "Willy" Who never even caught a mouse!
      All PHONIES!!

    5. HOLD UP thar thats some mighty strong wurds you ausin

  8. Replies
    1. I prefer bikinis, but hell I am normal.

    2. Wild Bill" The PHONY Marine!

    3. WILD BILL expert bear hunter, expert tracker ans gots a A BIG KNIFE

    4. Wild Bill" The PHONY Marine!

    5. Wild Bill a Marine dont know about the phony!

  9. There's something in these pills!

    1. thinking more like theres something on the HILL

  10. I will write it with this quill!

  11. Off this subject, but I'm commenting here as this is a fresh thread.
    Several people comment on here all the time about the AIMS team featured on the "Mountain Monsters" show.

    I've written (Via Email) to the "Master Trapper"? Trapper John Tice. I asked him the following questions, as I am a "Master trapper" I've trapped for over 40 years.
    I asked him:
    1. What is a Dirt hole set?
    2. What is a scent post set?
    3 What is a Blind set?
    4. What animals do you use a #2 coil spring trap for?
    5. What animals do you use a #330 conibear for?
    He never answered me back!
    I also posed the same questions to the other team members, but they never answered me back!
    Yet, THEY DID answer some of my friends questions about the show!
    My conclusion: "There all PHONIES"!

    1. Bigfoot dont exist and it's all nonsense

    2. a key question posed is what type of shotguns do they carry and what type of shot do they use!
      and what type of knife does Wild Bill carry!

    3. ^
      Teacher: What does your daddy do for fun at home when he's not working ?

      Kid : He looks up Bigfoot stuff.

      Teacher: Oh.

      Kid : He posts about it on a bunch of different websites and he also watches Bigfoot shows and has some books about it.

      Teacher: So he's a footer ?

      Kid : No, he says he's not like those idiots cuz he's a skeptic.

      Teacher: Sure he is.. LOL"

    4. 8 am. A Conibear trap we used when I was young to trap nuisance beaver from destroying drainage systems and muskrats from putting holes in our dams. Scent Hole and Post Hole are terms of art for the two holes you have to dig to place a set. I don't know what a blind set is but I'm going to guess it's an attempt to set a trap with a species nonspecific bait for whatever predator (for example) responds. ie one set with rotten moose in Alaska could yield any number of predators. You are probably correct, hunting giant apex predators into a scrap trap by driving them in at gunpoint to feed seems to indicate entertainment only. Thanks for the post great stuff and by the way, I chose this thread because I saw Tammy and the crew and I truly liked the pics.

    5. and if i may add a speed trap is when your friends and role models the police have about a half mile stretch of road where they drop the speed limit without any advanced warning ie 55 to 35 then the top of the line apex predator strikes causing heart palpitations rapid blood pressure surges and sudden anger,then as a friendly reminder they give you a 200 dollar fine....atticus j finch

    6. oh and a death trap.....sisters 70 nova with missing floorboard

    7. Allright Atticus. I got one last little thing for you. Ever heard of a "Reverse DWI Trap". They were popular for a while but have since been ruled unconstitutional in many states. It's when the Officer puts out a sign that reads DWI Roadblock Ahead Do Not Exit. Then instead of placing one up ahead they lie in wait at the end of the first exit ramp after their sign. Whoever invented that one really was the booger with the sugar. Behave Yourself Now! :)

    8. TRAPPER - expert in alls tham woodland ways

    9. gotta pay for the new challengers somehow

    10. $$$ obamacare $$$ save U $$$

    11. "Trapper" the biggest BS'r in the World! Bigger than even Matt MoneyMaker!

    12. "Wild Bill" The PHONY Marine!

    13. NO way TRAPPER been trappin critters fer 40 yeers

    14. "Trapper" doesn't even know what a "Dirt hole set" is! The only traps he put out in his CONDO, were mouse traps!


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