There's Going To Be a Documentary Made on The Ape Canyon Attack and Its Location

During one evening In 1924, a group of miners shot at a mysterious 7-foot-tall apelike creature that was milling around the makeshift cabin they had built in the canyon to assay a nearby claim. That night, as the miners tried to get some shut-eye, their cabin was reportedly pelted with rocks, logs and other forest debris by a band of at least three of the “Big Foot” ape creatures—the miners later measured footprints at up to 19 inches long. In the morning, the story goes, the miners came upon and shot one of the ape creatures, which fell some 400 feet into the canyon, presumably to a certain death, although no remains of any kind were ever recovered. It was understood that the cabin was burnt to the ground around 1968 and the exact location of the claim was thought to be lost forever. Our friend Marc and his group, the "Dark Waters Paranormal Group" has been trying to find the old claim and here's the latest update on that:

Just wanted to update you on the Ape Canyon Project.

Mainly out of nostalgia, our first trip this year was for four days on the 90th anniversery of the 1924 attack on the miner's cabin. We went to the camp site Tuesday July 8th and came down July 11th.

During field research, we found more cabin site evidence, the srping that the miner's had used and a strange surprise off trail on the way out. The print was cast and is awaiting clean-up of the cast to see if it's worth anything. I'm just the historical research guy, so I'm passing this on to other folks for analysis.

No mine entrance found yet. We have a trip planned through the summer. We also have a trip planned in early October with Cliff Barrackman and Craig Flippy. A special guest on the October trip is a direct decendant of two of the miners. So that will be a lot of fun.

I have a podcast interview scheduled for Wednesday, July 23rd on CryptoLogic Radio podcast, in case you want to get in on the details.

Moreover, I'm scheduled for HopSquatch in Portland, Oregon on November 16th.  Getting the word out on this amazing adventure!

On the book/DVD, MOUNTAIN DEVIL!!!, we're hoping for publication and release this winter!

Here's a preview of the documentary:

True Story: Bigfoot Terrifies Miners, 1924 Mount St. Helens Fred Beck Story, Gold Miner:


  1. Replies

    2. When in Mexico, Bigfoot.

    3. Why does Wild Bill wear such tight pants ? Fashion over function ?

    4. poop in a jar waas stupid too! Your repetative nature makes you out to be rather slow and childish. how old are you really, enquiring bigfot bloggers want too know how old of a person comes and writes the same stupid crap over and over --------- so how old are ya kid? 10?


    6. cawz WILD BILL gots that thar BIG KNIFE ans talks da talks of back in the ol USMC says

  2. sownds like thos MINERS had an encownter with a flok of GALLYSNACTERS attaking thair cabin like wut hapend to teem AIMS

    1. Congrats to MMC on his Engagement!

    2. Miners get attacked at a cabin, AIMS Team gets attacked at a cabin and Bigfoot steps on nail welcome mat at a cabin.


    3. Is it legal in MMC's state?

    4. ^ LOL, Mid Michigan CCCCCUUUUUMMMMIIINNNGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    5. Huckleberry is out looking for little girls!

    6. WILD BILL sayin he hates tham flyin critters lacks tham gallysnacters ans mothmans caws traps aint wurkin on tham critters

  3. Here is Fred Beck's recent work detailing the incident. Hopefully peeps can stay true to the tale and include Beck's opinions about (even in 1924) this incident undoubtedly containing a psychic/anomalous side:

  4. Replies
    1. It's a story alright, yes. A story.

    2. No! It's a BS story! You sir, stand corrected!

  5. Replies
    1. ^
      William Parcher again? Come on man, you've spent several years of your worthless existence pretending to be a skeptic on JREF, sock puppeting on the BFF and posting here day and night. You're Bigfoot obsession is making you lose what little marbles you started with.

    2. There goes Joe again nominating himself for presdient of a bigfoot blog. Hes living the troll dream folks. Joe Joe the circus ape!!

    3. Remember HILLARY knows nothing -
      including Benghazi

    4. ^ no worries Islamic hard-line militias have taken control of Libya's second largest city, Benghazi

  6. Will there be a documentary on the first unicorn to land on Plymouth Rock?

    1. starring Mathias Wampummaker as the gruff but lovable Senor Kaboom

    2. My thoughts and feelings on this particular subject will be available to the general public very soon.

      Graham Wellington

    3. could bes tham mountain giants

  7. Since the offspring of the Bigfoot who were involved, are likely still there, it may not be wise to stand near any cliffs. Just sayin

    A USFS engineer with the Gifford Pinchot NF, who quit in the fall of 2009, had found several building sites in the canyon. He was stationed in Randle.

  8. Bigfoot's doublewide on the north side was destroyed in thee 1980 eruption. He moved to Texas.

  9. Ape canyon is a hoax! One of the participants confessed on his deathbed it was all made up.


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