Is This the Fabled Beast of Bodmin?

Sightings of big cats have taken place numerous times throughout history in the UK. The only problem is they aren't supposed to have any. A student recently photographed what they believe to be the Beast of Bodmin, one of the more famous of the phantom cats of the UK.

Henry Warren, 19, was taking pictures in fields near his home in Gwinear, west Cornwall, when a huge cat like creature leapt out in front of him.

The student managed to rattle off several frames before the animal disappeared into undergrowth.

The sighting took place around 45 miles from remote Bodmin Moor, where the famous beast is said to roam.

It has been reported to the Plymouth-based British Big Cat Society.

Britain's most famous big cat was first spotted in 1983 and there have been over 60 recorded sightings since.

For the entire article, click here.


  1. Replies
    1. Wooooooo woooooooooo good evening ladies

    2. Guess who's back? The dork with the ugly wife

    3. Awe what's a matter spanky everyone ignoring you again sissy

    4. Where's Will Parcher and where is the Mexican Bigfoot?

    5. Hey harry, hope all is good with you man!
      Here in so cal work is Slow.
      anyways good to see ya!
      Big doris.

    6. Hello Harry

      Don't mind the troll. He always feels insignificant

      Because he is


    7. MMC. What are you talking about?
      Big Doris.

    8. Ya Doris it's good boomin down here I don't know where all the people are comin from to buy these houses it's absolutely insane 7 subdivisions with at least 8 houses goin up a week it's nuts hope it gets better on your end did you see my hilti set comment

    9. Doing alright Harry. I am too blessed to be distressed

      Anon 3:07 you want to find a mexican Bigfoot. This is a start



    10. Im happy your pop,poping the hilti HB, here in so cal to many company's gettin out of dodge,I guess taxes are to high, anyways i aint seen you
      around for a while, so i figured
      You were super busy.

      Hopefully i can get my fasttrack a pop,popin on some bottom track soon
      Big doris.

    11. And Joe too.. Just kidding. This shit is boring with out you to yell at. How's the music on you're side of the pond? I have A Perfect Circle live going on. Good stuff. If you're inclined, try Sara Jarosz. More talent than Baskin Robbins has flavors. Kick you in the junk tomorrow. Right now, I'm pooped. The Landcaper..

    12. Well I'm still listening to 80's American hardcore and 70's reggae so that kind if says it all about how I find modern music across the pond. I didn't know landscapers listened to Perfect Circle, my stereotypes have been bent out of perception for the day at least.

    13. A Perfect Circle and Big Gulps my friend. A perfect lunch. Check out Sara. She does a blue grass thing with a modern twist that will leave even you speechless. Gotta go. Tuesday is coming fast...

    14. I'll check it out for sure. Thanks.

    15. Isn't the female bassist for Perfect Circle playing for the Pixies at the moment? I'll check that out too.

    16. No Psuedo it's Kim Shattuck from the Muffs playing bass last time I checked, who'd have thought big cats, 80s hardcore and alt rock would bring us together? :)

    17. TRAPPER be right the bloodless howler be real

  2. Wasn't William Parcher banned from the BFF several times ?

    1. Obsess over other men much?

    2. I know the JREF footers won't understand this but anyone playing with a full deck could easily tell that guy doesn't have a full set of dishes. He's what ? one of ten adults on the whole planet obsessed with a mythical creature while simultaneously pretending to be a skeptic ? That's not cutsey crazy, that's indicative of a massive simpleton.

    3. Okay, so why don't you marry and then rehabilitate him?

    4. Isn't the parcher dude also the one that idolizes the guy over there that was pretending to be fighting off insurgents in another country while posting at his house in Alaska about Bigfoot ?

      What a

    5. The fact of the matter is, if you believe in bigfoot in your heart of hearts, you are an idiot.

    6. ^
      Don't be so hard on yourself.

    7. DWA is here again I see

  3. British big cats are true crazy as it sounds! They've even been shot and stuffed and mounted in the past! A lot of people think that it was the 1976 Dangerous Wild Animals Act which led to private zoos and owners letting them loose but they go back earlier than that. There's a scientific paper based on the remains of a Lynx shot round WW1 time wild in the UK that's a Canadian lynx according to DNA tests. Lynx have been extinct in England for at least 500+ years!
    I know it sounds like bs but it's true! There are other validated stories of escaped animals escaping from zoos and surviving for months before being recaptured, they include a puma and some monkeys! Of course we're only talking smaller big cats no lions and tigers although there have been some tiger escapes in the past!

    1. I guess you're the only one talking about the post, looks like a dog to me.

    2. 3:28... Absolutely amazing comment there pal, I'm really into this at the moment. One of the biggest concentrations of sightings is around he corner from me where I live in South Wales, and a close friend of mine is affiliated with some of the very best in researching this at the moment, I'm happy to say.

      Is this a fox though?

    3. Wow Psuedo Joe thanks for liking my post, betcha didn't know it was me :)

    4. Well science boy, there was nothing in your comment that I couldn't 100% agree with. If you knew what information I'm at liberty to regarding this subject, you'd be very excited.

    5. That info was from Dr Darren Naish who is a member of the British Big Cat Society and was a peer reviewer of Ketchum's epic fail. He's the one involved in the lynx testing which has a well documented chain of evidence all the way back to 1919 I think? He's also dropped some bombshells about Orang Pendek in the past including a paper on hair recovered by scientists and also that there could be skeletal remains misidentified in a Dutch Museum.

  4. Actually that's the fabled beast of Nimdob.

    1. ^Not to be confused with the Tabled Feast of Nimcumpoop's. Now that's a party!

  5. it has been said by many there are tens of thousands bigfoots roaming the backwoods. question is why don't someone catch one?. answer : they don't exist. that was an easy question. next.

    1. ^
      Does your boyfriend or wife believe that you're a skeptic while you're posting on a bigfoot blog everyday ?

    2. Does you're

      Does your's know you don't have a job and are dicking around on the internet instead of filling out job apps?

  6. dat be da CHEROKEE DETH CAT fer sur. an gess hoo cowt thaat son of a bich on camra/ THA DAM ROOKEE

    1. dang tham cherokee death cats caws tham critters agitin me chickens shure is

  7. Replies
    1. Yup. Named Mama Kitty. Her friends call her Fatty. She looks like she swallowed a cantaloupe.

  8. Nothing was "tested" by Munns. This is evident by the "fact" that his non-scientific methodology produced "perfect" matches for disparate inputs. He used artistic rendering software to attempt to recreate some scenes from the film but NONE of the "measurements" in his "analysis" were such. His rendering of the objects in the scenes were digitised by eye. He makes absolutely no scientific attempt to account for measurement error. Whereas, for less than $500 he could have used an photogrammetry (nag, nag) tool that does account random and systematic errors and would be able to return a scientific estimate of the probably lens used to render a scene.

    Of course if he was honest in his attempt to solve this conundrum, he would make his existing scans, measurements and methodology available for others to reproduce and check.

    But that is not how Bigfoot Science[TM] works.
    That's how real science works.

    1. Once again, I must point out Bill Munn's bio includes something about the Two Breasted Chicken. Thanks to Joe for the assist. Rick Baker he ain't.

    2. "I've stated repeatedly and publicly that the lens issue, and the height estimate based on the lens calculation, are both under reivew and so that earlier conclusion is not currently endorsed."

      This is the plain and simple reason why no further estimates have been made or released to the public, because he doesn't want people jumping to a conclusion he can't support himself, he's still dealing with idiots in forums who are jumping all over his intial measurements that he retracted and admitted were inaccurate.


      "The reliability of photogrammetry was assessed in 18 healthy young, white Canadians of each sex. Landmarks were indicated on the face before direct measurement and photography. Of 104 surface measurements taken directly from the head, face, and ears of subjects, 62 could be duplicated on the life-size frontal and left lateral photographs taken from the head in standard position. Of these 62 measurements, 26 were reliable (the same as or differing from the direct measurements by no more than 1 mm or 2 degrees). The greatest number of reliable measurements were of the lips and mouth (7 out of 13), but no ear measurements were reliable. Almost half (9) of the reliable measurements were inclinations. More correct vertical measurements were possible from lateral prints than from frontal views, but many lateral facial measurements from profile prints were distorted."

      I'll finish, that the success of other SFX dudes ain't at the detriment of someone working 30 years in the field or any of he many people working wonders in the field... That's unless said expert makes you all sweaty, and you want to suggest that the only experts in an artistic field are those who've won awards. If that were the case, we'd have but a handful, and that ain't the case.



    3. What public? This guy couldn't get C Span 12's attention. The only conclusion anyone would jump to is this suckers movie career is done.

    4. It's done alright... He's an expert though.

    5. At what? Mid 90's lame ass effects? He's a turd. Otherwise he'd be gainfully employed instead of grabbing for the bigfoot tit. Again, Rick Baker he ain't...

  9. Who ponied up for bill Munns book then?

    Come on own up!

    1. The fact that he's in the bigfoot game now tells me all I need to know about his special effects skills. I suspect he has a lot of time on his hands and is counting dimes..

    2. Any of you got a monkey suit by any chance?? Remember... Everyone who researchers this field isn't legit to a rhetorical twonk.

      ; )

    3. Jack Hanna is a rhetorical twonk? Right now he's the go to guy regarding KNOWN animals. But I'm sure an internet twonk is smatter than the guys making a living on the subject.

    4. I'm not sure what Hanna has to do with this but hey! Let me know when you come across what Goodall and Attenborough have to say.

      Happy panicin'.

    5. Hamas gits thars heads handed to tham cawz da jews be on a crusade


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