Interview with Legendary Bigfoot Researcher Robert Dominguez

Bigfoot blogger and podcaster Johnny McBigfoot of Monster X Radio recently interviewed a good friend of mine, Robert Dominguez. Robert has been researching bigfoot in the Texas area for many, many years, and also uses some of his time to investigate the paranormal. Have a listen:

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  1. Replies
    1. I smelled that last a mile away.

    2. Robert Dominguez is actually me!


    3. smelled a mile away tham bein mexicun bigfeets fer shure

    4. I like to smell the butts of Mexican Bigfeets. Just to guess what they ate the night before.

    5. I like trolls but damn you guys are real newbies or very young or stupid.

    6. jewsquatchs be young and dumb

    7. Has no idea that he's on a Bigfoot Blog.^

    8. ^ WILD BILL and Willy can trap 1 of tham jewsquatchs

    9. I once shot a couple of them Mexican Jewsquatches.


    10. as long as Trapper dont go after any al qaeda squatches BUCK might be in a world of hurt

    11. Joe Biden tells anti-deportation protesters – 'I share your view'

    12. "Wild Bill" the PHONY Marine!

  2. "The film is not convincing to me at all and I think the case Prothero makes for fraud/hoax is quite credible, more so than the film." - Prof. Todd Disotell

    1. BS Joe can't play chess

    2. Damn. That is a check mate for the poor old boy especially as he uses Todd in one of his copy paste tantrums.

    3. Disotell is the 'go to' Bigfoot guy no one goes to.

      Is he a skeptic? Lost track amongst his million or so soundbites.

      The world of BF has been pretty good to the guy recently so here's to a million more.


    4. Just pull an en passant and watch Joe go WTF and cry.

    5. Yet he's here and has recommended it for peer review;

      ... Funny that.

    6. Oh,band we've checked... You can't spell.

    7. Ah Joe I knew it was you. I could smell ya coming off the elevator.

    8. So no comment on Chess?

    9. That one obviously registered when it was delivered.

    10. Joe you mentioned a friend of yours was close to a promient (for sake of a better word) Big Cat researcher in the UK, could you share his name? Not your friend this researcher....Is it Jonathan McGowan, oh I'll hurt you on that one, is it Neil Arnold again you'll get hurt, is it the CFZ you will really get hurt.

    11. I think you should mind your business. I think you're a silly little tu*d. Ha!

    12. I may have missed it, but I also asked who were the respected and trusted reseachers that DIDN'T give Sykes their samples...You kind of skipped over that one.

    13. Last I heard who was one of the few I did like said it was a crok science before he closed down the BCIB, I'm struggling to find anybody else...So come on Joe you are so happy to normally post about Bigfoot and attempt to school people, so whos this respected research person or group.

    14. I would have told you to count the amount of researchers there are out there and remember that samples are still and will forever more be accumilated and tested.

      "... if it's a relict hominid so what? It's just taken longer than the others to become extinct!"


    15. 3:31... Ha! How about you kiss my little Welsh ar*s? Ha ha ha ha!!

    16. thank you but I would rather you answer my questions, is that so hard?

    17. It's hard for you, because you are not welcome to that information, like yor not welcome to any of my personal details, creepy boy.

    18. sometimes answers are harder too answer, than asking the question

    19. Sometimes people just take a licking way too personally.

      ; )

    20. It's not hard for me at all, like you I ask questions and also dig for the truth. So asking valid questions you don't like?

      kind of kettle black and hypocritical concerning bigfoot don't you think?

    21. You would have to have something worth knowing for me to ask anything of you. You're not welcome to anything about me or anyone I know. I'm touched you care so much, don't let it ruin your life.

    22. You what? did I read that correct? I have to have something worth knowing when the almighty Joe stampedes the forum with bigfoot information left right and centre and freely and a simple question is asked and he gets all defensive and personal. mmmh!!!

      Again it was a simple question to validate your claims or your friends, like you so like to jump on with bigfoot research.

      If you can't take it which you appear not to be able to, I suggest you take a back seat and think more before you post.

    23. Awh, what's the matter, did I get you all jealous when I said that? Is this what it's about? You got all angwy when it turned out I might have one over on you?

      Ha ha ha ha ha!!!

    24. No I just realized you're not even worth bothering with and such an immature child. As only Children drop into comments like that not adults. What are you 16?

    25. Check the threads that have got you all butthurt bro, they're not from a 16 year old.

      ; )

    26. butthurt is an American turn like so many others of yours.

      - Peace

    27. I'm an American paid troll remember? Please tell us all again about it, ha ha ha!!

    28. "Wild Bill" the PHONY Marine!

    29. Joe is a paid troll, pay no attention to him. He wont give you a direct answer because he is paid to troll and antagonize.

    30. old MARINE like WILD BILL gits da JOB DONE

  3. Legendary an no solid evidence that is laughable

    1. Not a single "expert" has ever put forward any evidence. Hence the lack of bigfoot and the "got monkey?" comments.

    2. Well I think I said that but hey expand on it all you want, but the spice still needs to flow

    3. High five 3.07 it's time to put an end to this circus show.

    4. Entry level skeptics learning to type.

      How cute.


    5. Open season on Bigfooters $100 per head

    6. mmg = multi-man gangbang

    7. Comment of the week;

      "AnonymousMonday, July 28, 2014 at 7:34:00 PM PDT
      Here's the explanation:

      Teacher: What does your daddy do for fun at home when he's not working ?

      Kid : He looks up Bigfoot stuff.

      Teacher: Oh.

      Kid : He posts about it on a bunch of different websites and he also watches Bigfoot shows and has some books about it.

      Teacher: So he's a footer ?

      Kid : No, he says he's not like those idiots cuz he's a skeptic.

      Teacher: LOL"

      ... You people neither understand what the evidence is, nor have the ba*ls to step out of the closet and admit it's there. You've had all this time to 'end' it, yet more and more scientists end up to the contrary.

      Funny that.

    8. Comment of the decade:

      "Got monkey?"

    9. Which decade? Most likely the 80's.

      It tired and ragged round the edges. Very much like your typical JREF basement dweller.


    10. That's just you only because you are too naive to understand the serious obliteration delivered by "got monkey?"

    11. Kit has a monkey suit.

      No wait....



    13. "Wild Bill" the PHONY Marine!

    14. Got Nephilim?

      If it was a Joke, somebody would have delivered the punchline by now.

      If it was a suit, some body would have produced it.

      If it was a suit, somebody would have at least still had pictures of it right. You don;t think they wouldn't have taken a couple "test shots" befor heading all the way to Bluff Creek?

      If it was a suit, the suit maker would have fessed up by now!

      If it was a suit, somebody else would have made another from material of the era, but they haven't, have they!

      We can't proove it's real, and sceptics can't proove it isn't. Joe has a right to believe what he wants so get off him you IDIOT,

      And since I have personally seen one and heard them a a couple different occasions, I gaurantee, People are witnessing something amazing. But I also find it incredibly hard to believe after all these years, were getting punked by an evolved MONKEY------------B...S...

  4. Only one bigfoot in texas. It lives in mike b's bushes!

  5. If that's a fake MMG then it is very very good.

  6. Why no proof of bigfoot in the nature journal?

    1. sometimes bigfoots look like somthing else like bear or elk or some other critter so you thinking thats a bear or another critter but its a bigfoot

  7. legendary is really not a kind word in bigfootery. it means you spend your life looking for something that don't exist for one. it means you're out in the woods. nothing with that aspect but hollering out and knocking trees and doing ooohhhs and aaahs and saying shhhhh did you hear that.....

    1. When legend turns into cultures, mediums and evidence, then it's no wonder you have to consolidate on pop culture.

    2. When morons copy and paste on blogs with the same unsubstantiated claims then it's no wonder that bigfootery is just a sub culture of willing participants in a fantasy role playing game.

    3. When skepfooters try their best to role play the 'confident skeptic' and fail, they tend to then attack those you've got a little more ba*ls.

    4. @ 3:30
      Are you the mentally ill JREF footer that was pretending to be fighting off insurgents in a foreign country while posting about Bigfoot or are you one of the numbskulls over there that believed him ?

    5. I worry about the JREF obsessed guy

    6. ^
      You're embarrassed and I don't blame you.

    7. You are all embarrassing and I dont blame myself for feeling that way!

    8. The last time I shooled I got a Bachelor hons degree and I'm on my second. Thanks Joe

    9. "Wild Bill" the PHONY Marine!

    10. Is MMG a H*****xual?

      I'm just curious


    11. Joe is a paid troll. Pay not attention to him

  8. So disotell thinks it's a guy in a suit? I was a fence sitter but now I'm going to have to go with disotell.

    1. Yea it's a guy in a gorilla suit

    2. No? Why would that matter?

    3. Cause monkey suits should be easy, right?

    4. Are you looking to purchase a monkey suit? Try Google.

    5. No, I'm trying to test your claims. Let me know when the penny drops.

      You'll know where to find me.

    6. A man can be covered in fur? Yes it can be done.

    7. And indeed there are plenty living wild.

    8. "Wild Bill" the PHONY Marine!

    9. Joe is a paid troll. Pay not attention to him

    10. get long term meds from obamacare and its FREE

  9. is it bein mexicuns ors mexicun jist wunderin

  10. Keep those checkmates coming checkmaters!

  11. 1967 film shot by Roger Patterson in Bluff Creek, Cali., is at the heart of this debate. Several Hollywood insiders, including "An American Werewolf in London" director John Landis, have claimed that the film shows a man dressed in an ape suit. According to Landis, the suit was designed by John Chambers, the special-effects master who created the costumes for the original "Planet of the Apes" movies. Chambers denies any involvement, but the rumor persists....several Hollywood effects artists say the figure is obviously a guy in an ape suit with a water-bag fastened to his stomach

    1. Th th th th th th th th that's a checkmate folks!

    2. there will always be believers -- it is nearly impossible to disprove something to everybody's satisfaction, and many people aren't interested in this sort of debunking evidence anyway. In the end, people will believe in sasquatches simply because it is exciting to do so.

    3. "Chambers denies any involvement, but the rumor persists."

      Firstly, self obliterating, and secondly; yes, the rumours persists by those types who believe people like Kitakraze.

      I actually think the very fact that more and more scientists are becoming convinced of the evidence means the excitement will come from speeding towards one f the most significant bombshells of modern times.

    4. "Wild Bill" the PHONY Marine!

    5. Joe is a paid troll. Pay not attention to him

    6. ^ fied chicken gravy spill in the front seat of the car mental burn of the frontal cortex.

      So sad.

  12. what do you call a gay bum? a hobosexual

  13. Posted on JREF by Shrike/Saskeptic
    "For years, bipto and the other mods at the BFF were protective of my presence there, stating again and again that skeptics made the site better. "

    LOL..Look at this asshole trying to get points on JREF. He was one of the most milk toast pretend skeptics ever on the BFF. His presence never needed protection because no one felt threatened by his presence. I think most people even thought he was pretending to be a college professor because he posted almost everyday all day during what would be school hours.

  14. Benghazi
    then its not Hillary fault !!!!

  15. Check out some other legendary cryptid hunters in this new show MONSTERS UNDERGROUND.


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