If I had a Time Machine, I'd Get One of These

You think bigfoot is popular now, in the late 1970's bigfoot had its own board game! Produced by Milton Bradley, we're going to assume this game had a limited run.

Players took on the role of prospectors in Alaska hoping to strike it rich with the mother of all Gold lodes, too bad there have been sightings of a Bigfoot in the area. While you moved around the board you would land on certain spots that would allow you to move the Bigfoot, you pre-loaded the plastic Sasquatch with discs and when it passed over a player you would press the Bigfoot down, if it deposited a Bigfoot symbol on the player you were out of the game…which meant the beast probably tore your prospector to pieces. It was a kid’s game though…Milton Bradley probably didn’t feel like adding that in the artwork…but we kids knew what was happening.

To read the full article, click here.


  1. Replies
    1. Onu B4 Mexican Bigfoot.

    2. The best toy from the 70's, hands down IMO, was a beauty called a SST. It was a 10 inch long toy car that had a large wheel in the center of it with a gear attached to it. The way it worked was with a plastic toothed thing like a zip tie on steroids. You fed the plastic thing down through the roof onto the gears as far as you could and yanked that sucker back out as hard as you could and set it on the floor. It took off quicker than a Vette. My favorites was the Bonneville Salt Flats rocket car and the demolition derby model that had a button on the front bumper that ejected the hood and doors when you tagged the wall. Ah, good times. And what kid from the 70's doesn't love the Green Army men?

    3. Onu is not very imaginative. It is like writing tsrif.

    4. The only good board games are Risk and Stratigo. Did I spell that right? There's one of them " You're an idiot so I'm slapping a redline under you're word" lines going on here. Is there a 800 number I can call?

  2. I had that game as a kid in the 70s. It was one of our favorite games to play

    1. In Before Mexican Bigfoot.

    2. ^
      William Parcher again ? Come on man you're like 50 and still in your elderly mother's basement spending most of your worthless existence pretending to be a skeptic.

    3. As William Parcher, I resent that.

    4. ^
      Are you generally considered a simpleton in real life too ?

    5. He sock puppets on the BFF too. A real sneaky piece of shit.

    6. What's BFF? Best Friends Forever? Is there a "blush" emoticon?

    7. Ok, I looked on JREF to see who you guys are talking about, is that him in his avatar holding the Bigfoot casts ?

    8. All of you Shut up!!
      And 4:31 Don't call me what
      I am!!

    9. ^ And that goes double 4 me, ya big meanie!

  3. Ha! Figboot looks real pervy.

  4. I had this game growing up.

  5. You can buy this game its all over ebay around $35

  6. Did bigfoot receive any royalties from sales of this game?

  7. Look those bastards at Milton Bradley spelled his name Big Foot, 2 words, on the box just so they didn't have to pay him.

  8. Time machine? For this? And that about sums up this website.


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