Here Are Some Clips For Tonight's Finding Bigfoot Season Finale: Biggest Search Yet

In Sunday's season finale of Finding Bigfoot, beginning at 8 PM E/P, the team travels to the Four Corners area of the United States to conduct one blockbuster investigation. Matt, Bobo, Ranae, Cliff will be separated, and each of them will be covering Arizona, Colorado, Utah and New Mexico. Here are some preview clips to keep you excited:

While investigating in the Four Corners area of the United States, the Finding Bigfoot team checks out some compelling casts that could be from a juvenile Bigfoot.

The team has split up in Four Corners to investigate different evidence in different states. Cliff's findings in Arizona are quite impressive.

Tune in to Finding Bigfoot Sunday at 8 PM for a special two-hour episode.


  1. 5 seasons. No bigfoot.

    Check mate footers.

    1. You don't find squat with a film crew. Oh... And we've checked... You need spell check.

    2. You don't find squat no matter what you footers do. Check mate.

    3. Plenty found, none caught.

      Remember... We've checked, you don't qualify.

    4. In before Mexican Bigfoot.

    5. Remember... You're dumb.

    6. And your know Mexican Bigfoot. ;)

    7. Some are dumber than others it seems, spending their quality time somewhere they dissagree with is sure to be one applicable case.

    8. joe ^ you NEED spellcheck..the rest of us get on with it.

    9. We've checked remember... We've checked.

    10. Oh... And I would rather the label 'King Troll'... Show some respect to your superiors!

    11. I think this was the worst season of FB!

      Hi baby!! (Joseph Fitz)


    12. I'm off to Hawaii in search of hairy hominids.


    13. Whatever happened to mmg? Remember him? Even bigfoot poster boys get bored with finding nothing I guess.

    14. He was shot by eagle hunters in some god forsaken hole in Asia. Or was chased outta here by trolls.

    15. I think, from what I can gather... He has a very active traveling life, and just has better things to do I guess.

      Nothing he can't or hasn't handled from trolls in his time here.

    16. Can I go with you, MMG?


    17. Everybody leaves Joe at some point. MMG, Jon Jones, Hauts, Mikey B, his mother and father, Harry, DC, the tow truck man..

    18. I used to be a minor celebrity here, as a diehard, gruff believer. But Joe ruined that just like he ruined everything else. Him and his gayer than Liberace super friends.


    19. Rumors of my demise have been greatly exaggerated folks.

      I still drop by from time to time and you guys never fail to crack me up. The fake MMG's are mostly mildly amusing.

      Looking forward to doing the Pine Barrens and Green Swamp in September. Hopefully catch some of you at Stacey's conference on the 20th.

      Dr Meldrum has got some explaining to do!


    20. ^^^^^^^^^ "king troll" says joeboy...nah mate...just a troll.

    21. ^^^...d`ya` mean Liber"ass"y ...?

    22. Rumors of my dementia, however, are spot on. The police say if I leave my group home without pants on one more time I'm going Over the Rainbow.


    23. ^hot pocket spill mental burn of the inner self.

    24. 7:25 MMG - I'm from Jersey where in the pine barrens you heading? Went to Franklin Parker Preserve (site of the Finding Bigfoot episode) in May and found a series of tree breaks that all pointed in the direction of a water source. Interesting place to explore.

    25. Whereas. VP Queer J????

      I hope peter pan didn't hurt him too bad?

    26. Very interesting 8:53.

      Not yet settled on a spot as I'm hoping to act on the most up to date data and sightings nearer the time.

      Also toying with the idea of spending a few days in Sussex County while I'm in the NY area.

      Lets see what crops up over the next few weeks.


  2. "Four separate States...Four separate FAILS"...each and EVERY time Loony Toons says,"that`s all,folks" ...that`s all,that`s all,that`s all.

    1. "Say yer prayers! Ya long eared galoot!"

      - Yosemite Sam

    2. ^ Four FAILS in one show ? ...that`s a record that can only be broken during the next season of NotFindingBigfoot shows.

    3. It takes a failure to spot one I guess.

    4. What Excuses will they use this time when they fail?
      To hot
      To cold
      To windy
      Bobo had the shit's etc.

    5. Pay no attention to the poster known as Joe. He is a friend of the blog and a paid troll here to influence blog traffic. Dotn feed the troll

  3. How many episodes did they have this season? Did they find the Mexican Bigfoot?

  4. I clicked on the link to the "French Shocker Video" and was VERY disappointed. :-(

  5. Now that is an impressive trackway. One mile 48 inch inline steps. These creatures will move in the open at night and they are doing it in the surrounding agricultural communities in my area and some secret gov't factions based at Wright Patterson Air Force base that know it. I myself have had two really strange happenings in my own yard, once last November and then this June that have left me scratching my heard for an answer.

    JOE is correct is saying you are not going to catch one and get a clear photo with that big a crew. However they have heard many howls and had objects thrown at them from safe distances. Cliff himself told me of a rock that was thrown at Renae. Two or three weeks ago the crew got weirded out by calls and noise they were hearing and have become believers themselves for things that have happened, but usually not picked up by their recording equipment.

    This show has made it possible for many people to come forward with things that have happened to themselves and you hear and read it time and time again. That explanation they did not have at the time has now become clear, and/or the reluctance barrier for the obvious reasons they had to talk about it has been lifted.

    The show has showcased many witnesses that had outstanding experiences that border from the norm to what would seem quite abnormal or strange that has helped to paint a picture of the uniqueness of these forest giants. They are in the process of filming for a new season and I wish them all the success in the world.


    1. ^^^You're a retard, if you take this show seriously. Greasy haired drug addict, lesbo, fat ass loser, and a douche will never find shit! Besides, whoever finds something will just be droned by Obama anyway! Monkeys are part of the first family anyway, right???

    2. I concur with the above anon. I think you are on a decline mentally. You are an old fool.

    3. What an absolute siolen you are. Ha ha ha ha ha!!!

    4. 5:29 tell it true. Damn joe you just got smoked

    5. The smoke you smell is from behind you 7:06

    6. I see the Joseph Goebbels and arian nation fans and followers have spoke. Seems old racist ways die hard. Just remember if you guys ever get out of the basement and into the forest where the hairy giant resides, goose stepping in jack boots is not a very efficient method of travel, especially when one of these beast is about to rip your head off. See they do not like racist either.

    7. The thing is, these fat little nerds probably walk down the road with their heads bowed in fear... It's obviously every one else's fault that they're cowards.

      Their own comments serve as the very best thing to articulate precisely what they are.

      Karma will come... It favours no man.

    8. What is wrong with you guys? It's just a legend. Don't let it destroy your lives like butthurt losers.

    9. You're a legend of a twonk... I know that much.

    10. don't you have to go make up some more stuff about Sykes? Third times a charm, righto old chump?

    11. Didn't you have a meltdown when it turned he was still looking for his relict Neanderthal?

    12. J F, (troll). -0
      Anon. -+3
      Scoreboard baby!

    13. Pay no attention to the poster known as Joe. He is a friend of the blog and a paid troll here to influence blog traffic. Dotn feed the troll

  6. let me go out on a limb and just say they don't find a bigfoot tonight. i know its a stretch but my inside connection ,harvey the rabbit , said so.

  7. Morning all!! A troll PSA for any of you who missed it last night! A good laugh for sure.

    1. WTF!

      Where are all the hot guys at this morning?!


    2. too much double clicking

    3. Pay no attention to the poster known as Joe. He is a friend of the blog and a paid troll here to influence blog traffic. Dotn feed the troll

  8. Replies
    1. ^
      Finger sniffing cuckold.

    2. Where is VPQueerJ??
      Musta got his butt spanked
      By Peter Pan last night!

  9. ^ Four FAILS in one show ? ...that`s a record that can only be broken during the next season of NotFindingBigfoot shows.

  10. Why can't you just be cool, like me?

  11. I found bigfoot. I have him in the trunk of my car.

  12. What EXCUSES will they use this time when they ALL fail, yet again?

  13. I'm shocked! That by now after 4 seasons and 75+ episodes, they haven't hoaxed anything (Except that foot print) to make the show more believable!
    Hell, The Mountain Monster show Hoaxed starting with their very first episode, and never stop hoaxing!

  14. "Wild Bill" the PHONY Marine!

  15. The FINDING BIG FOOT team, and the MOUNTAIN MOSTER team, couldn't find or catch illegal aliens crossing the border!

  16. And let me guess, the Never Finding Bigfoot team STILL finds nothing!


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