Have You Heard of the Deadly Dodu?

These creepy sounding bigfoot type creatures come from the jungles of Africa, and are said to only have three fingers and three toes on each appendage.

While exploring southern Cameroon, in western Africa, seeking reports of mokele-mbembe-type cryptids during April 2000, Bill was informed by the Baka pygmies and Bantus there of a dangerous primate known to them as the dodu. They claimed that it is dark grey in colour, stands up to 6 ft tall, is mostly bipedal but will sometimes knuckle-walk on all fours, and, of particular note, has only three fingers on each hand and just three clawed toes on each foot. This last-mentioned feature provides an unexpected parallel with the puzzling reports of three-toed bigfoot or sasquatch prints sometimes encountered in North America.

Highly aggressive, a dodu will attack gorillas, but has an extremely unusual dietary predilection. After killing an antelope or some other sizeable prey, it does not touch the carcase. Instead, the dodu abandons it for a while, leaving the rotting carcase to fill with maggots, after which the dodu returns, scoops the grubs out, and eats them in quantity. It is also well known for leaving piles of sticks on the forest floor, which, as Bill speculates, may be a form of territorial marking behaviour.
For the full article, click here. 


  1. Sykes made Justin and Joe cry.

    1. Wait until the DNA results come in from South of the Border.

  2. I just dropped a "Deadly Dodu" in the bathroom at the Old Country Buffet in Nacogdoches, Texas. Wow, do I feel better!

    1. Dude, that was you? Wow what a stinker no less a clogger.

    2. So are we talking a triple coiler or what?

      Dare I say: photos or it didn't happen!!

    3. It would just be blurry with a red circle around it....

  3. No but I shot a turd clocked at 80mph out of my butt all in the name of SCIENCE! INDEED SCIENCE. INDEED!

    D Campbell.

    1. ^Nominated for an Oscar for his role as Buddy Holly;

  4. Dude my uncle had a deadly dodo in his trailer 2 weeks ago.


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