Audio Interview with John Bindernagel Direct from Beachfoot 2014

John Bindernagel is a bigfoot researcher, author, and biologist, who has been researching the phenomenon since 1963! The guys at Bigfoot Hotspot Radio recently had the opportunity to interview John while attending Todd Neiss' annual event, Beachfoot.

Shane Corson, Woody and I sit down and interview John A. Bindernagel is a wildlife biologist who has sought evidence for Bigfoot since 1963. He published a book in 1998 entitled North America’s Great Ape: the Sasquatch

Bindernagel grew up in Ontario, attended the University of Guelph and received a PhD in Biology from the University of Wisconsin–Madison. He moved to British Columbia in 1975 largely because the region was a hot spot for Bigfoot sightings. Over the years, he has collected casts of tracks that he believes belongs to Bigfoot. He also claims to have heard the creature near Comox Lake in 1992, comparing its whooping sound to that of a chimpanzee. Bindernagel believes that the Bigfoot phenomena should receive more attention from serious scientists, but has remarked, “The evidence doesn’t get scrutinized objectively. We can’t bring the evidence to our colleagues because it’s perceived as tabloid.”

Online Science Radio at Blog Talk Radio with Bigfoot Hotspot on BlogTalkRadio with Sasquatch Chronicles on BlogTalkRadio


  1. Replies
    1. UNO Equis Mexican Bigfeets a half drank dos equis

    2. Im gonna have ta down another coldie to Try an figure that one out, anyhoo,
      No use in puttin off the inevitable! :)

    3. Lol BD half of a dos Equis all good in the hood Mane

    4. Hello Harry!!

      Hope you're here to stay awhile, sites boring without you, Bro!

    5. I'll try till work gets insane again man I enjoy reading the funny comments too it's just been so many hours I'm wiped by the time I get home

    6. Harry, grace your presence on THE Mexican Bigfoot thread.

    7. But I'll attempt to make at least one well placed inane comment a day

    8. Oh it's me who is blessed to be in the company of you funny mofos

    9. Sup Harry. Sitting in boxes on my sofa is a full three core aluminum radiater, electric fan, thread in temp switch and hose adapter. Getting ready for that Lt1 in the old Zcar. Next on the list is drilled and slotted fronts and all drilled rear brakes, HP rubber brake line replacements and a 1 inch bore MC to go with the 4 piston Z32 aluminum calipers/bigger rotors.
      About 2950 lbs and 400hp at the flywhell. Have 3:90 rear gear right now and planning on 17 / 18 rear and 17 front. Thing is going to be a little rocket! Also going to run cats and be smog legal here in Cali, then through a single cross-pipe borla muffler. 2 in and 2 out, but cross-flows inside, then some 3 inch resonater tips. Repaint in Black, carbon front lip, two gunmetal rally strips, and a small, low key carbon spoiler or wing. I need the wing, dont laugh, ha ha ha ha.

    10. I just got me a sixer of modelo especial, danm I forgot how friggin Good that beer is.
      Thnx HB.


    11. No what you need is the girl pointing forward pinstriped on the side everyone knows that makes the car faster lol

    12. Well, I am in Cali, maybe I could get some of those mudflaps with the chrome chick on sitting left and right. You know the ones at the truck stop. ha ha ha ha hah ah a

      No......... No I don't think that would be Gas Monkey approved!

    13. The car is a T-Top car but I'm also doing the H shaped headliner in carbon fiber and a few other things. I got really lucky about a yera ago. Some guy bought a thousand dollar role of adhesive backed carbon fiber matting to get enough material to cover the top of a dresser?????????????

      I bought the other 97% of the roll off craigs list for 100 bucks. So between the Zcar and the RX-7, I have some to play with. Its not full carbon pieces, but you just lay it down like fiber-glass and then urethane in. Looks the same. Nice for doing trim and flat panels lke the front splitter/lip. I'm going to run the car at Buttonwillow and willow springs (sports car tracks) and Famosa drag strip is alo close.

      Good to see ya round Harry, More jack-asses round here that ever.. Only about 10 good folks left, ha ha ha haha

    14. Nobody cares about your stupid car. You should sell it and donate all of the money to the Bluff Creek Project.

    15. and you would get an official rev. jeff bobblehead along with meet and greet with rictor,and an one of a kind phil poling mustard stained key ring

    16. I've already seen a Bigfoot. Ive got three better spots right here than bluff creek. i can get them to answer me with pretty good regularity.

      I dont remember tugging your chain or yelling nerd, back in the basement

    17. Hey Harry, remember when you told everyone you had a D I L D O collection but couldnt explain why you had them.

    18. and let me guess you talk to them all the time....but no proof, stay clean my friend drugs are no way to live

    19. No I dont attempt to talk to them and for the record, In every case, I had a different witness with me. I don't think thier friendly and I am undecided if they are even permanantly flesh and blood as you and I know it. Proof seems a bit hard to comeby for a dumb monkey.

      I do have a theory as to what type of people see them. I have found that when i apply my theory on personality types, I can easilly pick out peole who can't be hypnotized. I have no direct data to correlate it to witnesses, but I have my suspensions.

      We are here to talk about bigfoot right, do you have anything meaningful to contribute or are you just a waste of oxygen?

    20. actually i think thats a pretty cool thing...i take it back

    21. my wife took me to a big party for a birthday and some dude that was a regular on oprah tried to hypnotize me he couldnt do it to me but did others and the and the things they said they witnessed were freaky to say the least

    22. Ok, you mean those peole did odd things, or the hypnotist asked them about strange things???

      As far as my theory, it's kinda of based on information uptake speed. It has no correlation to overall intelligence or IQ. its ainfo absorbtion rate that has to do with a mentall wavelength.
      I rate people from a 1-3. High frequency is a 1 and a low frequency a 3.
      If you cannot be hypnotized, I would normally rate you a 1. If my theory is true, tell me if some of these are true.
      you can multitask, like it or not.

      you pick up on other inputs, radio, tv, other conversations while having a conversation or involved in a task!

      quick to decisions, or string thought -- chess player, multiple thoughts forward.

      Keep in mind you could have doctors, lawyers and CEO's who are 1's and brilliant inventors, entrepreneurs who are 1's. It's not based on brains. Its more like the velocity of a bullet vs the speed.
      There is a lot more things that factor into a sighting, but my theory is that Bigfoots have the hardest time seeing a "1" coming. A 1 has a strong reception frequency while a 3 has a strong brodcast frequency.

      A3 will never intentionalley or accidentally sneak up on one of these critters.

      If your a 1, you might! ha ha ha

    23. Correction, doctors, lawyers, CEO'S who are"3's"

    24. play chess quick thinking and yes i can multi task, and they had offbeat experiences and did crazy things also made my wife walk around the crowd asking every table to help her find her beaver it was funny

    25. So an Important question for me when I here a story is wether it was a chance, surprise or very random encounter? When a witnesses reports that the bigfoot had a surprised look on it's face -- dead give-away.

      If the thing comes into camp, peeks in the window, aggression, all bets are off. He is running the encounter and anyone might have this type encounter(Tim Peeler) #3 non-random.

      Here is the thing, never take a #3 out squatching in the dark. 3's get to stay at camp, like the hoaming becon they are! ha ha ha

    26. Grow Up TBP. These magical monkeys dont exist. The whole bigfoot field is nothing but a con to make money. There will never be a body found, and the best a group of tired bigfooters will ever find are tracks in the sand.

      Why dont you "researchers" take lessons from your founding fathers. The original bigfooters spent there whole lives tracking the mythical monkey, and you know what hundreds of combined years of searching yielded??? absolutely nothing. A good example was Rene, who ended up with nothing more than a few dozen casts, a beat up trailer, and hardly a dime to his name. These were real outdoorsman who busted there hump to try and get evidence.

      Todays bigfoot "researcher" is typically a yuppy who has watched one to many Monsters in America episodes. They rely on as much electronics as they can get there hands on, and they never produce anything more than blurry footage. Most have no clue how to track, have no common outdoor sense, and believe that camping, walking through the woods, and howling and banging on trees will give them the edge.

      Bigfoot will never be found, chiefly because it doesnt exist. And 2nd, because todays "researchers are wussified and have no clue what it would take to see such an animal if it did exist. My guess is, you are making up most if not all of what you say TBP.

      Fetalbug Jones

    27. Dermals, audio, footage, archeological & anthropological studies, anecdotes, cultural and contemporary references, hair, all these things researchers have mostly accumilated in the last 200 years.

      Today's skepfooter is typically a yuppy who has watched one to many Finding Bigfoot episodes. They rely on as much electronics as they can get there hands on for their social lives, and they never produce anything more than cynicism and lies. Most have no clue how to track or have ever been as far as the local shop, have no common outdoor sense, and believe that camping, walking through the woods, and howling and banging on trees is the limit of what researchers are conducting.

      Bigfoot DNA will be found, chiefly because it's the way the field has developed, And 2nd, because todays researchers have a better understanding of sample accumilation and what it would take to see such an animal. My guess is, you are making up most if not all of what you say Anon, typical of the skepfooter looking for some interaction to make up the lack of.

    28. Joe, I know the US government knows plenty about these biengs. I also know once somebody Says
      conspiracy then you're labled
      A crackpot. LOL.. how W Jevning says follow the Money.
      B D : )

    29. The US Army knows about it all for sure. Think how many expert native trackers have been incorporated into their ranks, taking with then their undertanding of this subject.

      The conspiracies are 100%. It's also better to not deny something's there then admit whatever it is has beaten you. The public rely so much on the 'invincible' image of the thing that protects them the most.

      Peace buddy.

    30. Joe is a paid troll. Pay him no attention

  2. Bring it Bindernagel!

    What's that? It's where? It got eaten by snakes? Oh dear...

  3. canadian bigfoot vs mexican bigfoot the war on the floor

  4. Blondie has an awesome rack. That Dagwood is one lucky fellah.

  5. not to mention he has a delicious sandwich named after him


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