After Hours with Rictor (The #1 Bigfoot Webcast): Dr. Haskell Hart & Dr. Todd Disotell (Part 2 of 2)

The Sasquatch Genome Project has had many Bigfoot fans and researchers hopes up for many years... only to crash in slow motion like an out of control train. On After Hours with Rictor we talk about what went wrong with Dr. Melba Ketchum's work.

Was it in the DNA processing? Misguided advocacy? Scientific misconduct? Who are the co-authors of her paper? Where is the paper and money trail? One of the doctors that worked with her in examining the results is retired chemist Dr. Haskell Hart and he joins our show in a special 2-part interview with New York University's Dr. Todd Disotell. Host Rictor Riolo (from Spike TV's Ten Million Dollar Bigfoot Bounty) is joined by his co-host Sweet Sassy Glassy, Tammy Murray. You can watch Part 1 here:


  1. Enough already with Ketchum's failure!


  2. Certain imbeciles around here still think Ketchum has the goods. Loonies.

  3. Off the subject, but what about the Steve Irwin death video?

  4. Wild Bill" The PHONY Marine!

  5. Bigfoot invisibility was discovered by the U.S. Government, in a scientific study at Lawrence Livermore National Labs during the early 60's, where hundreds of private sector scientists also acted as observers. Those scientists did not keep secrets well. In that study, two separate Bigfoot disappeared and reappeared while being held in a presumably highly electrified and very thick concrete holding cell. This activity was both captured on film and observed by the observers. At that time, Todd Disotell was not likely yet diaper trained, nor could he tie his own shoes nor wipe his own butt. Consequently, Todd Disotell is not qualified to speak as an authority on invisibility, as are the rest of the publicity hounds shown above.

    Although, there were ensuing public studies that extended into the 70's, by the U.S. Government to see whether the public could handle the paranormal knowledge of the Bigfoot, the public in general failed miserably. AKA, "you can't handle the truth". Simple proof of this failure rests before you, as you can see by observing the above 3 morons, that they too demonstrate the rejection behavior that was revealed in that ancient study.

    Consequently, it is believed to have been decided by the U.S. Army to keep what they had learned from their captivity study, secret from the public. On the other hand, it is not illegal for the public to study Bigfoot on their own, especially since the Bigfoot remain technically unrecognized to even exist, by either State or Federal government. The little paranormal forest people, also have all of the same abilities of the large Bigfoot forest people. The little people are more trusting and are easier to study.

    1. Your Honor, As part of my closing argument, I would like to enter the above statement by an anonymous poster, as further proof of the inability of the public, to handle the truth. I rest my case, Your Honor.

  6. 9 comments and not one saying you'd like to f*ck her, I'm dishearten at your lack of sexual drive.

    1. The subject of "invisibility", tends to make everything kind of shrivel up, as they say. Furthermore, the subject also tends to tighten up the sphincter muscles. Both factors work simultaneously, to less the subconscious pressure to make a fool out of oneself in public by voicing sexual innuendos.

    2. No way dude! she's a dog! i'd F you first!

  7. I don't say how you could call her a dog

    she has a higher than average attractive face/hair especially in footery. where the woman normally look like the creatures they are hunting for


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