When Cops Say They've Seen a Sasquatch, I Believe Them

Here's an story about two police officers who had a possible Bigfoot encounter from Sasquatch Chronicles radio. The police officers described a creature running alongside their vehicle. According to the report, the officers were traveling close to 90mph! This sighting is one of many sightings reported by police officers. In 2009, Lumpkin County GA police officers actually captured something running at high speeds on their dash cam:

Here's the Sasquatch & Cops episode via Sasquatch Chronicles:

Back in 2009 I was a sergeant over the K9 unit which consisted of five handler/dog. (location removed) is about five hours away from (location removed) and the two guys were allowed to drive home on Friday nights to spend time with their families on the weekends. They each were issued a Chevrolet Tahoe to patrol and carry each of their dogs. When they are away from (location removed), their radios don't hit the radio tower, but they can still speak to each other car to car, so long they are in close proximity to each other. One Friday night during the six week school they were driving home when the lead officer said something large and black ran towards the side of his Tahoe from the shoulder/ditch area and he thought it was gonna strike the side of the Tahoe but it suddenly cut sharply and started pacing his unit for a short distance as it ran along side him. He said it was on all fours but was no cow or horse, but was as large as one. He soon outran it, and called on the radio to the officer that was following closely behind him and asked him "what was that?!" the trailing officer replied "I don't know!" and although it was strange they didn't get a good look at it and both laughed it off. They only know for sure that it wasn't a horse or a bull. I asked them how fast they were going and the lead officer said "we were hauling ass trying to get home, 80-85 mph, it was late at night already!" this happened on a deserted stretch of highway between (location removed) and (location removed), lots of deer. Neither officer works for us anymore, but the lead officer is my best friend now and is a sergeant at a nearby agency, the other officer is now a narcotics agent for another nearby agency.

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      ALL CAPS

    2. Ifn we gotz all tham drones - whys aint wes usin tham on da bordar to cath tham bordar jumpers....

    3. BOBO theory that bigfoots are real.....

    4. ^ you got to go with BOBO on that theory

    5. Oh WOW...there`s SO much evidence here for bigfoot...eh ? ...EH ?

  2. From bigfoot files episode 2:

    Bryan Sykes: "Imagine the scene when you're at a particular hotspot wood and there are 2 groups of bigfootologists, one on either side of the wood that start knocking and then the others respond, it would go on for ages wouldn't it then"

    Mark Evans: "Communicating to each other"

    Bryan Sykes: "Yes and unknowingly ha ha ha"

    (Both mark and Bryan continue to laugh)

    Too easy :) Better luck next time ey Joe!

    1. Mark Evans: "And what about the rest of Bryan's american results?

      There were 7 samples from Washington state.

      2 were cows.

      1 was a black bear.

      1 was a white tailed deer.

      Derek randles high hopes sample was canine, a wolf or a dog.

      And so was the hair from marcell cagy's backyard.

      And elsewhere in the USA, there was a horse in texas, a racoon in Arizona and way up in Michigan a porcupine."

      Bryan Sykes: "Am I disappointed we didn't find a bigfoot? I guess it would have been fun if we had but my ambitions of the project are entirely fulfilled in that we have identified and examined the best evidence and done it in a scientific systematic and successful way, so I'm really very pleased."


    2. http://www.bigfootbuzz.net/rhettman-issues-statement-about-sykes-dna-project/

    3. Read above.

      You got blown out the water.

      If you want to listen to some guy who has 15 followers on twitter then good for you. I will listen to Sykes.

    4. Bryan Sykes, lead geneticist > Rhett Mullis, a layman that falsely lists a degree unattained and has 15 twitter followers.

    5. Good morning, Joe.

      I'm curious. If/when Sykes paper is released and if it has nothing to do with Mullis' prior claims, will you give recognition to your abuse of speculation?

    6. Good morning Daniel.

      The simple answer is no. I was, as was everyone, pretty happy to swallow the lineage results of Zana that Mullis presented to the public, and I will only be following the reliability of the same source that was embraced by enthusiasts and skeptics alike.

    7. Nobody embraced Rhettman or his words. I barely saw a word on BFF about it. It's an expected result after Sykes revealing the 100% modern human result. The default position is the only creature alive that can successfully reproduce with a modern human is another modern human. Had she had a completely unique progenitor, you don't believe Sykes would have said so during the special? He would be all over it ASAP! Scientist of century, discovering a long-thought extinct/unknown Hominin!

      Let's be frank, Joe, you still have been freely disputing Sykes result for Zana. All the "archaic features, community stories, still investigating, nUDNA" talk.

    8. I seem to remember everyone, including you, embracing Zana's 100% lineage once Mullis presented this to the public. You have in fact used this as a debating point for many months. Remember, we knew that one side of Zana's lineage was modern human by the end of the documentary... Not the other. The curiosity ignited in countless people was a pretty hot topic until Mullis presented you, me, everyone with the news of both lineages.

      The answer is simple... The intial samples tested, didn't have anything unique. But that does not speak for a whole long term study's fruit, does it?

      No default positions because we know Neanderthals interbred with modern humans.

      I've been maintaining Sykes' results, because I believe Sasquatch to be human and one very close to us as well.

      "Mary Green and Dr. Fahrenbach have been unfairly attacked by critics for their opinions – they differed from the “ape norm.” But both have been unfortunately driven from the Bigfoot investigation field, mostly by “armchair” researchers.

      Bob Daigle, a friend of Mary Green’s, sent a hair sample collected from the Tennessee site to a DNA geneticist (named only as Dan), who found nothing but human results, the sample sequence being an exact match. He sequenced some 300 nucleotides from a mitochondrial gene called cytochrome b, and amplified a 1100 base pair fragment, then ran the results through GeneBank.

      The GeneBank is an open access annotated collection of nucleotide sequences and their protein translations. It lists some 100,000 distinct organisms and having in 2006 some 65 billion nucleotide bases and 61 million sequences.

      Control tests were run that were deliberately contaminated with dog and cat DNA despite which still the Fox hair turned out to be human.

      The rest of the scientific community and senior Bigfoot researcher’s deniability is reaching the point of being ridiculous. At some point some very public agency or noted personage is going to declare that the creatures are actually human beings, just different from modern man though a subtle shift in the genetic code. Perhaps just a few genes are involved though important ones and they might add up to huge differences and need to be identified. It might be what actually makes us human and them sub-human! This might be what made the jump between Homo erectus and Homo sapiens some 200 thousand years ago in Africa – we became intelligent beings almost overnight."

      - Ray Crowe

    9. If bigfoot are close enough to human to maintain modern human DNA then you have to throw out the majority of claims of bigfoots attributes (10 foot, quadrapedal, night vision, arm proportions etc etc)

    10. Please read comment up top. We also know about Cro-Magnon man heing the same as us, but far more robust physical and taller.

    11. Yes but not a knuckle dragging gorilla aha deluded

    12. Ok, I'm really putting an effort to be as civil with you as I can be. Let's start:

      My interactions with you and on this blog are very different from my normal interactions at other places. I say and do things much of the time to get a rise out of you.

      The word embrace is too strong of a description for how Rhettman's quote was taken. It was just another cheap tool used to get a rise out of you. It was never a point of contention for anybody but you and perhaps a handful of odds & ends.

      Regardless of Neandertal interbreeding or being genetically linked from a forefather, they went in specifically looking for Neandertal DNA and said his team went back and checked her (and like 8 of her living descendants) and they all had normal Neandertal percentage in their sequencing for that general area.

      That IS the default position, notice the words I wrote down being the only known LIVING creature capable of breeding with modern human is another modern human. Neandertal has been extinct anywhere from 30,000 years ago to 14,000 years ago.

      Dr. Sykes has seemed to leave little to no stone unturned in his research, so why would he not include the news of the century on his special about the study?

      And I'm sorry but I flat out disagree with your thought that bigfoot is a 100% micro-devolved modern human and most of the foundation you have built your loose theory from. It doesn't matter, I don't intend to shake your beliefs or attempt to sway your opinions, just from a pure theoretical stand point, I think you are flat wrong.

      There's no need for me to address the Green, Fahrenbach, Dagle, Crowe diatribe. It's not relevant to this conversation and is a distraction from the topic at hand.

    13. To sum up the above. Bigfoot don't exist and Joe is smoked.

    14. He did leave rather abruptly .

    15. No, I'm still around... Just juggling baby sitting and job. Ok... After you lowered the tone and went on another telling rant about your feelings for me, like some embarrassing soap opera, Danny... I'll do my very best to respond;

      The point is, you didn't know that they went in to check 8 descendants at the time of the broadcast. This was presented here;


      ... By Mullis weeks later and 8 was in fact 6. No mention of an intention to look for Neanderthal DNA either, but that's irrelevant. My point is; you maintain this lie that we attained more information from the actual documentary broadcast than was actually the case. Where was this stance of yours in the imediate aftermath of the show, oh yes! Nowhere in sight, because we proceeded to throw many a theory around as to what was the other lineage (remember Nature Journal?) that may have resulted in Kwit's archaic features.

      So no Daniel, you never had this stance before and you made yourself look silly the other day assuming a radical stance (as radical as any hominid theory I have, I might add) that Neandertals didn't interbreed with modern human... To which you have more or less admitted was a literary acrobat.

      If Sasquatch or some relict unknown hominid had interbred with modern human to make a relict hominid like what is theorised as Sasquatch, then this would not have been far fetched because we know that Neanderthals did have their wicked little way with us. This was the position we were at after the show until Mullis presented you your both lineages.

      Why would Sykes not include the news of the century on his special about the study? Because it needs to be peer reviewed; whatever the outcome and as what has been tirelessly put to you all... The samples were from the very early stages.

      My thoughts on Cro-Magnon are out there and I don't care who disagrees with me. There are plenty of very clever people who theorise that agriculture resulted in us becoming the offshoot. We also have archeological finds that document very large Cro-Magnon skeletons. I can source you these if you like.

      There's no need to address the other stuff? Well yes, there probably is, as it articulates firstly that you are wrong that my theories are my own and alienated, and also presents you with a decent argument for the results of human DNA that interestingly appear to surface from samples that are increasingly theorised to be from a wild version.

    16. I watched them mouth swab all of the living descendants on the broadcast, and the results were given by Bryan at the end, sitting at a table with historian Igor Burtsyev and other Russian Hominologists.

      Did you even watch the show? The whole point of testing Zana was Igor and Co. constantly claiming Neandertal. That sparked the test!

      Stop beating a dead horse, you know I never said that Neandertal didn't interbreed, I've always maintained the two prominent theories being interbreeding and genetic ancestor. A sure sign of having no valid point to make is arbitrarily making things up. I lay more toward interbreeding but I can't say, seeing as the scientific community is still at odds.

      You say peer review, huh? Kinda makes that diatribe of bunk DNA results void, right? Inconclusive results not even peer reviewable?

    17. Lol @ lowered the tone. Suddenly disagreeing with someone's unproven thoughts is lowering the tone !

    18. Oh yes! I apologize, you're quite right, they did check for Neanderthal in relation to the Russian angle of what the subject of Bigfoot is... Yes. Irrelevant really to what we're arguing though and your avoidance to defend the stance that you attained both lineages from the intial broadcast in your comment above now says to me you're reclined to stop maintaining that charade... I feel like we've made a little progress at least.

      Ok... Moving on... Danny, you did make some silly comments about Neanderthals, but it was considered at the time just an effort at having the last word. These comments were in direct relation to the interbreeding of both subjects we currently address. I'm not making things up Danny I can find you the thread if you so wish.

      Lastly; I'm sorry... But I couldn't understand the last bit of your comment, maybe your cheerleader who's a day or two away from epic meltdown can enlighten me?

      (Actually... What was I thinking?)

      I'll assume you're referring to the contaminated DNA results we discussed the other day? Contaminated samples aren't conclusive, because they have been contaminted (sigh), but unless you're brainwashed, those intial testings are an intersting point of focus because we know from other sources of evidence; that unknown primates are leaving it... Reason to be optimistic about those initial results and investigate further.

      Nobody has suggested contaminated samples should go any further in the chain of scientific recognition, it's something made up in that head of yours, but they don't merely go away either. If those results maintained through to later testings, then who's to say they wouldn't have been the subject of a peer reviewed study?

    19. joes sounding desperate n backed into a corner ! sounds like arrogant concession ,,,,.

    20. U incapable of havin talk on subject without goin w0000 u make up ur own reality n try to sell it to others joe
      90% of ur posts r rhetorical in nature 10% unsubstantiated claims

    21. I'm sorry... But, ha! What corner am I backed into? 90% of 9:31's points are butthurt and the other 10% are for the grammar police.

      Cry me a river.

      ; )

    22. Wish I could pull the thread from Sykes off my email and post it here. Virtually every big name Footer are either CCed to it or involved. Essentially it's a heated exchange where he chides providers early on to go out and obtain better samples. It is at this point that I desperately wanted to send him my own samples. Alas they are no longer in my chain of custody. For would be submitters out there. Beware agenda driven studies as well as even the best natured individuals promising free testing. Ultimately I gave my samples to the most scientifically sound big name person I research with. Joe knows. But I think for people to attack him on the issue is premature at best. Furthermore I was there the day Dan made his statements about Neanderthal. I was the first person to scream that I disagreed. The only thing that matters now is what are you predicting that Sykes' study will reveal. We've all been down this road before. I'm curious. Will you put your name to it? Just askin...

    23. Hello Texan!

      It's my feeling that Sykes has 'something'. I don't know anything though other than what's been leaked, which could be inaccurate and understand it could well be wrong. Your thoughts???

    24. oh dear lawd joes got a meltdown on deck.

    25. Bro... I'm not the one pasting Evans on every thread. I'll be sure to paste the same comment for you when his study reveals a long term, US incorporated study of alleged living hybrids.

    26. For me it's simple. I think Sykes had a reason to take his time. If it were all about a bear why the delay. No no. I'm reasonably certain he found something in the fabric of the genetic quilt that made up his sample base. So I'm going to go out on a limb and predict that he is about to reveal specific findings about an ancestor who has either been misidentified as being extinct from the fossil record or bred out. But who is in fact either alive today or was alive and fully capable of interbreeding with us as a species, at an identifiable time in our not so distant past. At least I took a blind swing at identifying a potential "collateral hominid". I'll not dare to assume to guess what it could be. Just that it is. And we will see where the truth lies. Have a great week.

    27. Mike, I will echo that sentiment 100%. Hope you are well, did you get my Google Plus message?

      I'm running back and forth from the France game and making the misses a curry!!

    28. Ahhh Joe. That's a full day in and of itself. No. I need to check Google Plus. I was just logged on to Bigfootology. My first visit there to check in. July 02 , looks like it's shaping up to be a big day. Hope she enjoys the curry. Guess I better tune in to World Cup. One more cup of coffee never hurt a man. Talk to u soon. M

    29. You were there the day I stated that it was not proven that modern humans and Neandertal interbred because there is still a divided faction among the scientific community regarding two origin theories.

      Pull up the thread and check it out.

      Also, you brought up Zana in the first place Joe, nice attempt at backtracking.

    30. Dan. How bouts you quit taking shots and call it again double or nothing. No money down. Interest free, first 90 days. 2 table dances for the price of one. Just make a prediction and then back to the shadow with you. :)

    31. Ha ha ha ha!!!! D'you know, I might be in on this one too.

    32. I can't even remember the bet. I just love the thought of action. Terms schmerms .... I am and forever will be ....all in.

    33. Dan. I have one percent left on my phone. I need to hear it from you now. Joe and I were always good to go. We don't have acolytes or heralds to concern ourselves with. You get what you get and you don't throw a fit. You in ?

    34. Oh, and for right up the top at 6:04... I thought this was in the quote up top but it wasn't, here;

      "It is said that chimpanzee DNA is 98.5% Homo sapiens; not much room to squeeze between the human and the ape such things as: Australopithecines and Lucy, Alma, Homo Neanderthalis, Yowie, Mapinguari (Amazon), Yeran, Kaptur, Homo erectus, or Bigfoot, perhaps all are cousins? Perhaps the model for Bigfoot differs in different environments, which are what Darwin predicted from the variation in species found in the Galapagos."

      - Ray Crowe

    35. And they say there's at least 3 types. Patty type. And then the Human face more rounded head type. Yes. There are. They have a "bun" like appearance on their semi conical more rounded heads. A bun. And a very human like face. Hooded nose. Distinct features. They are smaller. More compact. Run faster. More prone to going to all fours. And then the baboon snout. The third type. So what are they. Where do they come from? Science isn't looking for answers. No one is. Maybe Sykes has data for us...maybe not. You see Bigfoot isn't headed for a reboot. And your government is lying to you. And you really think we are on the cusp of grasping anything. That we have not achieved this because we can't meet sciences' dogmatic neutral standards? I say all thst fancy talk "is worth Doodlysquat Josey Wales. " You take care of yourself now. As for me.....and to whether I believe the government will keep hiding the truth. " I reckon so"

    36. All that, for this.......
      No body no Bigfoot.
      Someone needs to put a man on that.

    37. So you two go back to the thread and see you have been livin in a revisionist history yet? Is that the reason for the Coy attitudes?

      I don't believe PJ has the integrity or wherewithal to follow up on a bet. He's slinked out of one multiple times.

      Forgive me if I am less than interested.

      Do all these different Squatch types live together? Like Standings odd bigfoot collection?

    38. C'mon Daniel. I don't think they have a "Three's Company" arrangement if that's what you're suggesting. I do think the bigger more robust "Patty" model with the true Cone Head and the 10-12 foot males are more associated with the Pacific Northwest and the others are seen commonly in Texas, Oklahoma and then the southern swamp boogie variety into Miss. and even Florida are a bit smaller but no less robust. Your elongated snout-faced Dogman gets down in Michigan but he's been seen in Oklahoma as well. Please don't drag Todd into this. I heaved the subject matter into the type category, not he. I'm sure youre not interested in wagers but I valued your opinion enough to ask. You see Dan. I think you are capable of insight and wit far beyond the skeptic "Joe Bashing" robes you seem to enjoy donning here. And I for one am interested in your true beliefs betond the masks you preen about in when you're on the attack. Granted my interest may not quite aspire to the very creative trolling of the individual who recently portrayed you and I in a faux amorous exchange that was a little too nauseating to be truly humorous. But it's a real curiosity nonetheless. So. If you ever get tired of Joe bashing and ever decide to let me in on what you truly believe, have at it. I have said it before and I'll say it to you again. Cynicism, as a literary tool hasnt been used effectively since Oscar Wilde. Break your chains. Let's hear what you really think is out there. Until then your opinions will be more parasitic than symbiotic in nature as all critics sadly are relegated to remain, until they shed the shackles that keep them from being so bold as to proffer something that dare I say is original. And something I think from someone of your ability is more than overdue.

    39. And will that be something people who read the comments here want to hear?...." I reckon so".

    40. Wow I wake up to a one of the best comments I've ever read.

      Quite amazing dear Texan, and everyone knows Danny believes in Sasquatch, youre talking about a guy who admitted he trolled the trolls for months as an enthusiast prior to him developing an issue with a certain Welsh man.

    41. Joe, you didn't even know what was presented in Sykes Almasty episode, so for "everyone" to know is quite a stretch. An interest does not correlate to belief.

      Yes, I see that you two have finally closed up about the Neandertal comment, is it because you finally went back to read what was written instead of feeding off each other's skewed memory?

      And PJ, you have literally uttered the words "actually, I'm in" twice over the prior bet, which you eventually welched on anyway, so I don't believe you and don't believe you'd follow through if you were wrong.

      I tow the same line about Sykes study as I always have, maintaining my belief that he will provide no results for bigfoot, especially in North America. That's it. Nobody knows for sure, although some like to pretend.

      So if we have these regional Sasquatch types, Mike, why do Todd's two HD BF images look like completely different animals? There is little similarity between those two, while most reports of multiple creatures are highly similar except for color variability. The face and structure of those two are obviously different. So either your multiple subspecies dispersed throughout the continent is wrong, or Todd is indeed a hoaxing mastermind.

      As for the questions regarding y belief, I will answer but first I will state that it's close to being a distraction subject. When you start losing the arguments and losing your points, it's a natural reaction to switch the nature of the conversation to that of a belief system. With that being said, I don't believe Bigfoot exists, at least in the 10ft 1200lb legendary mythical creature, and if for some reason bigfoot does exist, I would venture to speculate it would be classified as an hominid. Just because there seems to be human characteristics does not make it a modern homo sapien sapien. Many hominids and the like are believe to have human-like tendencies.

    42. No positive results for bigfoot*

      Plenty of negative and inconclusive results expected.

    43. This comment has been removed by the author.

    44. Daniel CampbellMonday, May 19, 2014 at 9:33:00 AM PDT

      Even interbreeding between Neandertal and other proto humans is mere theory. It's not clear whether we have a common ancestor or successfully interbred.

      jo* ********ld verifiedMonday, May 19, 2014 at 10:17:00 AM PDT

      "Fifth of Neanderthals' genetic code lives on in modern humans"


      "Neanderthals, Humans Interbred—First Solid DNA Evidence
      Most of us have some Neanderthal genes, study finds."


      ... That's exactly what happened Danny Boy.


      Humorously Dan, the only thing you 'won' on this thread was the fact that you had a better memory than I on the Bigfoot Files, and that's only cause you've gone back to watched it for a source to argue.

    45. Also... The reports of Sasquatch are a wide variety, I'm sure you know this. There is also nothing to say that the two subjects in the footage you reference are not the same species, differences you would find in different every day human family groups.

      That is all.

  3. ^ really loves joe just wants his attention .

    1. Wait till he sees that the long term peer reviewed study is about hominids and not just a bear. This is just about common knowledge by now.

      Seriously, look out. If you thought the last meltdown by him was bad... Buckle up for this one!

      PS. I have no idea what the results are going to be. Just that I hope they've got something.


    2. When the paper is about the bear he found what will your excuse be?

    3. It'll be...


  4. thought that video was some drunk college kid running across the road?

  5. Hey joe fits


    I'm back from the bush and absolutely no sign of bf in that area but there were lots of mosquito s omg! The fishing was awesome, got some nice limits etc

    1. Ha ha! Great stuff TTL! Did you receive my emails?

    2. It was a drunk college student. These things keep getting recirculated for the new poeple and the ones that forget.

    3. sometimes bigfoots lookin lack tham drunkin collage student soes u thinkin thar be a drunkin collage student - but it abin a bigfoots fer shure

  6. Replies
    1. That's gotta be a real drag for the proponents

    2. We we go!


    3. Hey joe fits it's

      My new email is

      Email me when u get a chance ! Cheers!

  7. Whoever ran across that road like that had a death wish (unless the cop was in on it).

  8. I say the Cops were in on it. I should know, my family is all Cops! and they lie and cheat worst than the bad guys!

    1. COPs be here for U safety! thats why that got all that military hardware -
      its all for U safety - COPs

  9. At the very end of this video clip you can see the "she" releases "her" bladder just past the yellow line. The water hits the road 'after 'she' is almost off the road. Very cool!!!!! Scared the P___ out of her.

    1. da COPs be ready for anything!
      and thay gots tham MRAPs
      for your safety : )

  10. First of all, police are human beings. They are just as prone to misidentification as anyone else. Secondly, they say they don't know what they saw: therefore Bigfoot? No sale here.

    1. COPs are well trained paramilitary organization as well trained and equipped as the military


    1. Then you've come to the wrong site!

      Deal with it or go away!

  12. I love sasquatch true stories that end with some fantastical event like the ape running 90 mph. Uhmm uhmm tastes so believable.

  13. It was probably some thieving n@gger running across the road.


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