Watch This Feature on Bigfoot Researcher Paul Graves

Paul Graves shares a segment of a show he was featured on about his research in the Washington State area. Check it out, it's pretty cool:

"This is the International travel channel show I was featured on a couple of years ago about Washington state ,I did a segment on sasquatch?bigfoot that we filmed up by Mt Rainier and they used six of my original songs throughout the show not just on the bigfoot segment ,you can also see me playing one of my original songs and hear another one of my songs at the end when they are rolling credits , the host was a great guy and they were all genuinely interested in the subject, this wasn't played in America but it was all over Europe ,Africa and Asia ,enjoy..."


  1. Stair stepping in here to say Paul Graves is doing some really good things out there.

    1. ^trolling himself again so weird

    2. Fartface guy got fired from Olive Garden.

    3. They'll regret if. Running the Never Ending Pasta Bowl isn't something a guy off the streets can just walk in and take over. It takes at least nine months to master the pepper grinder alone. Dumbasses. And all over a "masterbaiting in public" beef. He wasn't in "public". He was by the salad bar. The PRIVATELY owned salad bar!


    Let's settle this troll to troll fartface guy !

    1. What's the matter...scat got yer tongue ?

    2. Looks like I'm gonna have to haul ya'll in.

      90 days !

    3. I'm starting to think that the troll that trolls himself is clive! How else would u explain the timing?

    4. His mommy took the laptop- he didn't do the dishes....again.

    5. ^again same troll playing both sides look at the times

    6. And we have FARTFACE!!! He has arrived!

    7. Fartface got fired from Olive Garden.

    8. ^look at the times same troll

    9. Sorry I had to expose u clive nighty nighty nighty nite!

    10. Good job ! But you're only about 50% right.

      I don't know who all the other nuts are...

    11. I just want to tell you both good luck. We're all counting on you.

    12. Oh dear... It appears the guy who thinks everyone is everyone is back. You know that this will amount to... An epic meltdown in about ten days.

      So far my predictions have been spot on. Buckle up people.

    13. Ten days? I plan on breaking him by 5:00 Central time.

    14. Except for Sykes documentaries, Ketchum's fraudulent study, & Erickson's KY project.

    15. Granted, I think a lot of us were wrong about Sykes' documentaries... But there a some of us that grasp what a long term study entails. I wasn't around for Ketchum and Erikson, sorry... To which we still haven't seen the documentary and comparable DNA.

      Ten days.

      ; )

    16. Clive,
      Their only about 50% right and there's only a 10% chance of that :) xx

    17. Anon 10:37

      Thanks captain obvious.

    18. Only you were rabid that Sykes documentaries would provide any positive results for bigfoot, though. Most were cautiously optimistic at best. Still after that, you continue to use the undetermined and undisclosed study as some reinforcement of bigfoot's existence.

      Of course Erickson's project was ran into the dirt when Matilda footage was released.

    19. No... Wrong again. I can name a long list of enthusiasts that frequent here, past and present, that invested time in the assumption that the documentaries were going to reveal anything to do with the long term study that is the Oxford-Lausanne Collateral Hominid Project. We now know better.

      And wrong again... I don't know the long term results of Sykes' study, just that it is very much a long term study still in process and that the leaks are encouraging. What I do regularly celebrate is the fact that top scientists are now in a position to ask questions; an indicator how far this field has come.

      Erikson was hoaxed by the landowners. As for his DNA, which I believe to be legitimate, we'll know it's legitimacy once there are comparative examples. This was how it was always gonna be.

    20. According to Bigfootology the Sykes paper is to be released on July 2nd according to a bfro member's statement from yesterday.

    21. Great news Chuck! I'm really looking forward!!

    22. The documentary results were part of the study, it's talked about during the shows. Silently believing and running your mouth for 3 months are two completely different things. Only you ran your mouth incessantly about it.

      The scientists have always been there, they just lose interest again every few years because the samples submitted are just so bad.

      Nothing has changed in the field since 1970, except for many more hoaxed Internet videos.

    23. If it's to be released on Wednesday, who is publishing it? When does the embargo end? Why release it 2 days before arguably the biggest holiday in America?

      Tactics like that are how the government pass off news. Put it in the Friday edition or days before a holiday.

    24. And what journal prints on a Wednesday before a holiday?

    25. 7:40... You're beginning to break. I give you five days now.

      The DNA samples I'm aware of pre-Ketchum, were those that eventually came back as contaminated or degraded. That is all.

      Since 1970... Oh bugger it, if you don't know what's gone down since then you're not worth saving.

    26. Contaminated and degraded samples are worthless, it could be anything in the world. It could be a snuffalupogus for all we know.

      1970 - 3 groups exist; those who believe it's a hominid, a missing link deal, then those who believe it's an undocumented non-human primate, and lastly you have the paranormal/spirit/inter dimensional/ET crowd.

      2014 - still the same 3 groups prominent in the field that believe their own allegations. They CAN believe their own thoughts because there are zero facts surrounding bigfoot as a species, or even if it exists.

      You are talking to at least one other person beside me, so kindly leave your glossing of all people as the same person at the door. Thanks.

    27. Contaminated samples aren't worthless if they've first been tested to be unknown primate. Not very good for proving anything but causes reason enough to investigate further... Get more samples, be more careful next time, etc.

      Great overview... You did however manage to miss out the different sources of consistent physical and biological evidence in that time, that's led to this point in which we have top genticists taking it seriously enough to ask the questions in the mainstream eye.

      Yeah... Five days.

    28. Brazil and Chile are on... Sssssshhhhhh...

    29. If they're contaminated then the initial result is discarded. Morphology is not an exact science, much guess work is involved and due to the potential degree of uncertainty, the results are not conclusive, especially for an undocumented animal.

      44 years of what you mentioned accumulating and still there is nothing to tell us what bigfoot is, if it even exists, or anything about it. It might be a nice quip for you to use on this blog but unfortunately it's still worthless until a proof-positive result is given.

    30. Nope! Samples are discarded but intial results simply are not forgotten. We know DNA can degrade and get contaminated... You don't need to be Sherlock, catch my drift?

      Morphological species traits; about as significant as you can get. You need to brush up on your primatology I think... Uncertainty to a degree... We know they're an unknown primate.


      Actually... In 44 years we know from the dermals, the hair and the sightings... That we're dealing with an unknown primate/hominid. You don't classify anything, but the clues point in that direction. It doesn't prove anything, but it doesn't go away either and as long as there is evidence of the sort, you'll NOW have, it seems... Proper scientists asking he questions until proof is found.

      Like any scientific investigation/process.

    31. Presumably Sykes' paper will cover the remainder of the 30-50 samples he studied. The TV series only covered a handful of those samples. I don't know why people assume or claim the paper will only cover Ursus Sykus and that he discovered nothing else. With many more samples than were used in the TV series, it's possible he's found something else besides Ursus Sykus. We'll see if the entire paper and the book to follow it are only about this Rare Bear, or not.

    32. Initial results do not matter when the forgone conclusion is the sample had been too degraded or contaminated to provide conclusive sequencing.

      Look, you can keep on your train of musings, I'll stay here in the woods killing God's creations and eating well. I'm not spending anymore of my time conversing with a stranger from a different country who has nothing better to do than yell and make intellectual demands at posters.

      Have a wonderful, Sasquatch-less day, Sir.

    33. The key is in the words you are using yourself; CONTAMINATED. What that means is the results are not conclusive. They don't prove that the intial results weren't what they were; hence an open book... Because they could have been contaminated.

      See how this word works? You're using the word remember, and nobody's suggesting initial testings prove a species; they merely don't go away. We know from other sources of evidence; that unknown primates are leaving it... Reason to be optimistic about those initial results and investigate further. There's a reason why the world of Sasquatch didn't die in those moments... You dig?

      Perfectly normal, unbrainwashed way of thinking.

      I don't know what I've demanded of you until now... The only thing I will now demand though, is that if you're gonna stay in the kitchen, be prepared to stick the heat and learn the definitions of the words you use.

      Save us some serious baby sitting time.

    34. Lol this joe can't even use a phrase right no wonder Harry is still out there ppl like him looking for him !

  3. Anyone else like killing baby seals?

    1. Hell yeah! The best way is to bash em with a sea turtle. A baby dolphin will work in a pinch too.

    2. A Blue Herron with rigor mortis makes an awesome frog gig. Waste not, want not!

    3. yeah! I do1 I made a lot of money killing them1 now i'm paid for killing stupid ignorant people like you!

    4. Aw. Still upset over Bambi's mother? If it makes you feel better, she probably was going to get plowed by a semi anyway.

    5. Enough of this animal cruelty talk,be away with you xx

  4. Joe fitz! It's

    That's my new email finally , so send me a message bud!!

  5. Only the stupidest people on the planet come on a big foot sight Bar None!

    1. Well then, welcome aboard Dumb Ass. Try to stay out of the way until you get the hang of what it is we do around here.

    2. A guy walks into a bar. Sitting at the bar he sees a penguin, a Bigfoot, and a priest. The guy says to the bartender, "What is this? Some kind of joke?"

    3. Here's a really sad story about a monkey but it just shows how clever they can be xx

  6. Oh, I hate it when you're right!!!!!

  7. Omg!!! Look at those time stamps!!^^^
    It's got to be the same poster!!!

  8. Omg!! They are doing it again!!!^^^^

  9. Stop it!!! ^^^^ look at the time stamps!!!^^^^^^^^^^^^

    1. Nope you're an idiot and you'll never win this argument. You'll get powned every time. So go back to mamas basement!!

    2. Ah ha!!! Mamas basement huh? You just gave us the smoking gun!!! The self trolling troll is..................big Jon!!!^^^^^^^

    3. Yes!!!!!!!! Look at the time stamps^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

  10. whys tham Cave Creatures took old Willy scoot him up in that thar cave - than Willy gotz away and said that that critter were lack tham rocks and it caught him unawaress!
    tham traps didnt work so they had to break off da hunt!
    Trapper anit been right since that sheepsquatch piss gotz in his eyes

  11. Noooooo more global climate disruption ........
    when will it all end............

  12. Ya know, dinosaurs did a lot of fracking. So much that they cause the continents to actually shifts hundreds of miles apart!


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