This Lady Says She was Kidnapped By Bigfoot and Held Captive in a Cave!

According to a woman in Ohio, her family was repeatedly visited by a group of bigfoot, and that they even kidnapped her when she was 12. What do you think?

“They were witnessed in part by my parents. People do need to know that these things happened to me.

It still pains me greatly but at least I can talk about it now in some part, though without anyone knowing who I am. People are absolutely cruel,” she explained.

She also said that the incidents happened “too many times to keep count of them”, and that some of the neighbors had similar experiences, including some young boys fishing by the river. These events were allegedly reported to the police.

One time, she says, “the huge one” came back to take her and her dad shot it with a “12 gauge”.

“The big one that had always come to take me out of my bedroom at night, came this time during the daytime. Dad was about 15 ft from it, the shot was hitting this thing and every time it hit, he’d stomp really hard on the ground with one foot after the other! My brothers and I ran up to my bedroom because the youngest said it was higher ground for a better defense and there were more over in the farmer’s drainage ditch across the road. They were huge too! I mean, what do you do as a kid of say 14 and you see something like that? Good thing my three brothers were there with me to help protect me. I yelled to them to leave or they would be hurt. They finally left and there was a lot of day left though we were not to leave our 3 acres. My brothers wanted to go check on the neighbors to see if they were okay or needed help.”

To read this entire amazing story, click here.


  1. What do I think? She should be committed. Soon.

  2. Let's hear what her parents and her neighbors have to say LOL.

    1. Dad is at the range trying to improve his marksmanship. Better late than never I suppose.

  3. I don't know. This sounds kind of fishy. There's no mention of a mineshaft.

    1. Or stick structures. I bet it was the landscapers and park rangers that did it..

    2. The same thing happened to me. Only it was a tractor shed, and it was a bunch of Laotians I think.

    3. Where's Joe Fitz? He'll know. He always knows. Just ask him.

    4. At the hospital. He ran into King Arthur at the bridge again. The poor guy never learns.

    5. Daniel you so witty. Can I be your one and only friend? Please?Purty please?

    6. So you be looking fer gays?No problem there my friend. But just post yer name so yous can hook up. You old limp wristed my eyes it's OK.just release yer inner self. Love and be loved.

    7. Sensitive and butthurt much?

  4. i hope it wasn't a mexican bigfoot

  5. I know a Welshman that would pay top dollar for an experience like that. He'd even dress the part.

    1. He could use a change from The Black Night getup he usually favors.

    2. You are the smartest man I have ever met. Please purty please be me friend.

    3. Sorry. People who write like a 7 year old girl don't do a damn thing for me. However, 7 year old girls are right up your alley it seems. Pervert.

    4. ^^ Where'd you go, pervert? I was looking forward to ripping you a new asshole for the next few hours.

    5. Wow,just wow.Seems like you're the pervert partner.

  6. Total bull chit. I like eggs.

  7. This woman was probably kidnapped as a child......but not by a Bigfoot. She needs help. Tragic.

  8. Sounds very much like the plot of a kid book about bigfoot which appeared last yea, "Annette: A Big, Hairy Mom."

  9. They borrow human children in order to have them play with their own children, and then they return them to wherever they found them. That is what happened here because she said that it happened before and at night. If she was really kidnapped, she would not be around to tell the story.

  10. As a parent, protecting your kids is priority #1. If Mom & Dad know this is happening and they don't leave - well that's a problem. Kind of like a ghost or demonic spirit attacking your child and then telling you to "GET OUT" and you don't.
    There is no excuse - especially claiming poverty or lack of relatives. A Bigfoot might abduct my kid once but it would never get a second opportunity.

  11. She was taken by a dirty smelly n@gger!


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