New Exhibit at the International Cryptozoology Museum Includes Gun That Almost Brought Down Bigfoot

The International Cryptozoology Museum has obtained a collection of artifacts belonging to the lesser known bigfooter, but no less important, Tom Page. A millionaire who played an integral part in the quest for bigfoot discovery. Included in the collection is a 32 gauge dart gun, that was used in hopes of acquiring a live specimen.

"The Hunt for Bigfoot
I propose that another critical point in hominological history occurred right after the October 20, 1967 filming of what appears to be a female Bigfoot at Bluff Creek, California.

Serious, quiet, but well-supported research teams were placed into the field throughout the Pacific Northwest with the thought that capturing a Bigfoot/Sasquatch was within their grasp. I have written extensively about Texas oil millionaire Tom Slick’s pre-Patterson-Gimlin film efforts in this realm, from 1958 until Slick’s death in 1962.

Now, the International Cryptozoology Museum is happy to announce the exhibition of parts of a collection, the complete acquisition of which occurred this spring. We have the Tom Page Bigfoot archives and artifacts. The collection allows us, with a snapshot of the sense of those times, to open a door to the past.

The men using this dart gun, a cap-chur gun, felt they were on the verge of obtaining a Bigfoot. Tom Page bought this gun from the factory. All the paperwork indicates it was sold to Page directly as a “Harrington Richardson 32 gauge special Cap-Chur Powder Projector,” in 1969.

The then-millionaire Tom Page of Ohio supplied this dart gun, the helicopter, the money, and pushed along the search, contractually and in a business-like fashion. This history was almost lost, and we congratulate Tom Page for fulfilling the mission of the Museum with his generous donation of these artifacts (not the helicopter, of course, but much evidence of what he did)."

To read this entire article by Loren Coleman, visit his blog by clicking here.


  1. WILD BILL gat a shotgun and a BIG knife!

    1. got them tight pants so he can get to his weapon and that big knife

    2. WILD BILL say he be USMC Sergeant

    3. Wild bill gonna git him some alright!! "He gonna mess his britches tonight. Y'all.

  2. Matt and BOBO needs to get some dart guns to go along with their night vision!
    BOBO huntin da bigfoot!

  3. dont think that the mexican bigfoot go for that
    huntin mexican bigfoots would be some time of crime for sure!

    1. probabily need a huntin permit for a mexican bigfoot

    2. mexican bigfoots make good huntin : )

  4. we keep going to the past with the old constitution, we need to get a newer 2.0 version to get the JOB done!

    1. Egypt changes theirs every three weeks or so. Go there.

    2. thats the way we need to go!
      change it as required or as the need arises!
      like the health care - changes added when needed ....

    3. Yeah. It's just dreamy over there. Go away troll.

    4. changes - is the new NORM : )

    5. Obama needs a 3rd term to complete his daunting tasks for social justice...
      with able body servants like Holder to get the JOB done!

    6. I'm sure your're attempting to be humorous but I must say I agree. Give him as many additional terms as he wants, the last thing this country needs is another right wing extremist in office.

    7. he can stay in office I dont think anyone would push him out of office ....
      Hmmm maybe Biden ....

    8. I think Hillary might want the JOB next, after all the potical system owes it to her

    9. i think most would Hillary 2016!

    10. TTL for President, 2016....with great power comes great responsibility!!

    11. total power - total control in 2016!

    12. Agreed! TTL in '16!
      Hey Mr. Brookreson, good to see you sir.

    13. Paid for by the committee to elect TTL for president, the views expressed herein do not necessarily reflect those of Shawn, Matt or Big Doris :) and may be subject to white out.

    14. Hey Big Jon. Hope the weekend finds you well. I've got a video I've been circulating for opinions. If you get time Joe can forward your email to me and I'll send it to you. It's. Interesting in that no one seems to know what the hell it is. :)

    15. just got to get that darn 22 amendment. appealed...
      or maybe president executive order, as a work around to complete the task @ hand

    16. So Big Jon, you got a thing for lying, pandering, fly a million miles without even a T-shirt to show for it, carpet bagger who will put up with a p.o.s. husband screwing around with interns just so she can fulfill "Her Destiny"? She didn't make it one week without putting her cankled foot in her mouth. Three times. She's never going to be president. "This Time She's Good Enough" isn't the winning slogan you think it is.

    17. Absolutely! I'l have joe send u my email and I'd love to see any research, info, encounters, pics, videos etc. that you're willing to share. I can assure you nothing will be passed on to a third party without your permission.

    18. Orders - orders that mist be obeyed @ all times!

    19. Big Jon, please go back to the northwest. We don't need you down here poluting our voting and gene pool.

    20. Big jon not succumbing to tomfoolery = giving a ass whoopin,

    21. Big Jon be knowin how da handle em thar trolls.

    22. And lots of it, the 70s ruled!!

  5. U.S. Border Gate Left Wide Open, Unguarded.
    The U.S. Border Protection agency is either abiding by a stand down order, or is so busy performing other tasks they’re completely leaving entire sections of the border unguarded and indeed wide open.
    da new NORM

  6. bigfoots atakin me hawgs now tham border jumpers gona clean me out fer shure

  7. ISIS now thats some head hunters for you!

  8. The museum also has Smeja's sleeveless shirt he was wearing when he shot those baby Bigfoot.

    1. baby bigfoot mighty fine eatin like them veal : )

    2. Don't forget the fact, that after he shot the baby in the neck. He then strangled it WITH GLEE!!

    3. he done it for his safety!!!!!!!!

    4. its all done fer U safety

  9. tonight is GO time for Mountain Monsters - hunting the Cave Creature -

  10. Just thought I'd step in and say that those AIMS team members are doing some really good things out there.

    1. I don't like the one called Buck. One time he pushed me.

      He pushed me real harrd.

    2. BUCK just doing 1 of them random gravity checks of his.
      BUCK the best dang point man that Trapper ever had!

    3. There was a time in my life when being an AIMS team member would have meant the world to me.

      ...But with the help of family and my girlfriend Sally, mountain monsters are no longer a part of my life.

    4. Nooooooo you been compromise, get to somewhere safe so U can watch tonight Mountain Monsters AIMS team vs Cave Creature!

    5. Stepping in again to say that Buck is a team player and pulls his own weight out there.

    6. WILD BILL gots that big knife so he can cut and slice them critters

    7. BUCK minster AntiAir gunner while on the hunt for the Snallygaster....

    8. My thoughts and reflections concerning team AIMS and their tactics will be available to the public very soon.

      Graham Wellington

    9. My thoughts and reflections concerning my hatertole will be available to the public soon.

      Baron Von Beavermeister

    10. Goose stepping in here for a second to say that Jeff the researcher is doing some good things out there too.

    11. At least team AIMS is out in the bush getting their hands dirty trying ! Sometimes when people disrespect them... I get Mayaad !

    12. Now I will take a drink and talk about UFO's but mountain monsters, I won't do it. They're no longer a part of my life.

    13. I think Wild Bill would be a great cereal mascot.

  11. Joe fitz it's official I have a email!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  12. I wonder if the museum has the burlap bag I almost caught Bigfoot with?

    1. No. I came across it at a private auction and had to bid. I'm wondering if these Cheetos you left inside are still fresh? Im a bit peckish.

    2. Cheetos are always fresh. They are a miraculous food.

  13. Almost doesn't cut it. Shoulda used a .577

  14. Alllllllmost! But it looked too human like. Soooo I didn't.

  15. I wonder where Gimlin's rifle is that he aimed at Patty?


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