New Clear Bigfoot Photos Out of Virginia

YouTube user Randy O'neal posted a video with a couple of very clear bigoot photos reportedly taken by his father and a friend while fishing in Virginia. In the video Randy also retells a story of an encounter he had as a young boy in the same area. Randy offers the images up to anyone who would like to analyze them, and claims they are 100% authentic. Check it out:

Below are screen captures of the two images.


  1. The photos look interesting...

    1. I know PERIDOLIA will destrolia, BUT does it not look like a dark figure moves in on the right of the subject (zooming in helps but not much definition for me here)? Someone BREAK IT DOWN FOR ME PRETTY PLEASE. ;)

    2. Very interesting photos and a believable story told by another person who shouldn't have access to a gun xx

    3. yes, eva i concur, and how about a nice pic of your favorite thong, yes?. thank you , HOWARD STERN....

  2. Yeah, they are interesting. But I reserve the right to call fake once I get to my computer.

  3. I looked at it already and there just isnt enough information in the closest pic to see anything by zooming in. Just bad pixelation.

    1. Okay, so pixelation means that it is real. Isn't that the way it goes?

    2. No, it just means that even tho it looks clear, by the time you zoom in to see what you can make out of it, face, hands, body. It starts becoming large pixels losing information with each zoom in. Just not much here. It could be a kid in a sweatshirt for all I know

    3. Problem with most blow ups and enhancements of the PGF. If you can't solve this with new camera then you are really going to have artifacts and pure guessing on zoomed in PGF.

  4. okay, clear pictures = FAKE! 😁
    Nah, but I can't wait to see them on a big screen.

  5. It looks like a second one off to the right in the closer of the two pictures.

  6. A typical cell phone that is not older than a year or two should provide a bit more details than even a 1080p Youtube video. So, I am wondering; Is there somewhere where these original pictures have been posted?

    1. Ask your comment on the youtube page...the guy ought to answer and provide some "details" you`re "detailed" for the shit burn tonight...yessiree !

  7. total shit

    I know americans aren't blessed witrh ,uch intelligence,even coming from this low place, this story is nonsense

    Who would give a shotgun to a kid and tell him to shot the man looking silhouette

    The story if true would have seen this kid up on attempted murder /murder charges

    You could point out half a dozen red flags in that story
    As for the pics. they are the usual 'bigfoot' type pics. there is nothing dec earnable in them. It certainly doesn't show a muscle bound 9ft 800pd ape man that people describe they've seen

    I guess we will get told its a juvenile

    every man sized/or below pic is a juvenile. Eyewitness report 9ft "ripping muscles" their body was only half the width of the creature etc...basically they are describing this monster

    yet every pic/video appears to be taken by a Parkinson sufferer who doesn't know how to use the zoom button or continue to film it for as long as possible. If its a pic IE this one! its never a series of them walking away/moving etc.. just still shots taken at the exact point where you cant make out detail


    1. oh dear...DO shut the feck up.

    2. With the exception of the suggestion that Americans are dumb (even though the long-winded person above obviously can't type or spell very well, I agree with his opinion of the validity of this photo and story. They must have used a circa 2001 flip phone with a poor quality camera. If this was taken outside, in the sunshine, the detail should be much greater, I'm going to say (with respect) that this was misidentification.

    3. A 15 year old says, "Daddy?" Dad, Pa, Pops, but not Daddy. Also, the photo is shadows on a stump. The "figure" doesn't move it's body or legs in the photos - it's just the photographer that moves.


  8. Replies
    1. Yep, a burn mark or burnout portion of a stump. The rest of the light brown stump is behind the dark part.

    2. I agree totally, stump bunt out, no arms, no movement just one shot, nice try, the reflection in the water tells all

  9. If you need glitzy music to produce it, and redneck falsetto, then the red flag has already been set ablaze with BS.

  10. Seemings how there is no movement, no visible actions between pictures I'd have to agree it is a optical illusion caused by shadowing.

  11. Those pics are so romote, I'm stumped.

  12. I hate to break it to you, but if you are someone who think those are an eye doctor immediately.

  13. It's M. K. Davis in a monkey suit posing for Phil Poling.

  14. Why can't you all just watch porn instead?

  15. Why is the image so small?

    Is that some sort of compromise, that clear photos must be made small for ants?

    Why couldn't the author have uploaded the image at full resolution.

  16. There is your proof doubters!!

  17. No matter what, Clueless Joe still "believes in the Church of Bigfoot."

  18. What do we all do when we see something extraordinary from a distance, while carrying today's cell phones? We take multiple pictures!!! Lmao!!! The story is lame as well.

  19. click on picture and zoom in to about 400%,,clearly shows it's a shadow, thus not real!................................................sorry!

  20. Last night, or actually early this morning around 4:30 a.m., I was
    sleeping in my car on about 2500 Upton near [and facing the intersection of 4800 Linnean] and awoke to witness an upright thin or medium sized creature, around 7 feet tall it seemed, with no clothing on - only the imagery of chocolate colored hair, crossing at that intersection. I was so shocked and frightened that it may see me and turn to walk my way, that I did not think to pull out my camera to photograph the creature. Plus, it was so far away that it would have been blurry, and it was dark with the only lighting being the street lamps. The creature simply crossed the street at that intersection, with a very lithe and fluid movement pattern, got to the left side, from my point of view facing it, and turned around and walked back across the street to disappear into the night. This is a very deserted and forestry area. In the wee hours of the mourning deer, foxes, racoons, etc. roam around looking for food. But, I know that this was not human, a little taller than most people, and very fluid in its gait as it walked. I was so frightened that after witnessing it, I left the scene, but returned the next day to witness why it turned around. There is no passage on the side it walked to; and I felt it was putting on a show just for me as it probably had witnessed me sleeping in my car. I am now convinced that these secretive manlike creatures exist. This is a heavily forested community in Washington, DC called Forest Hills where there are many remote and huge mansions and Embassy residences.


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