Are These Stories of Bigfoot Creatures Terrorizing a Small Village in Alaska True?

Bigfoot Forums member "georgerm" posted the following article recently about an abandoned vilage in Alaska. Supposedly the village became a ghost town after being repeatedly terrorized by nearby bigfoot type creatures. Link to follow:

The goose-bumped terror felt when people encountered these spirits was nothing compared to what happened to Malania’s godfather, Andrew Kamluck. He was logging in 1931, when someone or something hit him over the head with a piece of log-moving equipment. The blow reportedly killed him instantly.
Malania isn’t the only one to tell of strange events at Port Chatham. Port Graham Elder, Simeon Kvasnikoff, said he remembers when nantiinaq was blamed for the disappearance of a gold miner.
“This one guy over there had a little place where he was digging for gold,” Kvasnikoff said. “He went up there one time and never came back. No one found any sign of him.”

Another story recounted the experience of a sawmill owner named Tom Larsen, who had a job cutting wood for the old fish traps. He told of spotting nantiinaq on the beach once. After going back to his house to get his gun, he returned to the beach and “the thing looked at him,” Kvasnikoff said. For some reason, Larsen decided against firing a shot.

In an April 15, 1973 issue of the Anchorage Daily News, a feature article told of the abandoned cannery town of Portlock near Port Chatham. The writer had learned the story during an evening spent with the school teacher and his wife at English Bay (Nanwalek) while on a boat trip. The story is told:

“Portlock began its existence sometime after the turn of the century as a cannery town. In 1921, a post office was established there, and for a time the residents, mostly natives of Russian-Aleut mix, lived in peace with their picturesque mountain-and-sea setting.” According to the ADN story, sometime in the beginning years of World War II, rumors began to seep along the Kenai Peninsula that things were not right in Portlock. Men from the cannery town would reportedly go up into the hills to hunt Dall sheep and bear, and never return. Worse yet, sometimes stories would circulate about mutilated bodies that were swept down into the lagoon, torn and dismembered in a way that bears could not, or would not, do.
“Tales were told of villagers tracking moose over soft ground. They would find giant, man-like tracks over 18 inches in length closing upon those of the moose, the signs of a short struggle where the grass had been matted down, then only the deep tracks of the manlike animal departing toward the high, fog-shrouded mountains …”

For the entire article with even more hair-raising stories, click here.


  1. Replies
    1. How's the foreskin? I heard it's legendary.

      Mike Honcho

    2. fer shure tham bigfoots been here in alaska back in the day crossed over during the bering strait land bridge days! folks knowin it fer yeers

    3. Is that all you`re concerned with...? ...have you actually read the article or just childish shit ? w a n k e r.

  2. Replies
    1. You can`t do much else can childish prick

  3. Just thought I'd step in and say those Alaskan Bigfoots are really doing some good terrorizing up there.

  4. Trappers gathering apples and paw paws, Wild Bill & Willy are making traps while Jeff writes in his notebook.


  5. "I am pleased to announce that the Bryan Sykes' paper will be published on July 2nd. Details to come..."

    A tweet sent out to mullets 15 followers.

    When the paper is nothing to do with bigfoot and about the hybrid bear he found, Joe needs to man up and admit he was wrong.

    1. I can "man" him up...I`ve a hard 7 incher ready and willing to "man" him up with.

  6. Spoiler alert! Tonight on finding big foot. Big foot will not be found. Sorry there's nothing on the hill.

    1. 5 seasons of zero evidence after travelling to all the spots where there have been recent sightings = proof there is no bigfoot

    2. Bigfoots sightings been around for years and Matt and BOBO been tracking bigfoots for years!
      even Melba Ketchum and Jeff Meldrum say bigfoots are out in the deep woods of north america!

  7. From bigfoot files episode 2:

    Bryan Sykes: "Imagine the scene when you're at a particular hotspot wood and there are 2 groups of bigfootologists, one on either side of the wood that start knocking and then the others respond, it would go on for ages wouldn't it then"

    Mark Evans: "Communicating to each other"

    Bryan Sykes: "Yes and unknowingly ha ha ha"

    (Both mark and Bryan continue to laugh)

    Too easy :) Better luck next time ey Joe!

    1. Could get kinda "hairy" if the shooting started.

  8. Mark Evans: "And what about the rest of Bryan's american results?

    There were 7 samples from Washington state.

    2 were cows.

    1 was a black bear.

    1 was a white tailed deer.

    Derek randles high hopes sample was canine, a wolf or a dog.

    And so was the hair from marcell cagy's backyard.

    And elsewhere in the USA, there was a horse in texas, a racoon in Arizona and way up in Michigan a porcupine."

    Bryan Sykes: "Am I disappointed we didn't find a bigfoot? I guess it would have been fun if we had but my ambitions of the project are entirely fulfilled in that we have identified and examined the best evidence and done it in a scientific systematic and successful way, so I'm really very pleased."



  9. Just how does a critter that big go undetected?

    1. lots and lots of woods - few people venture into them -
      indians and early settlers were finding bigfoot or bigfoot finding them!
      now with the forest preserves people dont go past established camps sites and trails much so bigfoot has lots of room to roam

    2. As hard as it is for humans to comprehend,the big fella is MORE REALLY is that simple.

  10. Not every Sasquatch is a quiet friendly giant, I bet some have mean tempers, just like not all dogs are friendly tail waggers.
    I wouldnt doubt there are sasquatch that kill hunters, hickers, campers, berry pickers

    1. ^ and folks looking for bigfoot!
      some just might have found 1.....

  11. I believe the numbers of footprints that have been found are more abundant than any devices that were made to produce fake footprints.

  12. If u go in the woods much you'll know this is true:you can find deer,squirrel,rabbit or any other animal bones what's going on bigfoot the only animal that buries it's own?


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