Whoa! Watch This: Stacy Brown Jr. Shows Us the Spot of the Brown's Thermal Bigfoot Video

Winner of Spike TV's 10 Million Dollar Bigfoot Bounty has been busy. Check out this video of Stacy on location in the exact spot where the Brown Family Thermal Footage of a possible bigfoot was shot. Check it out:


  1. Replies
    1. I am I cried. To no one there.

    2. And no one heard at all

      Not even the chair

    3. Eat a pair

      on a chair

      in the air

      do not care


    4. I meant pear, not pair but the accidental version is funnier.

    5. Best sideburns ever--even better than Neal Young's.

    6. Maybe this stooge can show us where he cooked the last batch of sasquatch meth? Or his last known fucking shower spot! Doesn't this world champion squatcher look like sean penn with a beard?

    7. I believe Brown mentioned Mick Dodge? that old dude dresses up like Bigfoot and scares off people who trash the forest. I'm shocked Stacy hasn't darted him.
      hey jw ! and co.

  2. Tracy can show us a lot of Brown spots I'll wager.

    1. You can trust your car to the man with the brown star. The big brown Texaco star.

    2. How deceiving. He did not win ten million dollars, thus no winner

      Am I wrong? Am I wrong?

    3. I got your brown footage right here

      Oreo brown, well black is more like it

  3. That footage is spectacular. Why, why won't scientists just say bigfoot exists?! What more proof do they want? All these bigfoot shows, books and movies, bigfoot blogs, conventions, chat groups...

    Just declare it a species already!

    1. You forgot to say, "please."

    2. And you forgot any organic evidence.

    3. Got to admit that Stacy's footage is baffling after reading the Barackman research on it. The Jon Brown thermal, not to impressed .

    4. Plenty of hair... Shame it's a taboo to discuss with the all so clever scientific community.

    5. There are millions of footprints, photos, videos, hair samples, witnesses....declare it a species, enough is enough.

    6. Three major snags... Religion, education and logging.

    7. Oh, and I think Barrackman's average height attained from studying Brown's thermal was at 8.5 feet tall.

    8. Actually Joe, your biggest snag is the self appointed idiots leading the charge. They seem to be more interested in You Tube hits than solving this little mystery.

    9. If it's out there, it will be found by someone that isn't looking for it.

    10. Joe, your snags were right on ! You're such a thinker . You might want to add a fourth snag, skeptics .

    11. Casting impressions, unverified hair samples often degraded or contaminated, blurry pictures, shakey video, and stories don't classify an animal and place it in a taxonomy.

      The logging industry doesn't hide bigfoot you nincompoops. How often have you been stopped by a logging company in the woods? Were you on their contracted land? I've literally never seen a yarder get out of his cage to go scare off the footers.

      You people and your head games.

    12. The technology just isn't there yet to take clear enough field photos or videos. I'm hopeful that in another two decades we'll have the right lighting elements and mega pixels in SLR cameras in order top take decent wildlife photos.

      I think the thermal evidence is more than enough to declare bigfoot a species. Barackman's tech data on the Brown thermal verifies it beyond any shadow of a doubt.

    13. Dermal ridges with species traits, verified hair samples but with no medulla, clear, digitalized & stabelized footage in motion, and anecdotes in the tens of thousands much of which are clear mutiple person accounts, don't classify by but pretty much tell you there's at least something worth investigating further and taking seriously.

      The logging industry doesn't hide Bigfoot, but he government that is well aware of the economy that it significantly contributes to, do.

      Stop reading things literally and read between the lines.

    14. The logging industry DOES hinder bigfoot investigations. How many accounts of loggers and government officials swiping cameras and evidence out of peoples hands do you need to hear before you understand the siege the bigfoot community is under?

    15. Don't many bigfoot live in areas that are national parks where no logging is allowed? Logging is not legal everywhere that there is a forest. There are plenty of bears and moose that live in non-logging areas.

    16. ^
      Shut up, dude. Loggers can stop anyone at any time and for any reason. There are 1000s of cameras taken away from people every year by loggers and those are the ones we hear about. That doesn't include the people that are afraid to come forward.

    17. Support your local lumberjack...or get the axe

    18. Haha ain't that the darnedest thing. You must be one sandal wearing, patchouli using hippie to get ran off a non-contracted piece of land by loggers.

      I didn't realize so many girls went bigfooting. Perhaps you should read the Constitution.

      Thousands and thousands of those poor cameras being taken, it reminds me of that Sarah McLaughlin SPCA/Human Society commercial. All those sad impounded cameras wanting nothing more than an owner to come rescue them.

    19. Sarah McLaughlin is the Devil. The Devil, I say!

    20. " Loggers can stop anyone at anytime and for any reason". Of course they can. Ever hear of the 94th Amendment that grants, them the power of search and seizure above and beyond even the Federal Government? This stuff was covered in 8th grade people!!

    21. I think it's time to give landscapers the power to declare Martial Law! Who's with me!

    22. If you've had problems with landscapers, speak up. I have 3 friends who had their cameras confiscated by loggers. If this extends to landscapers then make it public. This is the only forum with any truth out there.

    23. You have three friends who're pussies.

    24. Loggers came and took my baby! Then two summers later I was accosted by two burly lumberjacks in flannel and suspenders who took my camera and smashed my phone!

      Don't get me started on landscapers!

    25. I sat on a track cast, and the dermal ridges fit perfectly inside my anal fissures.

      Weird or what?

      Bill S.

    26. 2:49,

      Did you report the incident? Don't let loggers intimidate you. If landscapers are hindering bigfoot research I'd like to hear about it.


      Send any track evidence to a lab.We're focusing on dermal ridges but there is DNA evidence many times as well. We're getting closer and closer to scientific recognition of a new species.

  4. This spot is kinda wooded, as you can see. That means there are a lot of trees.

  5. I want to see his meth lab!

  6. You've seen "The Brown Footage!" Now, we are excited to bring you "The Brown Noseage."

  7. This is a known hoax like the pgf

  8. Location, location, location
    The most important thing

  9. Whatever was filmed it was massive and in my opinion I think it's the real deal. Too bad they couldn't have gone closer and see what would have happened

    1. no its not the real deal. just t-fats looking for a snickers

    2. True dat.True dat.

  10. Hey Joe, glad Mikes feeling a little better today, bigfoot rummaging through sack is great

    1. He get's himself in some very uncompromising situations out there, Rum!

    2. Absolutely, best wishes to Mike

    3. Best wishes to Harry too, He's always got your back

    4. Hey Joe!! I haven't forgot about you man, give me a couple more days and I'l get you that email.

    5. There's no rush Jon, take your time... I'm not going any where!

    6. I am not defected by this medication. Joe. I bit the snake before he could bite me. Thanks Rummie. I knew there were a few around and did exactly the same thing I did last year. Drank Miller Lite and chased Subjects through scorpions, fire ants , snakes and poison oak. The good news was I think some of the poisons counteract the others. Also id like to personally recommend running through heavily wooded brushy areas with sport sandals on. It's important to look stylish when you perish. But I'll be back to my old 30 % in no time. In the interim it's good to see Scott Carpenter's Bigfoot behind me and see the Brown Thermal Consortium doing great stuff. Miss all of ya. Wish I could hang.....but man, poison isn't just Bret Michaels and CC Deville. Stay in touch. M

    7. God bless you Mike.... Working on something for ya, speak soon.

  11. No monkey here guys. In fact no monkey anywhere. Switch to aliens. The mantis people scare me.

    1. Those prawns in District 9 are the real deal.

    2. ^ You have to be careful not to over cook them suckers. Pull them off the grill a little early and they will continue to cook for a minute or two.

  12. He's a joker, he's a smoker, he's a midnight (and early morning, mid-morning, early afternoon, late afternoon, and evening) toker...

    But never at dusk.

    1. DSA. I may be ill, but that's a Steve Martin rip off. Don't fret DSA. I miss u too. Buenas Noches from a Lonely Room. Fun fact of the Day. Steve Earle was once caught by a concert goer at The Austin City Limits performance with a marker in hand writing this pearl of wisdom on a Bathroom Stall" Dwight Yoakum eats Quiche". ;). Goodbye cruel DSA. Ttl will be giving my eulogy live via Satphone re routed from 1992. Cellular Device. I can hear the sad words now as Bret Michaels sings "just like every cowboy sings a sad., sad song".....the feed will cut In...."Joe...Ttl here, sorry bout Mikes corpse, but I got a clear head shot...having trouble emailing apology to his family. Ttl. Gotta go,,,Big News Coming up...". That brought tears. Kirk out.

    2. So the damn turkeys won afterall. Now I know how the Japanese felt in August of '45. Well, except for the destruction. And loss of life. And an uncertain future. But other than those things, it's like history repeating itself. With turkeys.

    3. It's worse. Doug McCarthur did not sit there in his dark glasses smoking that long stemmed pipe and routinely "gobble" at The Emporer from just over the next ridge. But like McCarthur i shall return. Perhaps a grenade would be more effective ? Time will tell......

    4. An occupation force of birds might be more than I can accept. They'll shit on our rights AND on our cars.

    5. Well, I'd like to be among the first to welcome our new feathered overlords!

    6. I'm not with those guys mighty turkey overlords

  13. Haven't read the thread, but just wanted to say that I grew up there and that they do live in that area. My friends and I have all pretty much had some sort of contact in one way or another

  14. The Brown thermal image in question that has an accompanying still shot that appears to show rocks, apparently came from GRAYS HARBOR, WASHINGTON. Stacey Brown lives in FLORIDA. Do you actually expect us to believe that Stacey Brown travelled all of the way to Washington, in order to perform a sloppy on site verification where he neither stood at the same location that the original thermal was taken from, nor did he then point the video camera and walk to the point where the subject was hiding to show us that there are no rocks? This video is a joke. THIS APPEARS TO BE A HOAX TO CONCEAL A HOAX!

    1. And then 1 day later, he's back in Florida, filming himself on a stakeout. Stacey Brown was never in Washington to verify or authenticate anything.


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