Watch This Classic Breakdown Three Bigfoot Captured on Video by Bart Cutino

As the bigfoot research season kicks off in the Pacific North West, I thought now would be a good time to revisit this classic breakdown by Phil Poling of Bart Cutino's thermal footage of three possible bigfoot creatures. The footage was shot on August 25th 2012, in an area of ongoing investigation. Will Bart and his team be able to capture more footage this season? Check it out:


  1. AIMS with all that thar firepower old Marine WILD BILL gits it DONE the old fashion way with his Bowie Knife : )

    1. they need to use that fire power more often - Trapper got off a few shots @ the fire dragon : )

    2. Jeff Headlee gotz FLIR night vision to get the JOB done

    3. A good AK47 gets U all the proof U need : )

    4. Please don't encourage young Bartholomew. I was hoping he'd get an honest job this summer.

      -Bart's nice old mammy

    5. what about tham melonheads - thay gits U fer shure

  2. What! That PHONEY BALONEY Marine?

    1. wild bill got to many flash backs to be a "phoney baloney"

  3. WILD BILL & Willy going after the killer bear-canine hybrid called the "Red-Eyed Bear Beast,
    Trapper and the team goin hunt and trap that critter fer shure

  4. Was Smeja full of BS?

    I'll not be losing any sleep over that one but the big guy led Bart to this site right?



    1. I don't know about BS, but certainly BO!

    2. I believe its some other people mistakenly in their vicinity .

    3. Given the people involved, you certainly can't rule out hoax.

    4. I think they got something, Smeja led? He slept through it

    5. Hey MMG ! Still coming south ? I am going to Fla. conference.
      hey harryb ! and co.

    6. The story goes ....once upon a time in the Sierras, near a place where Justin did his thing, two intrepid explorers went on an adventure. Shawn and Bart. Bart used a slightly impaired Ro and Justin as bait. Circled around the camp. And caught some pretty epic counter-espionage thermal imagery. I do not know what Onsilot's (sic) role was but he knew what was up. Ro's on the record somewhere between his 20 ongoing projects admitting that the camp heard some commotion and knew something was up. And after the evidence was captured, Bart Cutino set the bar for vetting a piece of evidence just about as high as you can set it. He openly challenged his own contemporaries and collaborators to "have at it". And on this rare occasion Phil Poling finally had a piece of real evidence to go to work on and work he did. Everyone takes shots at the big names in this industry. But I'm an unabashed fan of serious science based research. I'm also equally incapable of conducting it ;). Night all.

    7. the joke goes was 10 to 4 and Shawn kept score. :)

    8. wheres tham critters abein @

    9. That was a great comment Mike thanks for the info don't see many of that around here

    10. Mike- bigfoot will let you approach quite closely providing you are completely naked.

    11. As my neighbors next door know. I usually am .....

    12. creepy, hope they don't have kids

    13. No. Creepy is the inference you just made. As a father, I find no humor in it. Enjoy the rest of the comments. They will surely be better than that.

    14. Now you mentioned nudity at 3:55 and children at 4:33. Is there anything else about your particular pathology you'd like to share ? Cause I rarely take the comment section seriously or the humorous asides personally. But someone on here once offered on this blog to take my son Squatching in the deep woods. I offered a cash reward for his IP address and he subsequently apologized for what he called poor taste. Let me phrase it this way. Poor Taste where I'm from is the copper like tincture of blood in your mouth. I respectfully request that you refrain from such commentary. Kids are off limits here as they should be. Now I'll yield the floor to you to educate and entertain. I'm quite simply too pissed off to type.

  5. Looked like landscapers to me.

    1. We know it wasn't lumberjacks. They didn't confiscate anyone's phones.

  6. Isn't this the footage taken of Shawn, Ro, and Justin down at the fire?

    Goofy kids.

  7. These guys fell off the grid!!! Ro messed up the documentary IMO and with thermal like this it's still not good enough for most people to believe in Bigfoot!!! You guys have a very good opportunity to prove that Bigfoot is real but don't have the guts to pull the trigger and end it once and for all!!! I know some of you ''researchers'' don't need proof of their existence so why continue to waste your time on expeditions if you know they are out there!!!

    1. ^Excessive use of exclamation marks. That will cost you 17,5000 Reddit points.

      The Grammar Police

    2. bigfeets atakin me hawgs fer shure

  8. reptilian humanoids - be looking for specimens for DNA and hybridization

  9. if U poop next to a tree to mark where U have been, U cant get lost - its for U safety

  10. im pretty sure i seen a few bigfoots near the horse stable. they looked like horses but so does the bigfoot dna.

  11. sometimes bigfoots lookin lack horses so U athinkin tham be horses but thay abein bigfoots

  12. Its well known they simply filmed their mates back at camp who were in that direction.

    No bigfoot.

    1. thar be grassman - folks knowin it fer yeers

  13. this thermal is some of the drunken group that wandered off and one was caught dropping a duece. and they say it was rocks. now would a thrown rock show on a thermal?phil is there bitch. will say what hes told

  14. Come on give the guy some credit. They were parked miles away from the road and their friends were also miles away from the sighting. Ah right oops.


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