Watch Discovery Channel Interviews Boy Who Took Russian Yeti Footage

On June 1, 2014 at 9/8c, the Discovery Channel will premiere Russian Yeti: The Killer Lives. Some of the evidence Discovery has looked at is a piece of video recorded by a young boy in the winter of 2013, outside his village with a group of friends. The original video footage has been on the Internet for awhile. Discovery interviewed the young boy responsible for the footage, and gives us further details surrounding what happened. Check it out:


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you MMC, this Big Jon guy has me back in form, he is a worthy opponent. Been out in the woods lately?

    2. Mountain Monsters carry all that firepower finally used it and took out that Red-Eyed Bear Beast - WILD BILL fired that critter UP! The team 1st kill as Trapper we had to take him out for the safety of the team!

    3. That's no hoax. Those f-ing people are busted ass broke 24/7/365! They don't waste money over there on petty hoaxes. Not when your that poor anyway. Also where in the hell would they go to get that costume yeti's are us? That's the real deal. Just ask my boy Joey Fitsgerald! He speaks the truth around this blog and that's no joke. Sup Joey Fittz?

    4. Mr Spaghetti... You are of course totally correct again. In such a conservative country such as Russia, lying does not go down too well either. These children knew they were inviting all sorts of cross interigation if they were perpetuating a hoax; possibly shame to their entire family too.

      Good to see you post bro!!

    5. Joe speaks the truth while his wife spits Squatch spooge. FACT!

  2. Replies
    1. Seconds will have to do

    2. Haha! Thanks for the thought MMC ;) Missed by seconds.

      9:01 is naughty but thats ok

  3. No comments about the video which is the usual behaviour it debate or constructive comment...just immature "I`m first" stupidity...take a tip...grow up...think about this for a moment eh ?

    1. I think this footage is pretty cool.


    2. The tracks look horrible. Just like someone stood with their feet together to make the tracks look bigger and jumped forward. The video is a HOAX.

    3. Oh so that photo above really is the photo taken in Siberia by the people that were found dead,the other week when that photo was on here someone told me it was some bloke called uncle Ted who was outside looking for the toilet,i think he was fibbing but anyway i like that photo and i think those kids are telling the truth xx.

    4. 9:28 is obviously a trained, professional idiot. This video has been around for years. Anything and everything that could be said has already been said.

      Maybe he'll pull his head out of his butte' long enough to grow up himself and not be so easily offended Firsting ain't going anywhere. Deal with it clown.

    5. No that photo was not from Dyatlov Pass incident.

    6. Now that his panties have been untwisted by legit sasquatch comments, let me say this. The Discovery Channel should interview the landscaper that invented the Hot Pocket. Assuming a logger doesn't take their camera, of course.

    7. Anon 9:28 is a stupidhead.

    8. So that photo isn't from Dyatlov Pass?

      Confused from UK xx

    9. Anon 11:28 is being kind. But that's the way we anon's roll, isn't it?

    10. 11:15... Didn't you get all upset the other day?

    11. Does anyone have a link about the landscaper inventing the Hot Pocket? ( Sorry, Joe. We're all fair game around here.)

    12. Morning Eva and Joe! Saying the words Leaping Russian Yeti makes me crack up! I also like the video of the guy.

    13. Hello Chick,i hope the suns coming out in Texas this morning xx

    14. Joe, why would the reaction (from you) about landscapers needing the power to declare martial law make me upset? The funny part is you didn't get it and was ready to take it and run it up the flagpole for confirmation. " Anybody got a link... sounds interesting!" I enjoy your post and have even defended you from idiots but this wasn't your best moment.

    15. Thought I would hit a nerve...

      Probably my biggest mistake there was pasting the wrong comment of interest... You're was probably being supplied with facts about oil resources in the PNW, not to mention an actual account of loggers allegedly intimidating researchers.

      ; )

    16. EVA:

      I can't remember where that "yeti" photo came from but it is NOT, I repeat NOT from the Dyatlov pass incident.

      Someone just decided to suggest that to screw with your mind to make you think a yeti caused their deaths.

    17. Yeah, Joe. I clear 35 grand a year going on obscure bigfoot blogs to run interference on a subject no one cares about. And I get a $4000. bounty for every I-Phone I take from a tourist. Damn, my cover's been blown. Not to worry though. I hear the folks at Roswell are hiring.

    18. Thanks 12:08,it's an interesting photo thou isn't it xx

    19. A subject that no one cares about? Remember where you are.

      You want the truth? Nothing would suprise me. Rangers are quite often reported sabotaging research, a logging contractor would have plenty of reason to get shirty about someone reporting a potentially protected species where he is making a living.

    20. Anyway... If you're a logger, much respect. You guys work very hard.


    21. Hey Joe, ask your mother about logging cuz I was log jamming that old bitch all night!

  4. This is the real deal folks.

    1. Bullshit. That kid ain't Russian. He ain't even drunk.

    2. Yeah, and where are the hookers? Totally fake.

    3. Based on my "research" on various porn sites, Russian hookers are fond of mullets. And usually drunker than a guy named Murphy on St. Patricks Day. No mean feat I might add.

  5. Great news people,I had a foreskin bra made for my excess foreskin.Life is sweet.Sweet indeed.

    D Campbell.

  6. If it ain't leaping, it ain't a Russian yeti.

    1. He's entitled to a rest after all that leaping :) xx

    2. Being a Russian, he's also entitled to a depressing grey cinder block apartment and all the 70 tear old anti-tank mines he can dig up!

  7. Reported by who? I'll answer for you. Jackasses on the internet. You couldn't tell me the name of an individual who had his phone taken by a logger if you're life depended on it. I think you might be confused as to the powers that sweaty fucking drunk log rollers have here in the States. Here's a hint. NONE. Most of them have child support warrants and quite frankly prefer to stay under the radar, if you know what I mean. Roughing up perfect strangers for an employer who fires these motherfuckers for being ten minutes late for work probably doesn't guarantee the silence you think it does. Use your head for something besides a hat rack.

    1. Here's a couple of sources that explain my interest;

      ... Chill man, you had such a good sense of humour ten minutes ago?

    2. Oops! is usually reserved for something accidental or unintended. Neither of which applies to my comment. I cuss like a sailor. Deal with it.

    3. That's cool... I find yor comments quite funny. I also deal with far worse.

    4. No harm, no foul. Like I said, I enjoy your post. And I'll kick in the dick anyone who crosses the line. This is the toy section in the mall of life. Now. I'm off to shoot myself for unleashing that turd on the public..

    5. Anon@1:11 = another wannabee Big Doris....the town sloot!!


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