Was This The Site of An Alleged Sasquatch Attack?

Back in January, Texas Bigfoot researcher Bob Garrett discovered a very strange campsite that someone seemed to have left behind in a hurry. The fire logs were found thrown in different directions. Some have have even speculated that perhaps Bigfoot may have scared off the campers -- or worst, they may have been "eaten". " This is probably one of the most wildest and creepiest video we've seen in a while.


  1. Funny how this may resemble the Russian yeti story on june 1st. on the boob tube! Not that these two have produced that show but it's like what had happened all those many years ago. But if this site was "attacked" by a bigfoot then why wouldn't the attacker come back and chase these two old coots off? You would think that if it went down like they think then there would be more blood everywhere. Do you think these two were a little bias to the so-called bigfoot attack? Could of been a bear or puma!

  2. I guess these guys never heard of raccoons, wild boars or Coyotes?

  3. I would like to see the daytime sweep.

    1. Hello Chuck

      Speaking of campfires, I built a rocket stove over the weekend and it has quickly become a part of the camp gear. Hardly any wood to cook and quick to boil water
      Google it. They are pretty cool


    2. Pretty neat MMC. I know of these. I kind of researched them last winter and was amazed. I have contemplated setting up a remote camp in the Anthony Wayne National Forest of Ohio during the winter with a dome or teepee tent and thought one of these might do the trick. So glad yours was successful.

      Did you happen to see Blood Lake the Killer Lampreys on Animal Planet Sunday. Charlevoix Michigan was invaded by myriads of lampreys that took down a lot of folks up there. Scary stuff man. If they come flopping out of the Saginaw bay to invade your area be sure to keep a weed wacker close by. This seems to do the trick on them. Oh and keep one of those woman's hair hot irons plugged in the bathroom. When they come up from the toilet you can grasp them with it and burn them good.

      Thanks for the report.

    3. Lampreys make me hungry. Some Drakes and Budweiser


    4. No I did not see the show. But I know that lampreys are bad news. They all but ruined the trout here in the Great Lakes. I will have to catch that show for sure


    5. The part about Lampreys coming up the toilet is true. It's happening all over the place now. The best weapon is a frog spear right next to the toilet. Keep your legs spread and your eyes open. They will go straight for the closest orifice


    6. Thats pretty funny. They took down the mayor that way.
      Chrisopher Lloyd. Went from a great role on Taxi and then Back to the Future to now playing a mayor in a poor B movie.

      I remember when they decimated the trout, but they recovered well after planting the salmon in the early 60s. I think the salmon eat these disgusting things.

    7. MMC, I always keep a frog spear handy and my sphincter ready to tighten up at a moment's notice. No lamprey is gonna make me its biotch.

    8. ^^^^. Yup.

      Eternal vigilance is a cheap price to pay.


    9. My wife flipped to the weather channel. Showed a short clip of a guy in a kayak on Superior in Marquette. He was paddling around surrounded by icebergs. What the heck is going on.

    10. Remnants chuck. Lets hope that we don't have a winter like that for another thirty years. In 1978 we had no summer to speak of here in Michigan. Some volcano in India filled the sky with brown ash partly blocking out the sun


  4. There is no other explanation so it MUST be bigfoot.Typical deluded footer thinking.

  5. Legit story , and if u go deeper u won't belive that there is not more covered on this. Probably because it not accutually on park land and is not the first time this has happen so were r the missing people from this camp sites??


    1. I've worked as a park ranger before and it's not uncommon for folks to just up an leave there site.

      Makes no sense to me but it does happen so this appears to be a camp site of folks squatting at the park and up and left for some unknown reason and then the local wild life made a mess of the site once the squatters left.

      We had people who were displaced from their homes attempt to camp all summer at our rustic site, we had to basically evict them.

    2. Got any links? How can I "go deeper" into a single youtube video with no other information?

  6. I guess TTL you never saw an abandon homeless camp?

    1. In Canada we clean up r mess lol


    2. Not with full grown trees split in half etc and a fire still going but maybee it's a American thing for 6 of your friends to all climb up a tree till it falls over sorry we don't do that in Canada either! Lol


    3. TTL. You be careful also. Only a matter of time till those Lake Michigan Killer Lampreys find there way to Superior and invade you also.

    4. Ttl, we call it skinning the cat.

      You should try it sometime.

  7. This site is going down. Shawn's desperate for material to post! This site will end up being like the big foot lunch club is.

  8. Lol!! Staged and faked. Wow.

  9. Saw whre they had to bring in the Turtleman for a ratings boost. Bigfoot is going down hard and fast.

  10. I won't watch ! ! ! Just more crap!! How about a real bigfoot body?? Real science say's no body no bigfoot!!

  11. I won't watch this, but if Syfy makes " Squatchnado " I'm all over it.

  12. Well people,I went and had my excess foreskin tattooed to look like a penis.So I now have a 24" penis looking thingy.Life is sweet.Sweet indeed.

    D Campbell.

    1. Is it just for show, DC? I've heard you were all talk and never any action.

  13. WHERE ARE THE TRACKS?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

    You cannot tell me if a squatch did this that there would be no tracks.

    1. There were tracks. Start at 13:00 and watch.

    2. Distinct large sasquatch tracks or bare foot human tracks?

  14. Found this one awhile back...elaborate hoax or somebody had a very bad night. Believe there was a follow up video where they had reported it and went back to find the site was completely scrubbed of all traces of the event.

  15. "There is no danger that anybody reading this blog will come away understanding it."

  16. Any good researcher would pull out his camping gear, and spend the rest of the night there.

  17. This situation has peeked my curiosity. Looking forward to Sasquatch chronicles this Sunday if Bob makes it on air!

  18. Hmmmmmmmmmm, now why would you take this video at night.....can we say bull crap.......

  19. Hoax or drunk kids? as much as i want to believe as the years go bi idk

  20. hello da tent. the woods r just torn to pieces .part 2 they find out it was a hillbilly honeymoon !!!


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