This Week on Bigfoot North Radio John Mionczynski

From Dr. Jeff Meldrum:
Our guest for tomorrow, this Wednesday, May 28th at 6:00 p.m. Mtn Time, will be John Mionczynski. This is a truly fascinating man of many talents -- one I am proud and humbled to count as both a close friend and mentor. I am sure you will be fascinated to hear him talk about his experiences in the field of sasquatch research. Tune in and join us.

For more information on the guest, click here.

Bigfoot North Radio


  1. Replies
    1. I was out in my garden and I knew I had missed the 2pm post, Game ON!!

    2. Actually mine was first...

    3. ^ No whining. Getting beat by six minutes at firsting is akin to being 9 laps down at the Daytona 500.

    4. Woo hoo hit it Big Jon!

    5. Chick, I never figured you for a screamer..

    6. Compared to you and Big Jon, I'm a virgin. I think I had a motel room next to you once. I thought there was a murder in progress.

    7. You'll be ok. Several 40 year old virgins around here. ^

  2. Is this guy from "Mountain Monsters"?

    1. Nope. He's from Better Shacks and Gardens. If he knew it was picture day, you'd think he would have spruced up the place. Or at least pulled the dead raccoons out of the sofa.

    2. I can never get a first as I have a life

    3. ^ No excuses either. You sound like Danica Patrick.

    4. It's the bad mood doctor from the original "Star Trek"
      hey harry! and co.

    5. Funky monkey! What's the good word my man?

    6. Just thinking of new techniques to lure in Bigfoot . Got any ideas ?

    7. Hmmm that's a good question we really don't know what their favorite food is that actually never came to mind before now

    8. Other than that a good water source and a large enough group of researchers to make a noose hold ever closer to the water I really never thought of what you'd have to use to lure one in

    9. Was thinkinking about hangin by the creek and playin the best of the Monkees, but relized how much I hated that band for hoaxin their music

    10. Lol is it pourin in your parts funky monkey?

    11. Negative, but you know Fla and the Tampa bay area. The lighting capital of the world .

  3. My favorite BF researcher is Brian Sykes. He is the big, angry god of bigfootology.

    1. I don't suppose you have a photo of his
      Polar Bear by chance. If it was real, surely someone would have some video or something. Right?

    2. No, but I do have a picture of a horse, a cow and a synthetic fiber. I also like that sustained, grinding, crunching noise it makes when he crushes your patheteic theories into dust.

    3. Not good enough. I want to see the long lost unphotographed polar bear that NO ONE has ever reported seeing before. It seems it's even rarer than the Yeti.

  4. Dru,

    Don't pay attention to that dumb message on the machine's for that crazy "you know who" just leave your # .. ok??


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