Someone Shot the Bigfoot Books Store in Willow Creek!

Steven Streufert, owner/operator of Bigfoot Books in Willow Creek, CA. got an unfortunate surprise today when he opened up for business. Someone had shot the front window of the store. Was this an accident, a random act of vandalism, or was this done in anger due to a recent argument within the Bigfoot "Community"?

"Hole through the double-pane window where someone shot my store last night with a hefty copper-jacketed slug.

I'm told this was potentially a "kill-shot" kind of bullet, not a mere little .22 or pellet gun. What was left of it where I found the slug in the window sill, where it had bounced off a metal cabinet, looked like it was hollow-pointed, too.

I'm a little unnerved. I've received two implied but obvious threats from Bigfooters in the last week or so." -Steven Streufert
If anyone has information about this crime, please contact Steven Streufert at this link.


  1. Probably bought a bad book and were pissed.

    1. Maybe it was a Bigfoot that can use a gun?


      Is that possible?

  2. I'm sure its a random accident from teens that don't know the 1st thing about gun safety.

    1. Bigoot? Is this the Scottish Bigfoot?

    2. If he wears a kilt then he's a real man/Bigfoot


  3. That's fukin shitty no matter how you look at it that's idiotic for some dumb Bigfoot squabble

  4. Death threats and bullets fired through your window doesn't seem like a coincidence.

    This scene gets pretty messed up sometimes.

    Stay safe Steven.


  5. Keep in mind I'm not accusing anyone in particular of this act.
    More info here,
    and here, for even more discussion

    1. Bullet therefore a police report, isn't that correct Steven?

      So please post it.

    2. Some people need to grow up, sorry for ya Steven, hope it is a one time thing...

    3. I'm not on facebook. Can someone dish out the juicy details for loosers like me?

  6. and what proof do you have it wasn't Streufert doing this for publicity? er, yeah none. Just like Ohio's best Stover, he's full of shit also.

  7. Hopefully this wasn't an intentional attack or warning. There are too many mentally unstable people out there.
    Watch your six, Steven.

    1. Right!? Hell how many times have a lot of us argued on here it never even crossed my mind lets go fuk this dudes shit up but I guess crazy doesn't have that switch where you stop and say hey is this sane or rational

    2. Remember back in the day when you were pissed, you could confront and put up your dukes. Now you go to put on your vest ! " the times are a changing" Dylan
      hey mmg! and co.

    3. Blame the republicans....

    4. Howdy SM, & HB!

      Hope life is good fellas!


  8. What a bunch of crap, you don't shoot a mans window out just because you dis-agree with him. Hoodlums need to grow up and represent some respect for their country men and country.

    1. Eh it's this sissy don't spank your kids movement how are they supposed to learn being a dumbass hurts if you don't show them

    2. Bright side is people like this eventually end up doing jail time. Unfortunately Steve is dealing with the stress of, if or when this will happen again.

    3. I was tellin my wife about that how some people are fanatical she goes no way I said crazy doesn't care whether it's Bigfoot or men's big and tall when you're that far gone subject matter is just semantics

    4. You gotta love those republicans....

    5. I agree with you it's just Bigfoot not like Steven smacked their mother he shouldn't need to even deal with the repercussions of anything

    6. Sorry that was to Kelly what do you mean republicans?

    7. Kelly could not agree more what if someone had been in the store at the time.Taking a chance of taking a life is just insane.Be well Steven and also you and yours Kelly.

  9. Bigfoot are known for shooting out windows of book stores. They are jealous because they can't read. It's a fact.

    1. Sorry I know this is a serious subject but lol

    2. Contrary to popular belief, some Bigfoot can read quite well, and seem to especially enjoy the poems of Rod McKuen.

    3. ^This could be connected to the shooting. Perhaps the bookstore refused to carry the works of Rod McKuen.

    4. Joe? Can you elaborate on this for us?

  10. I can't believe someone did that. I'd be watching my back if I were you, Steven.

    1. Given the attention whoring types this subject seems to attract, I think he'll be fine.

  11. One only thing could have done this...

    1. Couldn't be him. He's flying the country in his private Space Shuttle teaching widows how to save the Antartic by cutting back on 20 watt light bulbs. One per household ran an hour a day on odd number day's provided carbon credits are purchased in accordance to the United Nations Study on Climate Change. Al always carries application forms with him, so no biggie there. That's how dedicated he is.

  12. What a crock of shit, wheres the police report?

    1. Crock of shit would be Arla's pictures and the others, who play with peoples fascination with the subject to benefit financially or for some other reason.
      By posting pictures of absolutely nothing, except for natural foliage and claiming a Sasquatch is in the picture.

    2. ^ someone who clearly hasn't had a sighting or bigfoot experience.

      Mr. Lane...don't throw stones.

      And just take a breath. Lightin' up.

    3. ^I agree, i would not want thom cantrell's "TEACHER" A scolding me via mindspeak!! ...trbd.

    4. Naw, Cantrell's dude just sends a chastising email.

  13. Who knows? Maybe it was not Bigfooting-related? It could have been someone who really, really hates BOOKS.

    Anyway, Anonymous, since you asked, here is the case number: 201402403, Humboldt County Sheriff's office, taken by Deputy Lagarda.

    1. Steven. Sorry for this senseless act and the fallout and hassle it has caused you. Good Luck to you and thank you for all those wonderful wildlife pictures you provide. I always wanted to ask you if you ever filmed a Suspected Grizzly on those cams. Wishing you the best. Michael.

    2. Sorry this happened to you. Really uncool thug behavior. Maybe time to set up some camera traps at night?!

    3. I came back to the thread, even though I'm at a piano bar where my wife is playing, just out of curiosity. My intuitions were correct. It's funny how all the negative posts are from anonymous posters. We're glad you're ok! Hopefully, it was completely random.

    4. Grizzly bears are not found that far south anymore

    5. Let's see. Get's window shot out. Goes to bigfoot blog to read the reactions. Why, this doesn't reek at all...

  14. What a bummer. It's hard not to be concerned when something like this, I've had it happen to my home once, many years ago. If anyone was trying to send a message, it was lost on me, I had no idea who did it or why. Of course errant bullets are a possibility too, or an accidental discharge.

  15. The timing is really funny on this one. Of course we cant blame anyone yet, but we have to realize this is about Bigfoot, a creature that has yet to be proven in science.
    But to shoot at a dwelling is just plain wrong no matter what and I hope this has nothing to do with a delusional bunch, run rather cult like.

  16. Couple dudes with a couple too many most likely.

    Oh...and "for the record" as they most of us know a "little .22" can still take you out.

    1. You seem to be a suspicious character...

      Detective Squashy

    2. Nah. This is what's suspicious. If it was a hollow point like he claimed then it was fired by a pistol. Now lining up the hole in the window screen with the assumed center of where the "bullet" came through, it seems someone fired it from the woods across the road (up in a tree? At night? Too much trouble I think. Why complicate it when you want to make a quick get away?) or they stood on something like the car below the window. Again, why? If you're just trying to send a message, why not just walk up, point up, shoot the window and bail? But there is another reason the damage might line up the way it does. It was done by some one standing INSIDE the window. Someone who didn't quite think it through all the way, perhaps?

    3. Nice try with the Matlock reruns but you're still a prime suspect.

      Detective Squashy

    4. Have you been watching Fargo? You're a worse detective than the police chief. Especially tonight after he bought that bullshit story from Bilbo Baggins. Although I have to admire a man who set up his own brother like a bowling pin. Shows moxie!

    5. If I'm such a bad dectective...

      How did I know it was you BFP ?

    6. I'm bored playing Matlock. Let's talk Fargo! That show is awesome. Needs a little more Billy Bob though. Hey, it's getting ready to play again. Coincidence? Not likely. This means something...

    7. Quick! Turn on FX! Bilbo's selling the Chief a load of shinola!

    8. No, I didn't shoot out my own window from inside. There is glass all over the window area inside the shop. Nice conspiracy theory, though. I'm telling you the truth. You know, sometimes people actually do that. It was probably fired from the road from a passing vehicle, most likely a somewhat taller truck of some kind.

    9. Somewhat taller? That appears to be an understatement. And a bullseye from a moving vehicle with a hand gun? Who did you piss off? Annie Oakley?

    10. Wow! That's crazy! Be safe, Steven.

      H. Lee

    11. That would be an easy shot from a tall truck. And if the shooter were standing in the woods across the road, that would mean he or she didn't want to be on camera. Many businesses have security cameras these days.

      Steven, if you can, ask the local businesses to check their security camera footage from last night for you. Might get something.

    12. Someone did a drivebye in a cherry picker? Oh please...

    13. Sounds like you've got those trail cams in the wrong spot

    14. It doesn't matter. They'd just be blurry anyway.


  18. Steve if you have someone in your hometown that you have a beef with,you should confront them ASAP.if you don't ,then maybe some drunk broken window fixer is trying create a job for himself..Im glad you are OK. ..trbd

  19. It's a logging community. What do you think is going to happen. That is not a question.

    1. I'm not sure a bigfoot bookstore is quite the threat to the logging industry as you think it is. I'll bet you a nickel he did this himself. As attention grabbing antics go in the world of bigfoot, this is pretty tame.

    2. ^
      James Randi's husband ?

    3. ^
      Al Sharpton's towel boy?

  20. Where was Dr. Matthew Johnson on the night of...?

    1. ^Speaking of someone who'll do damn near anything for attention... He'll have his own "shooting incident" with in a week. This is all about keeping up with the Jones. Or Streuferts in this case.

    2. Why is this comment being censored? Is this Streufert guy off limits, and if so, why?

    3. Wow--Any post with St**fert in it is censored. Just wow.

  21. Had an argument with a coworker on bigfoot once, I was contacted by animal planet on an encounter a long time ago and he was jealous so he put nails in my tires. I didnt park in that spot any more and another coworker parked there and got nails in his tires. Am going to install a hidden dash cam and if he does it again he wont be working there no more.

    1. Careful cause you know idiots can see infrared. Might want to make a call to Meldrum and the Falcon Project or the Falcon eye guys.

    2. How did the nails get out of your tires and into your coworkers? And I'm not sure a hidden dash cam covers the outside four corners of your car. Unless you mounted it on the roof and it rotated 360 degrees. But then it wouldn't be hidden would it? And how long is a long time ago? Years? If he was going to strike again, don't you think he would have done by now? He can't be getting any younger.

    3. You'd be surprised how talk of Bigfoot brings out the insanity in people who cannot deal with Bigfoot.

    4. You'd be surprised how many paranoid nutbags think their co-workers are out to get them. I've talked about bigfoot hundreds of times and I don't remember one time when someone went apeshit over it.

  22. The same idiot I suspect sabotaged some electrical equipment at work making it unsafe to use. I reported it and now he appears to be nervous. Its just a matter of time before he gets caught.

    1. When you use words like "suspect" and "appears", that tells me you have nothing on the guy. And you think he's out to get you because the Animal Planet people contacted you? Don't be surprised if the person being watched at work turns out to be you.

  23. It was likely a Bindernagel Squatch tossing a rock.

  24. You know NOTHING about the situation anon 11:16 you DONT work there. This guy has been in trouble before and nobody likes him. You post comments on here just to humiliate people. It may be in your best interest to see a mental health professional.

    1. So how did the nails get out of your tires and into someone else's? And you're railing on a co-worker about being jealous because a TV channel wants to talk to you? About a bigfoot sighting? Right, nutbag. I bet the poor cocksucker doesn't even know your name, you pathetic loser. Take your meds, then take a nap. And don't forget to check under the bed for IED's. Ya never know...

  25. there ain't no good times, there ain't no bad times, there's only you and me and we just disagree....please respect Steven and his property

  26. Aint wasting any more of my time trying to reason with a foul mouthed tweaker.


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