New Peek At Bobcat's Willow Creek Movie

Entertainment Weekly dropped a load on us today with a brand spankin' new movie poster and trailer for Bobcat Goldthwait's Willow Creek. It looks freaking awesome, and we can't wait to see the flick.

Willow Creek is written and directed by Bobcat Goldthwait (Shakes the Clown, World's Greatest Dad,God Bless America). Jim (Bryce Johnson) and his girlfriend Kelly (Alexie Gilmore) are in Willow Creek, California, to retrace the steps of Bigfoot researchers Patterson and Gimlin, who, in 1967, recorded the most famous film of the legendary monster. Kelly is a skeptic, along for the ride to spend time with her boyfriend between acting gigs. Jim, a believer, hopes to capture footage of his own, so his camera is constantly rolling. The film premiered at the Independent Film Festival in Boston and hits VOD & limited theaters June 6th.

For the full scoop check out Entertainment Weekly by clicking here.


  1. Wait a this...actual bigfoot news? What the hell is going on here.

  2. Watched this last night as in the UK it's available on DVD at Amazon or for rent from Blinkbox. It's very Blair Witch and quite short but Bobcat really did his home work and there's a few good scares! The scene at Bigfoot Books is cool with Jerry Crew getting name checked and the film itself is dedicated to Patterson and Gimlin which is nice whether you think they're hoaxers or documentarians! Looking forward to Exists later this year as that's had good word of mouth and already won an audience award at SWSX :)

    1. Nice assessment, I'm still skeptical but based on your analysis, I'l give it a look.

    2. It's only a couple of bucks on VOD isn't it? Like Daniel said above Bobcat does good work, I recommend World's Greatest Dad and God Bless America to watch in a triple bill with Willow Creek :) It's good to support independent film making just to have an alternative view of corporate America or to have something to watch that's not a bland remake of an older better movie, a lame romcom or a headache inducing soul-less cgi video game yawn-a-rama masscarading as an action movie! Rant over....

    3. I went to school originally for performing arts before I switched to forestry so I'm very much a huge fan of independent films and all that goes with that. Trust me. Thanks again!

  3. My thoughts and reviews on this movie will be available to the public very soon.

    Graham Wellington

    1. ^I don't believe you.

      Baron Von Gerbilmeister

  4. still waiting for that bigfoot movie to come out, the one called skookum I can't find it


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