Hmm... Circus to Display Bigfoot in New York

The Tiny Top Circus has announced that on June 7th, 2014 at Washington Square Park in New York City, they will exhibit for the first time ever, bigfoot. The show starts at noon, so if you're in the area, you might want to check this out.

For more information, click here.


  1. So you were all wondering where Rick Dyer was going to end up...perfect that the clown would go to the place where all clowns belong

    1. Dude they are going to take Ricky (Mexican STD ridden carcass) Dyer's body and display it behind a Bio-Hazard glass. And give you $20.00 bucks for the "Hank" fees he charged. All you need is a receipt from that tool's meat-wagon display to qualify for the cash.

  2. Bobo in a cage
    Matt tells the tale
    Bobo goes into a rage
    breaks out of his cage
    Grabs Ranae and climbs up the Empire state building
    Haven't we heard this story before

  3. I knew Bigfoot would be proven to exist one day.

  4. There was a time in my life when Bigfoot meant everything to me. I walked the Bigfoot walk, I talked the Bigfoot talk and even had martial problems because of it. ...But with the help of a few good friends & small stays in confined areas...I can proudly say that Bigfoot is no longer a part of my life.

    1. ^
      One of J. Randi's little butt plugs.

    2. Hard to walk the walk with a butt plug up your yahoo.

  5. I will talk about Demon Dogs every now and then. I like to talk about Demon dogs. But I don't talk about Bigfoot cause he's no longer a part of my life.

    1. Sometimes when we me and the wife get to partying with friends Bigfoot might come up. Other than that I don't do it !

    2. ...Cept maybe on an anniversary or stuff like that he might come up in conversation. Can't just sit there and say nothin.

    3. Accidents happen but all in all I can say without a doubt that Bigfoot is no longer a part of my life.

    4. Unless my uncle Jimmy comes for a visit...

      He likes to go on and on about Bigfoot. Drags me into yacking about Bigfoot for hours.

    5. One thing is for sure...I don't do dat no mo.

    6. Thanks Chick,

      With the support of you and other fine folks I can officially say on the record...

      Bigfoot is no longer a part of my life.

    7. Getting stuck in traffic is another story...the mind wonders and Bigfoot sneaks into some thoughts.

      Not mine

  6. I saw it already. I was in New York for an engineering conference last week and I was talking to a colleague and he asked how I was doing. I said fine and told him about going to Tahoe for the Discovery and doing some aerial footage. It was supposed to be about the Sierra Pine and its immunity against pests and disease especially about how the lodge pole pine beetle has no appetite for the Sierra Pine. But looking at one of the tapes I saw a black figure that LOOKED to be over 7 Feet tall. It was at dusk so lots of things come into play, but I *thought* it could have been a Bigfoot. He was surprised and asked me if I believe in BigFoot. I told him I dont know. I have seen and heard alot of strange things in the mountains but only anecdotal evidence of BigFoot. He askes me "do you want to see one for real?" I asked him "HOW? Its not like you can go to the zoo and see a real BigFoot!" He said "this is New York! you can do or see anything." Turns out he is from Long Island and knows the city well. "I can take you to one that is going to be in a circus" Well I am an expert in Navigation not Bigfootery, So I said "Yes I would love too" This was at the Wed nite Social last week, so he hailed a cab and off we went, and he said he wanted to go to the upper East Side.So we are heading North by the compass letters on the Rear view mirror. I am starting to get excited and my heart rate is already over 100 BPM. I cycle and I am in tune with it. It keeps my blood pressure down. So we get to a warehouse looking building with a gigantic first floor like the floor of a tool warehouse. It stinks and you can see and hear animals. So I follow Al further in and it really has a curious oder. Well on the far side there are huge black curtains covering a room or something large.
    So he said here goes, and we walked over there Funny no one challenged us or asked us anything. We get over to the black curtains and they are like 15 feet high and my colleague talks quietly to a guy standing inside and looks like he passes a bill or some money to him and motions me to follow him. We go through the curtain and there is a big wooden room almost like a shed inside this building. The shed is painted bright yellow. He opens the door and I follow him in to a dark room. The air is heavy with a stench I havent smelled since my FFA days in Texas in the barn. I stay close behind and now my heart is pounding. And we go around a black partition and there is one light pointing at a stall or cage and inside is something I will NEVER forget, because the smell is so bad now I almost wretch. And I look up terrified because after all this reading and looking at videos of TimberGiantBigfoot I am now looking at the very thing everyone else wants to see. Bigfoot. There in front of me, with my eyes burning from the odor, stinging to the point of tears, is a Shaquielle Oneil Rebok size 19 Basketball shoe with the sock still in it, standing straight up. A HUGE Big Foot. At this point I was almost passing out from the smells and I had to turn around and get to SOME kind of fresh air, before I passed out. I was able to make it to a closer exit and out onto the street. My mind reeling a hundred miles a second trying to process what I just saw. But I have a feeling thats whats going to be at the circus just a few short days away. Will it be worth it? I dont know. I just dont know.

  7. The minnesota iceman returneth?

  8. I'm going to check this one out, I'll let you guys know

  9. Just go across 110th street, there you will find plenty of Big Black Big foots! Hint: They're on the street corners!


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