Check Out This Stop Motion Trailer For Megafoot

Check out this cool fan made stop motion film featuring the upcoming indie monster hybrid, MEGAFOOT. Writer/Director Rolfe Kanefsky and Producer Justin A. Martell are the brains behind the upcoming live-action film MEGAFOOT. When pressed for more information about his movie, the producer wrote this:

MEGAFOOT is NOT a superhero film. MEGAFOOT doesn't need super-powers. He wouldn't make a particularly good superhero anyway - there's nothing heroic about him. Can you "heroically disembowel" someone? Plus, he doesn't look good in spandex.


  1. Replies
    1. Joe Ttl I got a book says bigfoots are alians fur sure ufos brought them here 200 years ago probibly prisiners put here looks pretty true uncle says he knows guy that wrote it let me know if you didn't get my email I sent it

    2. AIMS with all that thar firepower old Marine WILD BILL gits it DONE the old fashion way with his Bowie Knife : )

    3. Stop-motion, rather like Bob H's frumpy-flumpy-flunky baggy-buggy stitched-together attempt at a PGF redux.

    4. Got an actual bigfoot to go with that pgf?

    5. Leaping Russina Yeti, Freeman footage... You were welcome.

    6. tham dang bigfoots atakin me hawgs fer shure - dang critters

    7. You gotta add Stacey Brown thermal footage to that list, Joe.

    8. Without a doubt, Brown's thermal is in that bracket!

    9. I asked for an actual bigfoot. Not another ambiguous waste of time.

    10. No, you asked a question from a rhetorical standpoint with a preconceived agenda to dismiss any source presented.

    11. All the guy wants is a real bigfoot, Joe, shouldn't be to hard. I means it's already a proven species in your mind, surely you have a bigfoot on deck to show us.

      These 2" tall bigfoot's on my phone screen just don't capture that raw essence of the Squatch.

    12. It is in fact is very hard... Extremely difficult when all means of effort to oblige fall on pre-shaken heads.

    13. Then wouldn't it be 'oh so special' to actually have one to show casual observers walking down the street? "Preshaken heads" don't matter when you have hard evidence, ie. type specimen staring them in the face.

    14. I guess the anthropological and archeological documented studies should tie you over until a type specimen slips through the control.

      ; )

    15. Oh, you can actually provide these studies now, you know the actual documents and raw data, not just some blurb saying they exist off some crackpot underground blog/site?

      Every page, every annotation, documentation, details, measurements, comparisons, peer reviews...

      Otherwise, you're just tossin' yourself again.

    16. Just for a couple... How would the Scientific Amercian and Smithsonian do for you? Let's not forget, a whole bunch of excuses for that hominid skull study you were given the other day.

      Your mind can't handle to truth, Danny, you've been given all this data before and you get all angry and upset about it... Remember?

    17. Let's have them then, Joe. My roommate is a Uni student, so I have full access to academic papers worldwide free of charge. Not to mention, I'd actually enjoy sending these prize studies to Dr. Disotell, if they are worth it/exist at all.

      So far you can only tell me they existed and have little blurbs with zero provenance to their validity.

      So, let's have it, where's 60 pages on the mandible then? May as well start at the top and work down.

    18. Scientific American issue of August 14, 1880, page 106:

      "Ancient American Giants.

      The Rev. Stephen Bowers notes, in the Kansas City Review of Science, the opening of an interesting mound in Brush Creek Township, Ohio. The mound was opened by the Historical Society of the township, under the immediate supervision of Dr. J. F. Everhart, of Zanesville. It measured sixty-four by thirty-five feet at the summit, gradually sloping in every direction, and was eight feet in height. There was found in it a sort of clay coffin including the skeleton of a woman measuring eight feet in length. Within this coffin was found also the skeleton of a child about three and a half feet in length, and an image that crumbled when exposed to the atmosphere. In another grave was found the skeleton of a man and woman, the former measuring nine and the latter eight feet in length. In a third grave occurred two other skeletons, male and female, measuring respectively nine feet four inches and eight feet. Seven other skeletons were found in the mound, the smallest of which measured eight feet, while others reached the enormous length of ten feet. They were buried singly, or each in separate graves. Resting against one of the coffins was an engraved stone tablet (now in Cincinnati), from the characters on which Dr. Everhart and Mr. Bowers are led to conclude that this giant race were sun worshipers."

      12th Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution 1890-1891
      (published in 1894)
      (Pike County, Illinois)
      No. 11 is now 35 by 40 feet at the base and 4 feet high. In the center, 3 feet below the surface, was a vault 8 feet long and 3 feet wide. In the bottom of this, among the decayed fragments of bark wrappings, lay a skeleton fully seven feet long, extended at full length on the back, head west. Lying in a circle above the hips were fifty-two perforated shell disks about an inch in diameter and one-eighth of an inch thick.

      12th Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution 1890-1891
      (published in 1894)
      (Kanawha County, West Virginia)
      Spring Hill Inclosure, Kanawha County, West Virginia. In the bottom of Mound 11 (upper left) was found a skeleton "fully seven feet long."

      Largest in the collective series of mounds, the Great Smith Mound yielded at least two large skeletons, but at different levels of its deconstruction by Thomas' agents. It was 35 feet in height and 175 feet in diameter, and was constructed in at least two stages, according to the report. The larger of the two skeletons represented a man conceivably approaching eight feet in height when living.

      At a depth of 14 feet, a rather large human skeleton was found, which was in a partially upright position with the back against a hard clay wall...All the bones were badly decayed, except those of the left wrist, which had been preserved by two heavy copper bracelets...

      Nineteen feet from the top the bottom of this debris was reached, where, in the remains of a bark coffin, a skeleton measuring 7½ feet in length and 19 inches across the shoulders, was discovered. It lay on the bottom of the vault stretched horizontally on the back, head east, arms by the sides... Each wrist was encircled by six heavy copper bracelets...Upon the breast was a copper gorget...length, 3½ inches; greatest width 3¾ inches...

    19. This comment has been removed by the author.

    20. Joe, you told me you have studies. Those aren't studies. Are you aware of what a Scientific study entails?

      Let's see, adding to the list of Joe lies:

      Claims the blog I created and shelved is imaginary. Yet the blog is still hosted on a server, making his lies and stupidity shine like a lighthouse in the dark.

      Claims I never emailed Dr. Feurst, even though I posted several screen shots of the emails as reference. Shall I open up the email account (it was MMG Sr. email account) and take more screen shots, Joe?

      Yes, anybody can go to NYU's server and get Dr. Disotell's email address and phone number. He's a professor at a federally funded school, not the CEO of Halliburton.

    21. What's wrong, PJ?

      Have one too many lies in that post for comfort? Good thing I read it and responded before you deleted it.

      You have zero integrity. At least I own up to my character and deeds, I don't resort to making up lies for whatever reason you seem to do it.

    22. Nope! I was actually going to use another archeological reference to giant remains being documented, and then repost your imagination afterwards... But decided to just go to bed.

      I'll leave you get all sensitive, laters!

      ; )

    23. Reference, mentions, blurbs...

      How about an actual scientific study? Maybe this will help you understand a scientific study:

      "Scholarly articles are written by researchers, professors, or students and are published in research or academic journals. Scholarly articles (also known as peer-reviewed or refereed articles) have the highest level of credibility because they have been put through a rigorous system of review as other experts in the author's field of research check the article for accuracy. Because scholarly articles represent high quality research and rigorous review, be sure to include them in your research."

      You are nothing but a liar and a swindler, Joe, peddling chert rock as diamond.

    24. ... That got you all upset, like I said I would, with the archeological and anthropologocal documentation for biological remains!

      And there's so much more.

      ; )

      Nôs da siolen!

    25. I'm actually let down, Joe. You lied to us all. You told us you had scientific studies that prove bigfoot is real. You have failed to provide a single scholarly article or study.

      Not only have you failed at that, you distinctly lied several times in a post and deleted it rather quickly.

    26. Man up, stop crying, explain the scientific big hitters. A scientific study in the 19th century is not what contributes to a peer review in the 21st.

      Like I said, I stand by all those imagination allegations, you did me the service of listing them when you got all upset. Predictable Daniel... All so very predictable and drew you in too easily.

      Cer i grafu. Rhwy'n mynd i gysgi!

    27. And here they are again;

      Imaginary blog.
      Imaginary Uni room mate.
      Imaginary Fuerst emails.
      Imaginary Disotell on speed dial.

      ; )

    28. I'll be back in the morning to see what else I reeled in.

    29. Predictable is you stating up till 2am on a Thursday night making up lies on the comment section of a blog, followed by your return the next morning at 7am.

      I encourage Chuck, Big Jon, and the rest of the intellectually honest posters here to promote a healthier mental outlook for Joe. We must encourage him to cease his lies and deceit, while supporting him as he takes that first step toward an honest reality.

      What say you, Jon, Chuck?

    30. And yet again, more dishonesty on your end, Joe.

      Biology/science became unified in the 19th century. Here is a scholarly article on Phrenology from 1832 -

      And if that doesn't quell your burning inside, feel free to visit, an academic database. There are scientific articles from the early 1800's rivaling those of data.

      So again you are wrong, and must fail to understand a scholarly scientific article.

    31. Unlucky!!

      We STILL have archeological documentation of giant skeletons to major institutions. Show all the scholarly articles you like, ha ha ha ha!! You have to show me, that big hitters like were listed to you up top are wrong. It's not hard to understand... Supplying one source does not unverify another; that's the logic of desperation and plain old deflection, my dear, dear Daniel.

      Show me my 'lies'... Otherwise you're the liar... Pants on fire.

      "The Dublin Penny Journal was a weekly newspaper, and later series of published volumes, originating from Dublin, Ireland, between 1832 and 1836. Published each Saturday, by J. S. Folds, George Petrie and Caesar Otway,[1] the Dublin Penny Journal concerned itself with matters of Irish history, legend, topography and Irish identity – illustrating itself with a number of maps and wood-cuts."

      Now I don't doubt this journal, but a very quick Google description of the said source doesn't exactly inspire one to consider over my sources... And if anything puts you in an awkward position of investing credence in one source that simply doesn't have the credentials of another.

      Also... (Yawn), to have the entire process you cling to for reason not to believe these giants of science, would be to ignore the plain and simple fact that the paper trail leads to no giant human remains on display... A cover up.

      Oh... And ummmmmm... In your own search engine you provided... Ummmmm... You'll find... Ummmmmm... The Scientific American and Smithsonian Bueraus of Ethnology??????

      You keep trying to play others against me, calling me a liar when there are times that you forget that I am my own man, and produce sources that are easily attainable on the Internet. If I had written the sources myself then your accusations would hold weight, dear Daniel.

      Not a good 24 for you there, old boy.

    32. Your claim: "Imaginary Blog"

      False. Blog link -

      Your claim: "Imaginary Feurst email."

      False. Screen shot of the email sent -

      Link to original posting -

      Your claim: "imaginary Disotell"

      Todd's email:

      Todd's phone #: 212-998-3811

      As it were, I'm not about to put my roommates information out for creepers.

      Oh yes, your claim: "My wife."

      False. You are unmarried. Failure to commit yourself to marriage, your girlfriend should slap you silly.

    33. So reelable, so sensitive...

      I thought you would have refrained from biting so bad there Danny, not a good look for the king of trolls to get trolled so easily. Relax bro, I'm f*****g with ya.

      I refer to my partner, a woman that has been with me longer than most marriages, who is entitled to whatever I have in the same manner of any long term wife, who has a ring on her finger, as my wife. You've drawn on my marital status at least two times anonymously and you want to suggest I'm creepy? That's cool though, I'm quite open about that, you're welcome to that stance, I guess you just might be a little conservative in that respect.

    34. So reel able, Joe, you and that fat old broad, huh? Someone who has to lie about his SO, on a blog. Why is it in private she is your girlfriend but publicly she's your wife?

      Imaginary bigfoot, imaginary evidence, imaginary experts. Surplus of liars and swindlers.

  2. Bigfoot porno

    Now that's the future

  3. GRAYs been here for centuries - been takin DNA and cloning -
    Reptilian humanoids - havin bases all abouts ...

    1. It's clear what needs to be done.

    2. yes tactical nukes on tham bases and clear tham critters out once and fer all

  4. Anyone know any more about this?

    "AnonymousWednesday, May 28, 2014 at 5:57:00 PM PDT

    Did you report the incident? Don't let loggers intimidate you. If landscapers are hindering bigfoot research I'd like to hear about it."

    1. Oh my god it's a joke.

      Landscapers are people who mow lawns.

      How you can take this stuff so serious is laughable.

    2. No, no... Maybe that wasn't the right comment to paste. The logging parts of the comments got my attention, and I'm curious to know if this actually happens. I don't live in the US, naturally I want to know.

    3. I posted the crack about landscapers needing the ability to declare martial law. If I knew it was going to cause so much confusion I would have done it weeks ago. I've never been ground zero for an internet rumor before. You can't imagine the power that courses through ones veins in a moment like this...

    4. I wouldn't celebrate like you've accomplished a major Internet rumor or confusion wave (oh dear), If anyone was ever intimated by anyone from the logging industry, this interested me.

    5. Joe, I think you are referring to the comment someone left about loggers taking people's cameras..... not true. If it is its the first I've heard of it. I doubt these hourly paid contract workers care about a sassquatch cover up.

    6. And it's because of sources like this it interests me...

      "Herbert Delaney organized a protest in front of the Washington State House in Olympia on this day in 1952. He and his small group of family and friends were picketing to raise awareness of what Delaney called the “most egregious abuse of power by the worst kind of dictatorship” in the history of Washington.

      Delaney claimed that Governor Arthur Bernard Langlie was in cahoots with powerful logging barons to intimidate witnesses and suppress evidence that would definitively prove, once and for all, the existence of Bigfoot.

      The State government’s rationale for this action, according to Delaney was to federal intervention that might classify the Bigfoot as a threat to man or worse deem the creature worthy of study and protection. This sort of thing would really upset the commercial interests of the logging barons.

      Delaney and the five other protestors marched in a circle in front of the State House chanting awkward slogan like, “Provide us with the evidence of the Bigfoot!” and “We will not be silenced until the Evidence of Bigfoot is released to us.”

      After thirty minutes of this sort of chanting, the local police were called and asked the protestors to disperse. As Delaney had not obtained the proper permits, he quietly packed it up and went home.

      This did not detour him, though. For in the next five years, Delaney wrote over 400 letters to the Governor demanding all the evidence of the Bigfoot be released to the public. Never once, did Delaney get a response."

    7. Hey Jon, I agree buddy... Just was a curious to know if anyone actually ever did her intimated by loggers.

      I know thei work very hard and have far bigger things on their minds. I wouldn't put it passed people in higher places though.

    8. Interesting.... I'l look in to that. I don't think it carries much weight though.

    9. Apologies for my spelling mistakes, tired tonight man.

    10. Don't try to kill my power buzz, Joe. Or I'll send my battalion of hotel maids over to deal with you. These ladies will make a lumberjack shit himself!

    11. Agreed Jon, I'll keep my eye out for some more stuff.

    12. That's why I love ya joe, you do all my research for me . Haha

    13. Because things are clearly the same as they were in 1952.

      I'm on my way home from the malted ice cream shop to see my pa! Then we's gonna go fishing down at old Mr. Pemberton's pond!

      Jesus, Joe, you need to get out more. Stop rotting away here.

    14. 1:51... Not so clever now I presented you with a source of reason for my interest, are you? And no... Things aren't the same since 1952, the logging industry is worth far more, not to mention oil drilling and stuff.

      You enjoy that ice cream bro.

      ; )

    15. He's reaching out for help, joe. He wants someone to tell him that it's gonna be ok and that those big hairy monsters aren't going to get him.

    16. Yes, joe, because they drill for oil in Washington's State Parks...

      Most times I don't believe you actually look up anything, you just puke on the wall and whatever sticks sticks.

    17. Ha ha! Well I can reassure him to a point, after that I'm limited as I really am only left with my imagination as to how I would react to seeing one!

    18. 2:11... They drill for oil lots of places, mine too...

    19. Oh... And I detect a change in temprement?

    20. "There are currently no active oil and gas drilling or exploration sites in Oregon or Washington."

      Most oil drilling is done off shore. Now if you want to argue over the oil industry and mermaids or the Kraken, that's your prerogative and you may have a case.

      With bigfoot, however, oil companies aren't hiding the Squatch.

    21. Argh, who cares... You got burned with the logging thing, that was my prerogative. There's loads of mainland oil and gas the US, I never said any in Washington was restricting anything, it's the potential of future oil and mining in wilderness areas that would cease as well as logging.

      ""... I live in N. Utah, am an equipment operator, and have signed a total of of 5 non-disclosure agreements concerning the large hairy dude. LOL
      Can't say much more than that, until I retire in '18.
      Believe me or don't, I dont care. But mining and oil companies FOR SURE take this stuff seriously. Hang in there."

      ... Haven't dug that up in a while.

    22. Go to the part where it says...

      "The assessment of undiscovered technically recoverable oil and gas resources..." And "estimates of onshore resources."

    23. Obviously you care, Joe, or you wouldn't have brought it up in the first place. But of course it's not for the present that Oil companies hide bigfoot, IT'S FOR TEH FUTURES!

      Do you hear how asinine the things you said are? Oil companies are protecting bigfoot, not because of things 'in the moment' but for futures. So is bigfoot to the oil company, the same as pork futures to the hog industry?

      Yes, you dig up that old gem of a COMMENT on here. Let's completely ignore the fact that this particular comment drop down WAS INITIATED BECAUSE YOU FELL FOR A COMMENT SAYING LANDSCAPERS (LOL!!!!!!) WERE HIDING BIGFOOT!


    24. Oh dear... Another meltdown it seems;

      "1:51... Not so clever now I presented you with a source of reason for my interest, are you? And no... Things aren't the same since 1952, the logging industry is worth far more, (get ready for a little drop in) not to mention oil drilling and stuff (that would no doubt be put into any future consideration of wilderness resources should Sasquatch be recognized)."

      You need to read a little properly and stop getting all upset.

      "No, no... Maybe that wasn't the right comment to paste. The logging parts of the comments got my attention, and I'm curious to know if this actually happens. I don't live in the US, naturally I want to know."

      Admittedly my mistake... Pasted he wrong comment. That's odd? You don't seem all so chipper anymore???

    25. Blah blah estimates blah.

      We've had estimates of the oil reserves nationally and globally for half a century.

      Also this issue has the legislative and executive branches constantly duking it out over proposed drilling locations.

      BLM regulates these permits and leases, but the Democrats don't want any public land to be touched for their oil reserves and fight it tooth and nail.

    26. Joe had his sense of humor removed (along with his tonsils) when he was just a wee lad selling apples on the street in London. His life is like a Dickens novel. We can only hope one day he will put it all down on paper.

    27. You're talking to 3 different people joe.

      Don't worry, they are all laughing at your nonsense.

    28. Oh dear... Two little angry's right there! Not my fault you got double burned.

      ; )

    29. Ok... Make that three little angries.

    30. At the end of the day, my fleeting comment about how the oil in the country would be affected was fair considering you drill for oil in 11 states on the US mainland which no doubt account for some region of US wilderness. This includes Texas, Louisiana and North Dakota, not to mention crazy resources in... The PNW.

    31. Sometimes I try to guess what childhood trauma Joe endured that made him so looped out in the dome.

      It's kinda like that one kid growing up that would take what was happening to him and try to make it funny and say what was happening to him was happening to everyone else except him.

      Those people usually get hit by a train later in life, oblivious to one step left or right.

    32. Could be worse, I could resort to publicly exposing myself when the going get's tough... Eh Danny?

    33. Joe, there are 4 people that live in North Dakota. Birds don't even like to fly through it.

      Many of your experts believe Sasquatch only exist in the PNW, Canada, Alaska, and around the Great Lakes.

      Oregon/Washington/Northern California = No active drilling or exploration. Those 3 areas account for 3/4 of Sasquatch sightings Nationwide.

    34. This comment has been removed by the author.

    35. Anyway! I've brought enough people to tears tonight, you'll be pleased to know I have a job to get on with in the morning.

      Laters gators!!

      ; )

    36. You act like it's out of character? I've been whipping it out and waving it around since I was a youngster. If you were sitting on my couch, you may find yourself with a tap on your shoulder and look to see my sack just resting in your clavicle recess.

  5. This is gay and f-ing queer all in one!

  6. (Some thing is coming,it's bigger than big) sounds like my boyfriends c*** lol xx

  7. I just started keeping my poop in a jar. It's exhilarating.

    1. poop next to the tree to mark wheres U have been - : )

  8. army being condition to blindly open fire into crowds of people, soldiers thinking zombies but they be people

  9. beware with tonsillitis, do treatment right away or stop eating foods cause inflammation. immediately see a doctor if the condition worsens. thanks for sharing.


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