Check Out This Breakdown of The Fulton County Trail Cam Photo

This photograph has been around for a few years, and it's one of the most interesting pieces of photograph we've ever came across. YouTube user ThinkerThunker (spelled it right this time!) finally did a breakdown on the photograph back in December, and you can check out his conclusion below:


  1. Wish people would spend as much time trying to find bigfoot as they do making this crap. Not even a GOOD fake.

  2. it's a bigfoot in a monkey suit

  3. Holy Cow! This is the REAL DEAL folks! This Photo blows away all of them! Big foot is PROVEN, with this photo! Now that's over, let get after the MOTHMAN!

  4. Does anyone else see the figure in the back ground?

  5. Does anyone else see the figure in the back ground?

    1. Above the subject to the right of the tree. From our perspective. Yes I do.

  6. Here's the breakdown.... Fake.

    No body, no Bigfoot.

  7. Nothing sadder than a dejected Bigfoot...other than people who actually believe this stuff.

  8. That's just a naked T-Fats taking a stroll through the forest.

  9. I'm rather surprised by this one

  10. Great analysis ThinkerThunker!! Arms aren't long enough either!

  11. Shoorly the fact there is one single photo taken with a "trail-cam" is suspicious...where are the previous shots ? ...the creature (laugh) must have tripped the camera on its way to the position of this shot...and walked away,or dematerialised as sasquatch likes to do.


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