Woman's Daughter Is Scared to Death of Bigfoot But Mom Doesn't Want to Leave

This sighting is pretty insane. While the mother is trying to film the Bigfoot, her daughter claims the Bigfoot is staring at her! Wow! It's a pretty wild encounter. You can hear the daughter crying in this.


  1. someone should also sue MK Davis

    1. And the Mother of the Year Award goes to.......

    2. Haha! xD. Was thinking the same thing. "Can u Sht up for mommy? Mommy's gotta look for blob squatches that could potentially kill us both in a horrific way". :

  2. Another one......"I see nothing".

  3. Another day time sighting. PGF proved conclusively that bigfoot is diurnal. And works a big furry diaper like a boss.

  4. That mom should of thrown that sissy ass kid up to the bigfoots. Then that spoiled brat would really have something to whine about.

  5. I do not think it is wise to bring children out on research trips...that poor kid will be scared a long time...but her Mom did try hard to get her calmed down. I did not see but on e or two possible glimpses of it anyway...just my opinion...Bigfoot are wild creatures best to leave kiddos at home....

    1. Nah. They make great bait. And as a bonus you can sell them on the internet if you need a few bucks. That's why they say kids are a great investment for the future.

    2. Rick Dyer in the house everybody.^

    3. I'm offended that you would assign my funnies to an asshat like that. I ain,t and never will be Rick Dyer. Thanks for playing,

  6. That mom is going to get her payments back guaranteed. The kid is going to have sleepless nights and pee the bed also for a long time.

    1. I guess we can say the p word now chick. What a joke.
      They have successfully ruined this blog.

    2. not good, chick. not good.

    3. And the P word is back on the Don't Fly list.

  7. This stupid ass woman terrorizes her child to take pictures of trees

    1. for crying out loud. You'd rather she empowers the child to be terrified of a group of trees? No wonder there are boneheads like MMG around.

  8. Mother tortures daughter for a chance at fame-----Priorities in life

  9. Hell, anyone from the 1970s? This was how we started beliving in bigfoot. Clever movie. Where was it filmed? I can smell the menthol cigs from the trailer....

  10. It's supposed to snow again in the Northeast tonight

    1. Al Roker in the house everybody. Give it up...

    2. Al Roker on National T.V. admitted to pooping in his pants just before a press conference. i know youall wanted to know that!

  11. I wonder if the mom knew how close they were to being the missing 412 and 413. Terrifying.

  12. IM scared waaaaa, the trees look so scary!!!!!!!!!! CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. Replies
    1. News Shawn!!!! I hope u read this!! Apperently a lady in Texas had 3 bfs on her property and phoned some bf researchers with guns to get rid of them and long story short they shot 2 of them, killing one and now the lady is scared for her life cause there's 2 of the bfs still there and one of them is wounded and the researchers freezes out and left! This just happened two weeks ago ?? TTL

    2. More rick the dick dyer bull shiit.

    3. lol. One of those 2 "researchers" are no longer in North America

    4. I'm not saying this is true story but it would be a good story if it had some truth to it! Just a rumour I herd! TTL

    5. Team Tracker are NOT bigfoot researchers.

  14. This is scary. The camera likely saved that woman and her child. Where is joe?
    I will need protection from trolls for making this statement.

    1. No, I agree. The camera can be mistaken for a gun to the big fellas. Probably did save them. From a raccoon though. Lol or aggressive leaves.

  15. This woman could have been filming a porcupine or a beaver, who knows? It was likely a small critter coming up from the nearby river and she assumed it was bigfoot.
    This is the kind of crap that gets people excited in bigfoot land?!?!

  16. I wet my bed at night.


  17. I see a paid scoftic in that kids career. She already has the prerequisites.

  18. Newsflash!
    When a Bigfoot looks at you, they are not staring. They are just looking. Secondly, they don't come any closer because they think that we stink. They prefer to just stand off a ways, stay upwind, and watch us sweat bullets.

  19. Bigfoot or not, if your kid is freaking out that bad, she is scared of something. You leave the area, not stand there and let your kid remain terrified! Ass-hat.

    1. believe it or not, as soon as the child realizes bigfoot isn't real (probably in a year or two) she'll be fine.

    2. Rick Dyer's daughter, now believes in Big foot, as her Daddy told he so!

  20. The kid was scared and it was real. Even though didn't actually see the monster.

    1. They aren't monsters. They would much prefer to be man's friend, than his worst enemy. You just have to give them a chance. Start out by talking to them. You would be surprised how much they understand. The mother could have calmed her daughters fears, had she been more well educated in the subject matter.

    2. a female Big foot would of been a much better Mother than this Hill-a-billy B. . . .

    3. Some are passive , some are maniacs and aggressive. You don't know which kind you're gonna find. All depends on the individual. Apparently when a male gets kicked out of the pack/group by the elder , all rules go out the window and they become aggressive rogues , with no family type unit in a pecking order to keep them in line.

  21. I wonder what the 'Mountain Monsters' crew would of done?

    1. They would Fake everything, plant hoaxed tracks, and perform Dramatic action scenes! That show is waaaaaay more phonier than Find Big foot show was!0
      The Mountain Monster show, appeals to very low IQ people!

    2. Hu yu callin lo eye q peeple? du yu tink you betr than me or sumthin? Da sho did not a peel to me caus the plot maid me dizy. So there.

  22. What an annoying video! Grainy as hell...get a real camera redneck

  23. Whether it was a mouse or a bear or what-ever---we have a candidate for Mother-Of-The-Year

  24. where exactly was the bigfoot ? All I saw was her filming all over the place ?

  25. Where is this happening? Could you comedians calm down and treat this with some thoughtfulness instead of third-rate buffoonery? You are drawn to these websites and topics, yet make a farce of your own interests. Mother did a good job of calming child--and seemed intent on finding out who was 'out there'-- important because, what if whoever-whatever-it-was followed them? No obvious success, but something real happening here.

  26. 1st relevant video in some time. At 20 seconds center of screen in group of small trees there is eyeshine. Watch each time camera sweeps by and you will see shine dim and brighten as if to blink.

    1. Eyeshine? Do you know how many things there are in the woods that shine besides eyes? This isn't a flashlight shining in an animal's face an night you know.
      I'm sick of claims of eyeshine, shadowsquatches and faces made out of leaves made by people that are so anxious to see a squatch they see them everywhere.

  27. Going into them woods take U a weapon for U safety

  28. Why do these videographers (and I use that term loosely) upload these damn videos? They waste bandwidth for YouTube and waste our time. )Its like the 20th one ive seen in the past week. Each one was bullshit. If you don't have an deniable large creature or vocals in your videos , people, then don't bother uploading it!

  29. The mother keeps panning the camera all over the place. If the little kid could see it looking at her all mom had to do was look where the little girl was looking. Unless of course the little girl was only scared because of something stupid the mother said right before the video starts and not because she sees it.
    This is no evidence of anything other than a crappy mother.

  30. that kid was not scared she was bored and spoiled i raised 3 I know the difference


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