Want to Know Where to Find Bigfoot in Wisconsin?

The state famous for its cheese, is also somewhat famous for its bigfoot. There seem to be several hotspots across the state, and now we know where to look.

"“I do think there is a squatch in these woods. . . .”

This is the signature line to “Finding Bigfoot” on Animal Planet. The immense popularity of this program reflects a nationwide fascination with the possibility that elusive “sasquatches” or “bigfoots” exist in the wilds of America. Recent episodes have featured northern Minnesota and the Menominee area of Michigan. If these creatures really do exist, there’s no reason why Wisconsin shouldn’t have some. A quick check of the Bigfoot Research Organization’s (BFRO) Wisconsin chapter “proves” this is the case—73 sightings have been made here since the 1970s.
Spending time in the Northwoods is always relaxing, but if you are looking for a little more adventure, or even the tale of a lifetime, consider exploring one of the following bigfoot “hotspots” to improve your chances of a face-to-face encounter (or, at the very least, having your tent pelted with rocks in the middle of the night by an angry eight-foot-tall primate.)"
Check out the entire article to find out just where to find Wisconsin's bigfoot hotspots by clicking here.


  1. Wisconson Sasquatch look out! First yall

  2. Chick, how many pairs of boots do you wear to BFE?! I have seen 2 so far.lol

    1. I have an entire closet full. Boots are my thing, I love boots!

  3. not sure if Shawn posted this or not but here is a link for Sasquatch Chronicles tonight! Looks really cool.


  4. bag limit is two? o please. kinda like putting the cart before the horse. how about a hair sampleor a sighting for starters let alone two bigfoots.

  5. and don't forget, when Big foot hunting, leave some alie for seed!

  6. Wisconsin? Ha ha. Considering what passes for "evidence", heck yeah, sure it's in Wisconsin.

    1. Dem bigfoot eats U up fer shur. And Slutt too.


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