Todd Standing Has a New Show and His First Guest is Jeff Meldrum!

Bigfoot North is a new Web Series hosted by none other than Todd Standing of Sylvanic Bigfoot and Surviviorman Bigfoot fame! I'm not sure if this is going to be a video feed type show, or if it's going to be Internet radio. According to this show promo, Dr. Jeff Meldrum is his first guest. Check it out:

"For 10 years, Todd Standing has been conducting expeditions, documenting chronicles and interviewing people about a relatively untouched region nestled deep in the Rocky Mountains which the First Nations people call ‘Sylvanic.’ In 2006 he publically showed 2 separate crystal clear Bigfoot videos he filmed himself. He used these to petition the Canadian government for species protection of Bigfoot. The petition was certified and tabled in the Canadian House of Commons. The media response was enormous with hundreds of newspapers, television networks, radio stations and websites that receptively presented his work across the globe.
Since then he has filmed Bigfoot on multiple other occasions. He has been featured on Discovery Channel, History Channel, National Geographic Channel and the Sci-Fi Network just to name a few. For the last 2 years he has been working with the Survivorman Les Stroud. Together they have produced 2 episodes of Survivorman: Bigfoot.
Don Jeffrey "Jeff" Meldrum is a Full Professor of Anatomy and Anthropology and a Professor of the Department of Anthropology at Idaho State University. Meldrum is also Adjunct Professor of Occupational and Physical Therapy. He is an expert on foot morphology and locomotion in primates. Meldrum has published numerous academic papers ranging from vertebrate evolutionary morphology, the emergence of bipedal locomotion in modern humans and Sasquatch. In 2006 he authored the book "Sasquatch Legend Meets Science.”
Follow this link to check out the actual show page.


  1. Replies
    1. Looking forward to this!!

      Good evening everyone!!


    2. It's Fraud Standing to you Ernie.

      If Meldrum is now hanging with the puppet master then mainstream footery is basically screwed.


    3. ...and not one first nation people of Canada has ever Christened their forest sacred region "Sylvanic". Why would such a fraudster make such a critical error... taking an ancient Greek mythological term Sylvan, and claiming the natives call it that. This guy is the biggest bullshitter I have ever seen.

  2. Standing is either the best bigfooter out there ...makes the Finding Bigfoot crew look like kids

    1. or, at least less of a conman than Moneymaker.

    2. Matt and BOBO been tracking bigfoots for years

    3. they looking for bigfoot but they might find reptilians instead, it wont go well for them if they do find reptilian instead of bigfoot

  3. Does anyone know if Survivorman and Todd part two is on youtube yet? xx

    1. I would very much like to see it!!


    2. Hello Joe,the first one was really good and from what i've reading the second ones even better xx

    3. Yes Eva, it's an excellent documentary.

    4. Part 2 is Les getting freaked out by return howls, branch breaks and clucking sounds, and he gets more into stick structures.

    5. Nothing eventful happens at all. Les Stroud shows the muppet video of a sasquatch blinking, compliments of the fraud-puppeteer Todd Standing, who squeezes his fingers in a glorified sock puppet to make the eyebrow twitch down. The first time you see it, you'll say it is real. The second time you'll say, no, it looks staged. The 100th time you watch it you'll know the hoax. (I know it is personally, and I have proof... keep it up "Fraud")

    6. ^ Previous entry at 11:54 is complete b.s.

  4. Could be reptilians - they been having bases here for years, and taking samples for their experiments. when U see them U thinking bigfoot, but they are reptilians

    1. I don't like the reptilians,they see us as lower life forms xx

    2. reptilians got underground bases making clones and hybrids

    3. dont forget about the recently discovered secret base/hideout in detroit as posted here.its obvious the greys are behind the financial woes .looking to expand. weeding out all the folks little by little

    4. When I see a Reptilian, I'm thinkin how fancy a pair of cowboy boots that he'd make.

  5. they can discus puppetry :}

  6. U cant be looking for bigfoot wothout BOBO, its just not right!

  7. BOBO bring centergy to finding bigfoot

  8. thinking BOBO vs Squatch in the knockout game, who be the winner

  9. Oh yippie! I can't wait. This will prove bigfoot exists once and for all!

  10. Jeff Meldrum just lost all credibility.

    1. What do you mean "just lost"?

    2. when did he have any to begin with?

    3. Oh man, that Todd Standing preview, with his self-satisfyingly smug "this is Jeff Meldrum, with ME, Todd Standing", stated multiple times... This freak's psychology is so messed up, I fear for his sanity. Todd, please get help before it is too late.


    1. Meldrum is not a guest. This radio show IS Jeff Meldrums and Todds together.

  12. And yet the clowns that sit and judge... Just keep chirping and chirping.... You guys have got to out and get us some proff of you own. Or disprove it and move on already

    1. It is impossible for anyone to prove something does not exist. There it is up to the claimant to produce evidence in their favor.

      I do not expect you to understand this.

    2. It is not for us to prove anything. Standing says he has evidence. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, that is repeatable. So far, I am convinced he is a FRAUD.

  13. How ironic. Every non-achieving and under achieving researcher on the face of the planet, have attacked Todd Standing in one way or another, and then he rises to the top of the heap.

    I was talking with a British Columbia researcher a few years ago, and he relayed to me that the plan then was to make Standing out as a hoaxer, even though he wasn't. Plans like this, are the type of plans that come out of the BFRO, but I doubt that they would publicly take credit for it.

    Which is why no progress gets made in Bigfoot research, unless it is made by the BFRO.

    Until now.

    1. Name names or stop lying.

    2. ... what? I heard something odd... Standing at the top of the heap? (heh!)

      I was also talking with a British Columbia researcher a few years ago, and he relayed to me that the plan then was to make Standing out to seem to appear as a NON- hoaxer, even though he was, and then to set up another plan where we discredit him while others fight day and night whether he is legit or not.

      Fraud, you are Standing, and please turn in your badge!

    3. Todd Standing... moron.

    4. You want a name for who relayed that presumable BFRO plan? Just think of a famous dead president.

  14. Todd Standing, you know the drill. All of of us know you are a fake. Les has stated his doubts. Many more have stated their doubts, including me and others everywhere... Not about your sasquatch claims, or ET claims, or whatever... but about your mental health, your hubris, your pride, and your self-aggrandizing. Please, get help , man.

    1. I have always attacked Todd Standing in these forums, but now I have decided to be nicer. He is man that needs help. I just came to that conclusion, like an epiphany.

  15. just came across this old thread as i was reading and looking at all the hilariousness Standing has created. Maybe only surpassed by Rick Dyer. They should have sex and create a new race of dumbasses.


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