This Video of Tim Fasano Trying to Find a Cave Gives Me Chills

I don't know about this video. Something about it creeps me out. Florida skunk ape hunter Tim Fasano really knows have to amp up the spook factor. This video is him looking for a "Bigfoot cave". He says he feels like he's being watched. Scary stuff, right?


  1. Replies
    1. who cares what my name is saidFriday, March 28, 2014 at 1:43:00 AM PDT

      You were scared of that! B.S. you were scared no-one would watch it and you penny jar wouldn't get filled up from u-tube! Some days are top notch and then others days your in it for the money! No-wonder all the real bloggers left your site shawn. Now it's filled with trolls and a bunch of children and their I'm first crap.

    2. Interesting TFAT's video

    3. its the end of the month folks.time to pay the bills .why else would manboobs johnson and snacks fatsano be on this blog?

  2. To Orlando Airport Tim! Put your foot down!



  4. this Tim guy SUCKS! what's the point of shooting video...when your pointing your camera down...? fucktard!!!!!

  5. tham bigfeets alivin in caves

  6. ...and they're both out of breath! Too bad Tim will never be able to fight his way out a wet paper bag. Better lay off the junk food Tim...!

  7. I'd bet he is only 50 feet from a road! He's a lazy fat F.. . .

  8. two hikers walking on a mountain trail above the trail a caves and a bigfoot chucking rocks @ them till they got well past the caves.

  9. Debating joe about the existence of bigfoot is akin to a reproductive scientist debating an advocate of the stalk theory or a geologist debating a young earth creationist. The only thing to do in such circumstances is to tell them they are wrong. They are not worth the time and debating them gives them a false sense of equivalency where there is none.

    1. fer shure the Earth is 6000 years old. folks knowin that fer yeers

    2. What a childish write up. And yet, you'll continue to debate him.

    3. We don't debate him, we troll him. Every second he wastes looking up a copy/paste is a victory.

      All hail trollandia.

    4. Take your we and shove it. I wasn't talkin to you jackass.

    5. trolls be living in caves, like them bigfeets

    6. The only chills from Fasano are when he is circling a box of donuts. Like a velociraptor.

    7. ^ LOL! Mental image is hilarious. Hey, someone said there are doughnuts here but every time I come by the box is empty.

  10. tham bigfeets eatin U fer shure folks heer knowin it fer yeers

  11. He WISHES he was being watched. Why else do you think he does this crap. Attention starved idiot.

  12. The Fasano wobble must be experienced through his camera's lens in order to be fully appreciated. After that little walk in, as viewed through his camera's lens, I feel like I am completely out of shape, out of breath and about ready to puke, also.

  13. Fasano chill factor = zero. You have no idea what a chill factor is until you have an invisible reptilian marching back and forth in front of you down a hill, getting closer and closer, and with a continuous raspy snarl. Reptilian chill factor = off the charts.

  14. U r the stallion when it comes to bf keep up the good work don't let the comments bring u down! Your out there, boots on the ground, and your hart is in the game 100% It's easy pokin fun on the computer try walkin in the bush guys, trail or not!, no sidewalks, or computer desks out there so how about everyone give this guy a little thumbs up, without guys like this u got nothing to rant about!!

    TTL! Canadian guy!

    1. Canadian U be safe? U got no NSA watching U for your safety...

  15. U r the stallion when it comes to bf keep up the good work don't let the comments bring u down! Your out there, boots on the ground, and your hart is in the game 100% It's easy pokin fun on the computer try walkin in the bush guys, trail or not!, no sidewalks, or computer desks out there so how about everyone give this guy a little thumbs up, without guys like this u got nothing to rant about!!

    TTL! Canadian guy!

  16. He was hot on the trail of a skunk ape and it was real scary.

  17. So far as I know, the only caves in the area are in Citrus County, and they aren't really caves -- just holes in the limestone. I don't know if Bigfoot lives in one, but lots of local kids party in them on the weekend.

  18. This idiot will post just about anything


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