Melba Ketchum Blames The Media and Everything Else For Not Excepting What She Has Discovered

We haven't written anything about Dr. Melba Ketchum in a while mainly because there isn't much to report. While most of her posts have been about her new Bigfoot book series, Mystic Forest, sometimes she offers some really entertaining rants. For example, here's a Facebook update about the media and how they don't care about her discovery of Bigfoot:

The media isn't interested in the truth, they are interested in ratings and murder sells. New extant humans don't. It is all about sensationalism and scaring people. So they choose the monster route. Disgusting as it is, it is just the fact of the matter. They don't want BF to be found, it would take all of the excitement and mystery out of it. With an extant human, they couldn't have all of these uninformed folks out there telling their "monster" stories because they would be talking about people. That is not nearly as scary as a big hairy monster. Strip the hair and what you have is a human, nobody wants to hear that when they make their livings shocking people. It is just another symptom of the decay of our society as a whole. One only has to look at the success of "reality" TV shows to realize how deep the trouble runs in our civilization. I wonder what would happen if people would take the time it takes to watch one or two reality TV shows and instead go out and help our neighbors or do something charitable. Or even spend that time talking with their kids without interference of any kind. If everyone did it, this place would be a better world and it would cause others to begin to do random acts of kindness and it would strengthen families. Nobody thinks about that anymore.... Reality TV shows are a symptom of our disease as a people. We need to be shocked to be entertained. It only used to take I Love Lucy to do it. I hope everyone thinks about this and what they do with every minute of their daily lives. What if this was your last day to live? Would you be watching reality TV?


  1. Replies
    1. Where's that glamour Shot picture that makes the 50+year old Melba look 35ish? Did you dudes loose that screen shot or what?

    2. Why don't you sue her then, you lazy bumm?

    3. I have no standing. I was not stupid enough to pay her for her lies.

  2. "excepting?" Really, Shawn? lol you are not this illiterate.

  3. Wow that was a rant. Guess all the kids these days need sexy hairy person romance tales instead of all that tv?

    1. I didn't really think it was a rant. Most of it made a lot of sense, everything but the part about a boogey man living in the woods.

    2. Glad I proofread, the word "of" was auto corrected both times with "pgf", I think I spend too much time here.

    3. Teenage Bigfoot porn is the next big thing.

  4. accepting accepting accepting

  5. Has anyone told this broad that its over, she lost it, game over Melba go back to dogs and cats please!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. is this "Doctor" illiterate?

  7. This twat tried to scam Wally Hersom out of money and cry she was sexed up by a bigfoot but has the nerve to complain about the state of society.
    Go join Dyeria in his RV you crazy scamming broad!

  8. I think she was successful in scamming Hershom, to the tune of about $500,000. Subtract how much you think her "study" cost--that's what she walked away with.

  9. Soon everyone will be going back to Melba s study results! That will happen this year cause someone else has proven they exsist and there going to need something to compare it too, also there is going to be a huge race to harvest one because the truth will becoming out within the year and everyone with a gun will be racing against the protection act!!! TTL

  10. The proof is there, sasquatch is real, he lives under my shed.

  11. Golly. Melba. If you had proven anything aside from your own incompetence, it would have been all over the media. If Bigfoot is ever conclusively proven, you can bet it will be huge news.

  12. The Erickson Project folks still support her 100% . Clearly they are the dumbest researchers in Bigfooting.

    1. If they got fooled by Melba they most likely got fooled by the landowners in Kentucky. No wonder Erickson refuses to release the footage he knows its all fake.

  13. Mind rape is a terrible thing


  15. There are better things to do than to post negativity here, unless you are a paid troll with an agenda. In fact, it is not a natural thing to do for a skeptic unless there is an agenda (money and power for the government). Her work is sound and so are the results. The 2 hour press conference explains all the crap and rumors away.

    1. Says who? An anonymous blog visitor? If that's what passes for reason and logic in your book, it's no wonder you defend Ketchum. Naturally, anyone who doesn't have exactly the same opinion as you must be negative. Yeah, right....we are all getting paid for speaking our minds about Bigfoot because it's such an important subject.

    2. you tar yourself with the same brush...

  16. She has a point. I saw a "reality tv" bar-b-que show the other day. I can't believe the shit that goes on. There's even a new phenomenon of fake reality TV such as Mountain Monsters and Cryptid. It's an epidemic and the best thing I've heard from Ketchum.

  17. Film producers can only do one "Letters From The Bigman", type show, and it has already been done. However, Bigfoot monster shows have a limitless number of plot variations, thus making a larger contribution to the make work project for hollywood actors. Monsters sell. As also does a group of immature, fouled mouthed, non-achievering reality TV characters, who are stuffed together into a movie set until they are reach their breaking point. But neither likely have directly affected the acceptance of Melba's study. But they make good fall guys.


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