Is Bigfoot Living a Secret Life with Humans?

Is bigfoot living a secret life? With humans? Listen to this webcast with Jeffrey Pritchett and Andy Colvin as they join Dr. Rita Louise to discuss their findings and bigfoot's interactions with humanity via It should be an interesting one.


  1. The sketchy back story is all it takes to blow the hoax up, and the fact that it's been nearly 50 years and no decent photo of footage since. And the fact that some dude just happens to be looking to film BF, wanders into the woods...and films BF. Then never bothers to go back to try to repeat the success or maybe get a speciman. And on and on. Besides, even if the PGF never existed, to believe there is a population on large uncatalogued bipeds, living, eating, and traveling around all over North America, and yet leaves zero credible physical evidence is, well, ludicrous on any level. If it's everywhere, it is nowhere.

    1. Yawning....

      Copy and paste....


    2. Munns hasn't submitted his story to the field of Anthropology. He wrote a story about how Patty isn't a person in a costume which automatically makes her a new species of bipedal primate living as a population in the woods. But nobody has ever shown that they really exist. Munns wants people to argue with him about details of costumes and folds and shadows but he absolutely does not want to talk about primates in our local woods.

      He wants to use rulers and micrometers to argue instead of dealing with reality itself and of course I am talking about the creature itself.

      I think he avoids telling the field of Anthropology that he has proven the existence of a new species of hominid because he knows that he has not done that. Even the simplest rationality and reason points out that Bigfoot does not exist at all. It's actually extremely obvious that Bigfoot does not exist and that the believers are wrong, wrong, wrong. Bills Munns is not anything like a scientist nor even an intellectual man. He is a salesman and he knows he has customers. The problem is that they do not want to pay him. They want the meth that he cooks but they want it free. Tell us that you have proven that Patty is a Bigfoot (aka Bigfoot exists) but please don't ask for very much money.

    3. PGF proved that bigfoot is an uncatalogued primate that is diurnal, and will walk slowly away in the direct line of sight of men on horseback with cameras and rifles.

      I can't see any other conclusion you can draw from the film.

    4. I'm delighted to see Bill's work has had such an effort on you.

      He would be pleased.


    5. Boy the op is all worked up. Sure has an interest in a subject he doesn't believe in. Wonder why that is. Why are skeptics like this guy so hard core about it? If you don't believe it, move on. Oh I know, some people just like to trash talk and talk down to others.

    6. FRANKLY JREFer I DO NOT GIVE A DAMNFriday, March 28, 2014 at 8:16:00 PM PDT

      Oh joy, Donny Delusion the butthurt JREFer is back copying and pasting from his Dimwit Database.

      The same Donny Delusion who says the Packham/BBC colossal fail job was no attempt to duplicate the PGF, while in the very TV special he references, Packham himself says they will "recreate the action at Bluff Creek to the inch."

      Yeah, "recreate to the inch" = no attempt to recreate in Donny's deluded mind.

      Seriously, this is who we are working with here, and this is the calibre of soldier the JREF sends to this blog. They must be able to do better than 100% delusion, 100% hypocrisy, and 100% error. Can't they bring it down to 90% or so?

      The 100% failure rate isn't helping their case much.

      What shall we call Donny Delusion's comment on Packham/BBC being no attempt to recreate the PGF?

      How about simply tardtastic?

  2. Replies
    1. Anon 6:24 = flunked out supertard.


  3. Boy the op is all worked up. Sure has an interest in a subject he doesn't believe in. Wonder why that is. Why are skeptics like this guy so hard core about it? If you don't believe it, move on. Oh I know, some people just like to trash talk and talk down to others.

  4. Check. Out the skeptoid podcast on pgf

    1. The trouble is that it is correctly the Skeptard Podcast.

      For that reason, people won't check it out.

      Skeptards, remove skulls from rectums. Then we might get somewhere.


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