Bigfoot On Display At Amarillo Zoo!

With April Fool's Day upon us, we know the bigfoot stories will start flooding in. Surprisingly enough, our first one comes from the Amarillo Zoo. We're just happy to see a bigfoot story out of Texas that doesn't mention Rick Dyer.

"AMARILLO, TEXAS -- The Amarillo Zoo will have a never before seen exhibit featuring an 8-foot creature the evening of April 1.
The scientific community has been rocked by the discovery of the creature, and through a national lottery the Amarillo Zoo was chosen to be the first to present him Tuesday, April 1.
Zoo officials say the creature was found somewhere in the Northwest Pacific region of the United States."

For the rest of this article, click here.


  1. Replies
    1. Guess this little story is an april fools joke right?

    2. Isn't this the same as what Rick Dyers did? Charging people to see a fake bigfoot?

      Will there be a "fraud" petition here as well?

    3. bigfoots looking like bears for sure

  2. John "Trapper" Tice of the "Mountain Monsters Team" enough said

  3. thar abein mountain monsters up in tham thar hills fer shure

  4. I am pleased and feel privileged to announce that a Bigfoot has been shot and killed today in Oklahoma. The body has been taken to local authorities with a news conference scheduled for later tonight. So stay tuned and buckle up folks, it's going to be a helluva' ride.

    1. Its Arla Williams little BF friend . She is very upset and going to file a lawsuit.

    2. This is wonderful news !

    3. GRAYs controling bigfoots and got DNA collections programs been doing it for years

    4. Everyday here is Fools Day- because of all the trolls

  5. ifn bigfeets abein killt than tham critters abein reel fer shure

  6. Every day is april fools day for footers. They are fools.

    1. fer shure tham bigfeet abein trickie ben afoolin folk fer yeers alookin lack bears

    2. Wouldn't it be funny if it turned out to be true,it would be like a double bluff april fools xx

  7. New Army Camo Pattern Set For Distribution April "1", 2014
    April fools for sure

  8. We had someone or something in r yard yesturday at 4:47pm and it was huge, my wife and kids left the house last night and officials r still here looking around r property. They got here in like 10 min cause there was a similar situation down the street, also sence 9:00 am they've had a helicopter flying all morning, nothing on this creature looked real, it's head was smaller then it's shoulders, almost had no neck, and pushed down 9 trees a11" in diameter, we also noticed the officials carrying guns that were shaped like rifle cases ?? Electric??

  9. remember the only place democraters want to drill is your WALLET

  10. Need more firepower when out in da bush, like Mountain Monsters (AIMS) Team takes awesome firepower when they go after cryptids

  11. Am I the only one that doesn't find this funny at all? I'm a big prankster at heart, but with hoaxing going on ALL year, you'd think April 1st would be the one day hoaxers moved on to another topic. Maybe I'm just sick of this crap with all the Dick Ryder news as of late.

  12. sometimes bigfoot looks like a bear so you thinking bear but its a bigfoot

  13. reptilians look like bigfoots so U think bigfoot but is a reptilian

  14. but Ass... wipe trolls, still look like ass...wipe Trolls!

  15. Didn't get to go see but come on are they really out their we may know one of these days and why would they post it be for April' Fool's day


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