The Huffington Post Obliterates Rick Dyer, Quotes Him Saying: "It's Really Easy To Trick People"

Rick Dyer has been given a free ride in the news media over the past 3 weeks. While local TV stations choose to ignore his past hoaxes, bloggers such as Randy F. has been constantly trying to get the word out on the inconsistency of Dyer's story and his past schemes. It now looks like Randy's efforts hasn't fallen on deaf ears, as the Huffington Post has finally picked up on the scam. In their article, they published a statement from Dyer himself saying "It's really easy to trick people." They also touched on his admission to being a hoaxer and eBay fraud. Hit the link below to read the full Huffington Post report on Dyer:


Local media discovers "holes" in Dyer's latest claim:


  1. Replies
      I trolled the heck out of Joe, and now I got genital warts from his mother.

    2. It was DC wearing his wig dope!

    3. DC bez a swamp! within a dump! within a bog!

    4. British Intelligence Advisor Barrister Michael
      Shrimpton; Obama Born In Kenya In 1960

    5. Obama is actually a controlled puppet of China and Russia. He is set up to be the fall guy when things get real bad in the next few years. Obama will be the scapegoat, and then a controlled white knight will appear to save the day.

    6. Obama will stay in office, and all will be swell in the kingdom.

    7. Obama is the fall guy for Putin. All will be blamed on Obama when things start hitting the fan, but its all planned.

  2. ahm sayin ifn thar be bigfoots abouts getz U a good huntin dog to trax tham critters

    1. Dyer brags about killing a adult Bigfoot

      Sleaveless brags about killing a BABY bigfoot

      BABY KILLER !!!

  3. shotguns are OK! But for the $$$ AKs will do the JOB!

    1. sweet AKs are da shits when in da bush, got a scope to enhance me AK

  4. always poop next to a tree to mark where U have been : )

  5. Dumb, Dumb, Dumb! You dumb Americans, you fall for a crock of Sh%# not once, but seeral times! How dumb can you people be!

    America is no more! You WERE the greatwst nation in the world, but now your just a nation of dummies!
    You elected Obama twice, and just now, your waking up to what a liar and a con-man he was. Dumb, Dumb, Dumb!
    And now you fall for this Rick Dyer guy! A known hoaxer, lier, wife beater, deadbeat, and scam artist. and you PAY HIM $20 to see a Dummy! How Pathetic!

    1. fer shure webez dummes becawz we gotz GUNS, NUKES, aircraftcarriers, tanks and such. fer shure we drone wharever and whoevers wez wantin to, kickin butz all over da worl

    2. dont forget the GRAYs technology, we been developing it for years. @ groom lake and other secret GRAYs bases around the U.S.

    3. 11:15 is CLEARLY an American. Several giveaways but the biggest is the Obama reference. I don't know too many foreign countrys that would rather have a republican in office.

    4. Not anymore. Obama is stripping your Military down to nothing. i predict within 2-3 years, WW3 will break out, and American will be hurt, real bad, and may even lose to the Chinese!

    5. Don't you worry dyer will hoax again. This guy is awesome. You will fall for it again because all you footers want big foot to be real. He knows that. Just awesome!

    6. For anon 11:41, You know nothing of Politics. Most foreign country's would rather have a strong, no-nonsense republican president. Look at history, WW1, WW2,Vietnam all started or caused by weak Democrat president, and not to forget Iran's hostage taking, caused by another weak Jimmy Carter, a Democrat
      I am not an American!

    7. 11:42 is clearly misinformed. Downsizing and budget cuts does not equall stripping down to nothing. Let me know how your predictions work out? The chinese comment was laughable as well. It will be least 25 years before they could even threaten our integrity. Either way, your response has nothing to do with my comment. Read again, sir.

    8. 11:51, you are completely lost. Good luck to you sir.

    9. 11:51 comment was funnier that rick dyer's bigfoot.

    10. I am a MUSLIM I hate all Americans! May you all burn!
      Long lie Allah!
      Remember, the Boston Marathon is coming up again!

    11. 不要忘了,美国 军事实力

    12. As long as we got AKs/ARs we got no worries

    13. You are obviously NOT a muslim, troll. Horrible impersonation.

    14. 47% of americans are dummies, the 53 % of us have to take care of them.

    15. We should just throw rocks and run into shit with bombs strapped to us. Maybe then people will accept us.

    16. Bigfoot playbook throwing rocks! and eating people

    17. like dude its the IMF calling all the shots

    18. koch brothers and G.W. fault

    19. Hey I can't talk a lot right now because I'm working really hard, we're finishing up our next secret country destroying non-invasive weapon, let me know how it works on your end!

    20. Your statements are true. Those who believe Dyer are the stupidest of the stupid, and are probably all American. And the American people are stupid b/c they cant see whats really happening around them. They are kept in a bubble isolated from the rest of the world. But we didnt elect Obama. His presidency was determined long ago, and the people couldnt have stopped that.

    21. 11:57, Big Mother is watching you...

    22. NSA watching all, for U safety : )

    23. Obama, may very well be a clone from ancient egypt

    24. Obama could be a GRAY hybrid, they been doing it for years

  6. If you can't produce the fake body, then there is your Bigfoot.

    All schooled!


    1. Trolls = Rick Dyer (apparently...based on his comments)

      Shocking! HA HA HA HA !

  7. When did he actually trick anyone...that bigfoot dummy is funny as hell....p.s. Obama didnt destroy the US ...lil Bush did

    1. globalist killt hangon itbe a rough rider ahead...

    2. Bush put our head under water and Obama held it there.

    3. George w. Bush was the greatest president, after Ronald Reagan! bar none!
      Your just spouting LIBERAL LOONEYTUNES!

    4. hahah what a retard. Bush is the worst president of all time. thousand of people died on his watch, went to war against the wrong country in order for financial gain. Yah ok. What a dumbass.

    5. Bush and Obama are on the same side,puppets for the unelected elite behind the scenes just like Blair and Cameron, xx

    6. Yah, the liberals are the looney tunes. See Tea Party. Rupukes are the party of hatred, bigotry and the bat shit crazy.

    7. Eva, you are 100 percent correct. Bush and Obama are exactly the same. Most Americans are to stupid to see it . You tell the American people what they want to hear and there happy. We have essentially voted in the same president for the last 16 years.

    8. Well, not exactly the same. Obama has foreign policy issues and the drone stuff is messed up. and then there's the Patriot Act. The NSA has actually been around since the 50s.

      But the fact is the republicans are not working for America, they are working for themselves. They have stalled progress at every turn too busy trying to overturn laws, run ridiculous investigations and trying impeach Obama instead of doing their jobs. They ran on creating jobs and haven't done squat. All they do is cry , stampe their feet and filibuster and their followers just want to revolt because there's a black man in the white house.

    9. just 47% are stupid dummies zombies, the 53% got to keep the 47% from going off the cliff
      and Bigfoots hates zombies....

    10. 12:54 let me guess you are liberal because you bring race into the discussion. Typical.

    11. Clinton fault he outsourced all our technology to cheap labor markets....

    12. 1:04 it is about race. It was about race right from the start. Check out the birther movement for instance. No other president has been put under such scrutiny. Check out the racist signs at the tea party rallies. Check out the utter disrespect by republican leaders and congressmen shouting Obama down at state of the union addresses. Yah ok, put down the pipe.

    13. And then of course we have the two hate bills recently put for by the Cons, one in Kansas and one in Arizona trying to discriminate against gays. Yep. Not all republicans are racists and bigots, but all racists and bigots most likely republicans.

    14. What we need is another revolution! Out with all of them Republicans and Democrats alike! Tear this country down!

      Long live Communism!

    15. If it truely was about race. Obama never would have even made it to the White House.

    16. Hum it was a democrat south and slavery -vs- a republican north anit slavery
      Now we got democrat welfare - government dependent - voting block, -vs- the rest of US

    17. Learn your history. It was the southern Dixiecrat dems that were racist. But during the civil rights movement they were pissed that the rest of the dems supported the bill so they left and became republicans. That's what you have today, southern racist republicans that control the party.

      And if you want to talk welfare here's something to chew on. Southern red states are the biggest welfare takers of the entire USA, taxing the system the most. Then of course you have conservative corporations getting government subsidies up the ass, which is called corporate welfare.

    18. 1:28 are you stupid? More than half the country didn't vote conservative.

    19. no worries the GRAYs will sort this all out!


    21. like dude its not about race - thats old school - its about the haves vs the have nots... and when the government stops handing out freebies to the have nots! Thats when the fun begins

    22. Yah, it is in part about race. And the hand out stuff is pure FAUX News Rush parroted talking points. Cons are the biggest takers in the nation. Here's a thought cons. Pay people a livig wage and guess what? They don't tax the system for your so called handouts. Then of course hey have more money to spend to fuel the economy. Hey it worked for the middle class before Regan came into power.

      The conservative voting bloc, the party of racism, LOST in 2008. The left had more votes. Your theory stating Obama wouldn't be elected if it was about racism is fallacious and ignorant since the right wing electoral bloc didn't have the votes in the first place. Racism is indeed a huge part of the problem with the right. Thus we have the birther movement and the complete disrespect for the president starting before he even took office. Shameful. Now you're right, it's not all about race with Obama. Conservatives are hateful and gave Clinton grief too, but Obama takes a lot more abuse and the racism factor is evident. Obama's main issue is he's a wuss. He tries to hard to cross
      party lines in spite of the BS but the right won't shake his hand. He's been too much of a moderate centrist.

    23. Bush for endless WAR, Obama endless spending and drone attacks.

    24. British Intelligence Advisor Barrister Michael
      Shrimpton; Obama Born In Kenya In 1960...
      that says it ALL... MI6 onit...

    25. ^point proven. Moron Birther. And there you have it folks.

    26. some folk have memory loss, 2010 elections didn't go so well for Democrats- that's why the IRS was sent to neutralize the tea party for the 2012 election cycle. funny how no one went to JAIL over that and Lois Lerner immunity before testifying after she said she did nothing wrong. only stupid zombies would believe that BS

    27. Dont waste your breath trying to tell people whats really going on. They just dont care to see it, or even want to see it.

    28. Ancient alien Illuminati run this world for sure.

    29. Ancient Aliens is a dissinfo propaganda tool used by the illuminati. There are no grays, what people are referring too are Vrill. They arent from outer space, they are of earth, and live deep underground.

  8. Replies
    1. for sure GRAYs take over is imminent, not long now all is in play....

    2. And when it does, Shawns blog will become a barren wasteland

  9. why is it mass media are fooled by the hoaxers or some jimbob who comes out stating he is behind all the bigfoot fake footprints but when you have thousands of sightings by very credible people it gets ignored ?

    1. 不要忘了 狼人, 在农村

    2. Because your name is Joe, and your a raging butt pirate

    3. Joe is a hoax
      Call me Ishmael

    4. yes, Coonbo Joe is a hoax. He is an American, and probably a mod

  10. That "easy to trick people" quote is regarding the 2008 hoax. You should clarify that. I think Dyer is a scammer, but that's a total cheap shot on YOUR part.

  11. Shawn, did you want a bigfoot blog or an idiot collection?

    1. That depends on what the idiots are fighting about.

    2. What Shawn wants is people like you gone. This is the trolls blog. We own it.

    3. Makes you feel better to think that. Truth is most people on here want the few people like you gone and Shawn would have more traffic and a broader audience if the 4 or 5 boils like you would shape up or be removed.

    4. LOL. Yep, this site would attract lots of serious viewers, HAHAHAHAHA. Thats the worst joke since Coonbo Joe created a youtube page.

  12. G.W. knows da deal, he in TX wheres hebe SAFE

  13. Replies
    1. their be GRAYs to moderate all

    2. NSA for all your safety needs.....

    3. You 2 wack jobs could stay. The out of control sociopathic perverts would have to shape up.

    4. NSA archives all for U safety : )

    5. dont forget to poop next to a tree to mark whar U have been : ) for U safety ........

    6. Get on your knees and worship me!! As I am your True demi god,,, HENRY MAY!!

      WOW!, just WOW!!

    7. Anon340 , This blog does not care about Bigfoot politics, or names ie. people, personality's ect..or even the subject matter at hand !!,, ...

      This blog is about things such as !,,, Sperm, Crap, Poop,Turds,Goop, Guzz,Greys,Jizz, Bu-tholes,Fingering,Queers,Joe ,AK'S ,Basements, Hotpockets, Trolls, Libs, Geays,,,,ect,ect,,, In other words,, Go talk smack on Blogtalk,, its ALL good !! peace..

  14. All you libs and reps have no idea what's going on. Keep fighting between yourselves cause that's what they want. Sit behind your computers and watch your sporting events like zombies. Spout your hate and opinions from the side lines and never get involved. Your all fools

    1. You will all follow a long. Going in different directions but ending up at the same place. Your all sheep headed to the slaughter. Willingly being led. Cowards

    2. for sure FEMA camps all ready, book early

    3. Someone in here knows at least a little about what is going on. The FEMA camps are indeed ready and already have "residents". Hopefully these camps will be for Vrill hosts, but its hard to say with the way the illuminati work

    4. ^ U FORGOT,, " FOR YOUR SAFETY" !!

      I Agree completely BIG DORIS.

    5. ^ Shut the hell up !!!! . Big Doris/B.john stud,,, We all know you are RICTOR !! U sick Pervinski !... Lol,Lol..

    6. Who's watching curling?

    7. rumferlife is another of the Joe accounts

  15. DUDE... GRAYs working with bigfoots to get DNA and make clones to take over and for us game over.......

  16. Rick Dyer for president can fool some of the people all of the time

    1. He could be a GRAY hybrid, they been doing it for years,

  17. British Intelligence Advisor Barrister Michael
    Shrimpton; Obama Born In Kenya In 1960


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