Possible Footprint In Mendon, Massachusetts?

This photograph of a possible sasquatch footprint shared with Matt Moneymaker on Twitter earlier this month. Whether it's a Bigfoot or not is debatable. Some researchers believe Bigfoots walk in a tight-rope fashion, and this resembles a squatch's footprint. Moneymaker replied with the following tweet, suggesting it could be the real thing:

RI Wildman disagrees, and says many animals that hop through the snow, including rabbits and foxes can leave the same kind of impression in the snow:


  1. Replies
    1. It is definitely the case that smaller animals hop through the snow like that. There appears to be more depth (pressure) on the back of the print as if whatever it was, used the back limbs to propel itself? I would like a second opinion on this however.


    2. The so called tight rope fashion is a fact, however I too JOE need to see more and some measurements before rendering an opinion.


    3. Joe, if you were on a camping trip in America and woke up with a sore anus and a used condom nearby, would you tell anyone?

  2. First for all the trolls of trollandia!!

    1. Mmmmmmmm. Haaarrrooooo.........The firster of the day was an anon. In other words, a troll. We win. All hail trollandia!!!!!!!!

  3. I gotta have my coffee and go take a dump before all the trolling. Brb.

  4. That's my crazy neighbour. He's always making up stories about monsters and aliens. Some say he poops in a jar.
    Regards, LL

    1. poop next to a tree to mark where U have been : )

    2. lots of those folks are on meth, meth users seein lots of bigfoots, grays and ufo's

  5. I just came back from some Snow shoe rabbit hunting. That's Hare's/Rabbits (not cotton tail rabbits) and this exactly the type of tracks I follow in the snow.
    Foxes, Coyotes and Cats also bound through the snow in a straight line fashion.
    These are definitely not Big foot Tracks!
    The problem is, a lot of Big foot researchers are "City bred" (Like Matt MoneyMaker) and really do not have much experience with different animal tracks. Most hunter and Trappers are in the woods a lot and learn animal tracks, animal sounds and Woodsmen ship. City people don't. that's a fact, period!.

    John W. Jones Spoke

    1. Joe, if you were on a camping trip in America and woke up with a sore anus and a used condom nearby, would you tell anyone?

    2. John, Your an Idiot!!! I live in the Pacific Northwest, These tracks are NOT rabbit or fox. You're ignorant in your knowledge of animal tracks Period.

    3. John, Your an Idiot!!! I live in the Pacific Northwest, These tracks are NOT rabbit or fox. You're ignorant in your knowledge of animal tracks Period.

    4. For Anon 9:58/9:59,:Whoever you are, don't know shit about the outdoors! I knew as soon as I decided to comment logically about these track pictures, some idiot would of course comment that I, an outdoorsman, trapper Ex-bear hunting guide would not know animal tracks!

      Since your sooooooop smart, tell me what tracks, "they could be"!

      Your probably a "City sissy boy", that never been in the woods. and couldn't tell a squirrel track, from a Mink track! Don't tell me my business again, Fool.

      John W. Jones Spoke

    5. Shawn, why did you delete my reply? i didn't curse or make any lewd remarks! i answered him, with logical experience.
      how come you let stand "Cock in Joe's mouth and lewd vile comments like that but delete mine?
      This site is for discussion, Mature debates about big foot info. I hope I see my comment re-instated. Your denying me my First Amendment rights! Show me, tell, me what I wrote is wrong!

  6. Could be rabbit, but there are now apparent drag marks, these occur as one leg is usually held lower than the others. There is no measurement of the tracks, distance between or he depth of the snow and no close up of the tracks for details of the foot and toes.

  7. thar bez tham bigfoots in da deep woods fer shure, lots of folks talks abouts tham critters fer yeers

  8. For Anon 9:58/9:59,:Who ever you are, don't know Crap about the outdoors! I knew as soon as I decided to comment logically about these track pictures, some idiot would of course comment that I, an outdoorsman, trapper Ex-bear hunting guide would not know animal tracks!
    Since your sooooooop smart, tell me what tracks, "they could be"?
    Your probably a "City sissy boy", that never been in the woods. and couldn't tell a squirrel track, from a Mink track! Don't tell me my business again, Fool.

    John W. Jones Spoke


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