Listen: Bigfoot Hotspot Radio - Sasquatch Stories with Tim Coonbo Baker

Here's a brand new episode of Bigfoot Hotspot Radio. Their guest happens to be a former NASA Electrical Engineer with a ton of stories to tell. Tim "Coonbo" Baker was last interviewed on Alex MidnightWalker's radio show and spoke for 3 hours about several incidents involving human interactions with Bigfoot. He has been studying them nearly all his life and he's got some experiences and amazing stories to tell from working with the government as a defense contractor. According to Tim, government agencies such as NASA supposedly have knowledge of Bigfoots and they have a ton of footage that they don't want people to see. Here's the Coonbo's interview with Alex (link).

Below is Bigfoot Hotspot Radio's interview with Coonbo recorded yesterday:

Tim "Coonbo" Baker is one that is never short on stories when it comes to this subject. Tim has had our friends on his property and researched in numerous states as well. Tim has been studying this phenomenon nearly all his life, bringing some truly amazing stories to the show.

Join Will Jevning, Wes Germer and Woody Pratt as we discuss recent Sasquatch sightings, encounters and talk to Bigfoot eye witnesses. People are seeing something in the woods and there are too many reports for this too be ignored. Listen as we talk to researchers, witnesses and investigators to unravel the mystery of Bigfoot. Every week we will also bring you the latest Bigfoot news and information. Our live call in number is 646-716-8791. You can email us at Find us on facebook at


  1. Replies
    1. Please let me see my son.


    2. don't use your kids as a weapon, chick. let the guy see his kid.

    3. Well Steve, we both know full well that your soul mate is Bill. The way that he was always hanging around with that bag of brains was disturbing. I have heard from mutual friends that the two of you are so very happy now.

      You should have told me you have some strange genetics on your family tree. Little Chippy was born covered with hair. He has a very bad disposition and loves to hide up in the trees and throw poop down at people. He will not come inside to live like a normal human. If you are able to catch him he is all yours. I suggest a net.

    4. Chick, i betcha' you have a set of tig ol' bitties, ha??

    5. 3:00, she does! Why do you think I'm going through this?

      - Steve

  2. Tims reports are fascinating,makes bigfoot sound very scary xx

  3. YES, YES, YES..............COONBO JOE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  4. Yet another bigfoot story with zero evidence. Next!

  5. First to say that I love Sasquatch Chronicles!!! Keep 'em coming, boys!

  6. Every guest they have on rambles on endlessly with pointless details. These people claim to see and hear sasquatch so frequently as if they were birds or rabbits. SO RIDICULOUS. I have pitty for those who blindly believe these hosts and their guests. So far detached from reality. .. all of them

    1. If Shawn is promoting them, then you know they are scum

  7. MNBRT; please note this radio show is devoid of blathering that fills over half the airtime.


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