Bigfoot Attack at Ape Canyon

Ape Canyon, Mt. St Helens

Greg Moorhead, a bigfoot researcher from Texas, posted these amazing photos surrounding the story of "Ape Canyon" and a man named Fred Beck. Check them out:
"In 1924, Fred Beck and three other miners say they were attacked by “apemen” at their mine claim on Mt. St. Helens. The creatures pelted the miners’ cabin with rocks, climbed on the roof, and tried to break through the door. The attack lasted all night. Previously, the men had seen unusual large footprints in the area, and Beck, with another man, had shot at an odd creatures they saw at about 100 yards, and then at 200 yards, taking a total of six shots. It appears the attack on the miners was likely in revenge...possibly one of the shots had found its mark. When the men emerged from the cabin in the morning, Beck saw one of the creatures at about 80 yards away near the edge of what is now Ape Canyon. He took a shot and and the creature toppled into the canyon. The group hastily left the area. Beck and one of the men, Roy Smith later returned with newspaper people and investigators."
Fred Beck (left) and Roy Smith

Newspaper photo showing the investigators standing by the besieged cabin. From left to right: Burt Hammerstrom, free-lance writer; Bill Welch, forest guard at the Spirit Lake Ranger Station; Frank (Slim) Lynch, Seattle newsman; and Jim Huffman, forest ranger for the Spirit Lake district. Footprints were found, but photographs have not come to light if they were taken.

Fred Beck holding the gun he had at Ape Canyon

Fred Beck later in life


  1. Replies
    1. REALLY CONFUSED RESIDENT RECTUM RAVAGED JREF LOONTuesday, February 25, 2014 at 8:26:00 PM PST

      #blokeinasuit approved

      gosh dang why dontcha guys juss lissen ta me, k? i totuly sware its a bloke in a soot a promis yu k? i am reel smart cuz i got nolej at the jerf no wate its the jref yea i got sum reel gud nolej over ther it wuz reel gud thay sed juss be atheeist in every stuff all thu time then yoo can be wun of us trooly i juss luv the jref thay are big frendz to me cuz u now wut?

      i went over thar un a i got a hole buncha nolej over thar it werked reel gud cuz i got smartz now i leerned reel hard frum the jref thay tot me lodes an lodes a nolej an now wut?

      thats why i cumz here eveery dammed frigggin stoopid day an post #blokeinasuit an #looneytoons approved iz cuz i leerned so much goddam nolej frum the jref thay are totuly my frends now i sware tu god thay are my persunul frends now so you now wut?

      i am gonna keep postin bout blokes in soots an looneytoons cuz i got sum reel goddam nolej bout it k? i leerned an now wut? i leerned frum by big goddam frends at jref cuz no wut?

      thay iz my goddm frendz not yerz!!!! ya got that u stoopid sunz a beeches u got it? juss tel me if ya got it k?

    2. ^ Nice to see Joe has created another account.

    3. Glad to see Strudelfart's back to posting on the BFE.

      Couldn't make it anymore obvious.

      Strudelfart, how is it to watch the sun rise and set without turning your head? Is it microevolution at it's finest?

    4. that's not an account dummy

    5. Dont burn your toaster Streudel

    6. Joe FIzt is emailing me death threats and child porn.

    7. What? Why is my comment about toaster Streude l removed? It is a snack food!!! Hmmmmmmm??????

    8. OOO!! Who is behind the wheel??? Can I say toaster pastry then?

    9. Steven Strufart, how does it feel to be one of the biggest fish eyed losers in all of bigfoot history? You are laughed at everywhere you go. You were laughed so bad off this site that you made Shawn delete all negative comments about you. Not only that, you then made him censor your last name. Think about that Steven, how much of a complete loser do you have to be to have your last name censored on a spam bigfoot blog. You are right at home with Joe. Right at home.

    10. Man,, MMC sure is hard at it creating accounts this morning

    11. Didn't someone just find the location of the cabin's remnants? I think I heard about it on this blog? Would of been the longest night of my life if I were there.

    12. ^^Man, you do realize that isn't an "account" right?

    13. ^^^ Epic post 8:26

      Ape Canyon today, does not look anything like that photo. It is a wasteland. However, the Bigfoot are still there.

    14. Bigfoots been @ ape canyon lots of folks seening them for years.

  2. moonshine is a terrible drug.

    1. Joe Fizt is emailing me death threats and Brazilian vomit porn.

    2. what about squirters? Has he sent you many pics of them? I am talking about guys of course as they are Joes bread and butter. Man butter that is

    3. Reports have gone way up in Washington and Colorado with the new marijuana laws. I didn't see that one coming : )

    4. DEAR anon 5:05 is Man butter the same thing as Duck butter?? thnx,, (im,, Mr..never claimed to be the smartest person on earth)..

    5. meth better than moonshine and meth folk seein more bigfoots than moonshiners

  3. Where did sausage fingered Sally go?

  4. Yeah, too bad this story is so old and rehashed that it should never appear on a 24/7 live bigfoot blog. Really desperate for any material these days

    1. Joe Fizt is emailing me death threats and handicap porn.

    2. he is sending me kiddie porn and tubes of ky jelly, i told him to stop, but joe is joe, little boys beware, joe fitz is on the loose

  5. Replies
    1. Joe Fizt is emailing me death threats and German sheisse porn.

    2. I don't like giant hairy people. They're always pushing me.

      They push me real harrd.

    3. How about giant hairy mudhelmet?You like?

    4. Hello, I never "claimed" to be the Smartest person on earth, BUT what in the hell is german sheisse porn ??

    5. batsquatchs eats U for sure.....

  6. Joe Fizt is emailing me death threats and cuckold porn

    1. He is also creating new accounts faster than you can blink. He is having an epic meltdown!!!

    2. ^you do realize those aren't accounts right?

  7. Mike Brookreson's out-house footage is just days away !

    1. Known hoaxer = Mike Brookerson

    2. lots of folks seein batsquatch, they been seeing batsquatchs for years...

  8. could be batsquatchs, tham orrery critters, getz U fer shure

  9. A folk tale made real by stupid people wanting so badly to make it true.

    1. batsquatch be reel lots of folks seein tham critters fer yeers.

  10. bigfoots like chupacabras comes out @ night and hunts for critters, then goes back to their dens whars thay bez safe


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