Yowie Spooks Man In His Car In Blue Mountains

Note to self: Stay away from any place called the "Blue Mountains". What's peculiar about the Blue Mountains is the fact that there are at least two of these mountains. There's the Blue Mountains of the Pacific Northwest, and there's also the Blue Mountains of Wentworth Falls, Australia. Here's what's mind blowing them: They're all Bigfoot hotbeds! In 1996 Paul Freeman happened to film a family of Bigfoots in the Blue Mountains of Washington.  In Australia, our little forest people friends are refer to as the Yowie. It seems the creatures there are a little more aggressive, with one report of a man almost beaten to death by one such creature. Then we have this recent report of a Yowie trying to attack a man in his car! Listen below:


  1. Replies
    1. Nope! just you, Daniella..

      ball boy


    3. Google Image Search; '1790 Yowie Woodcut'.

      Pretty amazing and one of my all time favourite images.


    4. If all of the posters stood in a line and gave you an assembly line golden, would you hold it against everyone, Joe?

  2. Joe, if Paul Freeman gave you a special forest man golden, would you hold it against him???


    1. I don't visit often anymore but you make me smile when I do stop by.

    2. because the two of yous are sick fucks!

      ball boy

    3. I just come here for the new Daniel Campbell testicle pictures.

    4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    5. oops! btw, both, ^^

      ball boy

    6. Ball boy calling someone sick.
      After your comments towards Harry you should be the last person calling anyone sick

    7. BB was the person that followed around Harry saying nasty things, he was the one that followed DC and copy pasted nasty things about him, he's the one that creates false google + accounts of Joe and DC, and I'm willing to bet he's one of the main people acting like MMC on here.

      Guy is a bigger loser than everyone on this site combined. Must be an extreme loner. Worse than Joe even.

    8. ball boy, your entire schtick is and has been dependent on me. I know that you are down in life and need someone to look up to, somebody to call a role model but as Chuck Barkley said back in the 90's: "I am not a role model."

      If it wasn't for me, you would lose most of your inspiration.

      I'm flattered but I think you need to do some DMT and try to align your chakra breh.

      And between you and me, that creepy stalker stuff you did to Harry is a little freaky in a Joe Dirt kind of way.

    9. 8:14- He is the main one if not the only one Doing the MMC clone thing. He is also Ball Boy and the piss face.

    10. Joe, if ball boy gave you a blue ball golden, would you hold it against him???


  3. So why did I just see a #blokeinasuit approved post disappear? Shenanigans afoot.

    1. #blokeinasuit approved

      #Ikeepmypoopinajar approved

    2. Footers gonna sweep it under the rug

    3. What? I guy what repeatedly posts '#blokeinasuit approved'?

      How threatening... Cover up for sure; role reversal?

    4. Learn to write properly firstly, illiterate

    5. ^nope footers are the only ones with anything to cover-up, i.e. their stupidity

    6. Says the guy who covers up his Bigfoot enthusiasm.

      Come out the closet bro... We all know why you're here.

    7. Proof ! ^

      He just can't help himself. It's like chumming the waters for carp !!

      Right on cue, ya st-st-stuttering wanker !

    8. I'm here for you breakdown boy... Offload, it's ok...

    9. Proof ! ^

      He just can't help himself. It's like chumming the waters for carp !!

      Right on cue, ya st-st-stuttering wanker !

    10. Of course you are here, where else would you be? It's not like you have a life, physical friends, or a decent paying job.

      You're here everyday. All day. Even if you don't post, you still read everything.

      You're a loser bro. We all joke around about it but it's true. Who else posts from 6am-2am without being compensated? Big ol' losers.

    11. "Boo-hoo, boo-hoo"

      Cry me a river... You just cranky cause I bully you around, bro. You don't see me crying cause my only means of interaction's being dominated.

    12. I come back every few weeks and PJ is literally repeating the same tired arguments and failed concepts as he was a year ago. Still crying about this or that, trying to play the rubber/glue game, calling people names, avoiding any and all accountability for his haphazard way of asserting his own assumptions as fact.

      Then when he does get backed into a corner he loves to act nonchalant about it and play the victim card.

      We had behavior classes on people like him when I worked in pediatrics.

    13. "Boo-hoo, boo-hoo"

      You've never proven my ideas as failed concepts, the only one crying is you, I reference my sources if information so accountability is difficult and who's backed me into a corner exactly?

      I'm not the one crying and I think you better reassess that 'victim card'... Look at your own comment and ask yourself if that isn't a little pathetic of you.

      "Boo-hoo, boo-hoo"

    14. Boo-hoo, you stole the work and theories of a couple researchers from the 70's and just striked out bipedal gorilla and replaced it with hairy (modern) humans.

      The original argument failed 40 years ago, it fails still when you replace it with human.

      Have you ever felt like you know something special? Like something no one else does? That someday you will be validated?

    15. I can claim that Bigfoot are human because it is only in the last 50 has it been considered a dumb ape. For the past ten thousand years it was considered another tribe. We have native peoples that have shared burial mounds with them that have been excavated and documented to be the case. Burial practices and speech are culture; Bigfoot has both of these and this would explain why you have sightings and no type specimen. The development of the Internet over the past 15 years and the linking of research groups and witnesses has almost eroded such misunderstanding and it is no coinsidence that people like Sykes are now interested.

      And on to Sykes... The Oxford-Lausanne Collateral Hominid Project is still in full swing. It is your fallacy that 12 samples at the very start of the study should be missunderstood for the long term results.

    16. I didn't say anything about Sykes, you loony bastard.

      Answer my questions though please:

      Have you ever felt like you know something special? Like something no one else does? That someday you will be validated?

    17. Read my comment and weep, breakdown boy... You got nothing, never have and never will, that's why you so boo-hooey.

      Ha ha ha ha ha!!!

    18. Again, where did I mention Sykes or the 12 samples or half of what you posted about?

      You're so delusional you make up arguments in your head, go aha!, post them and forget that I never said half of what you respond too.

      Textbook son, you may be schizophrenic.

    19. Keep crying breakdown boy... I don't think every Anon is you, or post my butthurt hate for you 50 times a day;

      Anyone with mental health issues, it's most certainly you, old breakdown boy.

    20. Again, where did I mention Sykes or the 12 samples or half of what you posted about?

    21. I took it from your back catalogue of butthurt bitch slaps.

      "Boo-hoo, boo-hoo"

    22. So you're admitting to just making up a scenario in your head and typing a response to it?

      You seem to have a hard time distinguishing between reality and fantasy.

      Might want to up the dosage of the Lithium and Celebrex.

    23. Scraping the bottom of the barrel now breakdown boy... Keep baiting and telling everyone except yourself is unstable.

      Man... I haven't enjoyed myself on this blog this much for a long time!

      Ha ha ha ha ha!!!

    24. Joe, if breakdown boy gave you a mentally challenged golden, would you hold it against him???


  4. Looking at the morris suit is it really that much different to patty?

    Truth is it isnt.

    What footers think of patty being real has a lot to do with the film stock and distance from the camera. That nice grainy textured video. Add that to the morris suit and you wouldn't be far off. Of course roger could have modified the suit in any number of ways too which no one will ever know.

    None of it even matters anyway because a complete lack of any bigfoots is the smoking gun.

    1. "It’s amazing that Morris still can’t re-create the suit that he sold Patterson, even though he immediately recognized his “suit” when he first saw the Patterson/Gimlin film!"


      "What about Roger Patterson buying a gorilla suit? Philip Morris does not claim to have records, only a memory.

      "The set-up is this: Our old friend Phillip Morris apparently goes around and tells people what a load a hokum the PGF is based on how he made the costume and all. In order to make his little talk more effective, he reached out to Edmunds to make him a “state of the art” bigfoot suit. Think about that for a second. This is the guy who made the original. In 1967. But to help demonstrate how the PGF figure is a dude in a suit, he turns to a professional costume and effects manufacturer to make him one using 21st century technology and techniques. OK. This thing is, I bet, going to be pretty awesome.

      Here’s the PGF-related segment from the show:


      "Pretty cool costume. Too bad it looks absolutely nothing like the PGF figure. Hell, it’s not even half as good as the Jack’s Links sasquatch. Also, note the size of the head on the thing and consider that in the context of what Bill Munns told us on BFS 50: The head has to be huge in Edmunds’ suit to fit the head of an actor. The head of the PGF figure is freakishly small."

      I don't know what rock you've been living under... But we have stabilized and digital versions of the PGF that pretty much blow out of the water any suggestion of a resemblance (which is pretty laughable anyway) and is again evidence of special pleading.

      If you cannot present a decent case to counter thorough research by a costume expert when presented, then there in the PGF is increasingly likely to be your Bigfoot and the accumulation of other footage sources as well as physical evidence means our case get's more credible as the years roll by.

    2. Joe, how do you deal with Daniel?????? The guy is so
      fuckin' annoying!!

      ball boy

    3. Just ignore him and he goes away after a while... Like a fart in an elevator.


    4. Unfortunately for you sir, some things are sometimes just outside of our immediate experiences.

    5. Yeah like non existent things. Or God. Are you saying that bigfoot is a divine/supernatural being? Do you believe this?

    6. Non existent things that somehow manage to leave tracks... Isn't that a bigger leap of faith than any of the sensationalist comparisons you refer to??

      More baiting? Last ditch??

    7. You should have billions of tracks. I have a couple of tracks of mermaids, t-rex, jersey devil and mothman, so what?

    8. Should we have billions of tracks? Do I honestly have to tutor you on the terrain of your own back yard??

      ... And you don't have the tracks of mermaids, t-rex, jersey devil and mothman; that's what.

    9. we have mermaids tracks, you ignorant!

    10. And also many tracks of the Jersey Devil, double ignorant, it's not there is only the magical ape out there. Special pleading.

    11. Special pleading?

      Says the doofus trying to tell me he has mermaid and Jersey Devil tracks?

      Nuff said.... Desperate times I guess.

    12. just have a quick search and you'll find tons of jersey devil tracks. Just like Bigfoot.

      Oh and the devil just don't exist nonetheless. Just like Bigfoot.

    13. What Jersey Devil tracks? Hoof tracks??

      You really don't think too hard before you type, do you?

      Horse tracks now debunk Bigfoot... This is getting pretty priceless.

    14. You're a bloody idiot if you think whitetail tracks are horse tracks.

      New Jersey isn't Montana there sweet cheeks, no half wild horses galloping through the Pine Barrens.

      Your recycling of Grover Krantz is hilarious, especially since you put him and his work down so frequently. Man, you faux footers can't help yourself.

      How is "Assumptions and Speculation w/ a Welshman named Joe" coming along?

      If ball boy, let's say, gave you a frothy morning golden, would you hold that against him, Joe?

      Would it remind you of primary school in the late 80's?

    15. Hoofs, shmoofs... Your argument got called in and you're cranky now cause you look dumb.

      I have no problem with Krantz other than his assesment of what this creature is was wrong... Like any field of study; it self corrects and though I'm a little finger pointy at times for the lack of bipedal gorilla specimen (lying with those that for too long claimed they were there), I think Krantz is really cool on the whole. Look at his contributions to science, it's hard not to.

      Keep the obsession up numpty... You are quite simply the single most butthurt individual on here and you wouldn't be so obsessed if I hadn't totally bitch slapped you about for the last couple of months.

      Don't let it ruin your life.

    16. You are the idiot that takes offense to every anonymous blog posting like some kind of impish child.

      And btw, the Jersey Devil is a Hooven creature, no? Makes sense it would leave HOOF prints.

      So let me get this straight, you are a little finger pointy over the lack of monkey bigfoot but you don't question the complete lack of human bigfoot? The thousands it would still take to have a viable breeding population? Humans are killed and slaughtered everyday just like every other animal. Doesn't matter if it's on the streets, the jungle, NorCal, Florida, or Namibia.

      But when the explanations run thin and your doubts start to linger, Joe, just remember you have the biggest cop out ever in crying about conspiracies!!!!


    17. I think you'll find that the manner I which I least take offense is the reason why you are having such a bad breakdown and throwing the names about... Man, go see about it if I were you, eight weeks of tablets you'll be ready for work again.

      You missed my point about the hoofs, go read it again and you'll see that I addressed it perfectly and made you look even sillier.

      Next... It is your baiting that their are thousands of these creatures, and not my statement. I have never stated how many there are, because I don't know. I never make a claim I can't back up with a source or reference; don't you know that by now? Silly question, eh breakdown boy?

      I can claim that Bigfoot are human because it is only in the last 50 has it been considered a dumb ape. For the past ten thousand years it was considered another tribe. We have native peoples that have shared burial mounds with them that have been excavated and documented to be the case. Burial practices and speech are culture; Bigfoot has both of these and this would explain why you have sightings and no type specimen. The development of the Internet over the past 15 years and the linking of research groups and witnesses has almost eroded such misunderstanding and it is no coinsidence that people like Sykes are now interested.

      We also have one of the longest standing examples of a cover up by the UFO subject, not to mention various assassinations, etc, etc... And when you have so many billions of dollars to lose by acknowledging this creature, well let's just say they can then let the ignorant fill in the gaps like you; preaching and crying here to me... Who enjoys your breakdown daily.

    18. Joe. If theJersey Devil, a white tailed deer, and breakdown boy gave you a ménage Golden...would you hold it against all 3?

  5. Footers see what they want to, hear what they want to. Only an idiot would accept what they allow themselves to accept as "proof". Then they act like skeptics are the crazy ones for demanding real proof like an actual Bigfoot.

    1. "In modern psychology, an important theory about how we make decisions under uncertainty is the “heuristic and biases” method of Tversky and Kahneman (1974; Kahneman et al. 1982). This posits that human being use heuristics, which are short cuts to solve problems that are not always reliable, and that we are subject to cognitive biases that might impair the success of our decisions."

    2. And where should be the part about Bigfoot existence?

    3. Have you not seen "Leaping Russian Yeti"? How much more proof do you need?

    4. 4:34... In your thought processes regarding closure on the matter.

      4:34... The Leaping Russian Yeti is impressive, yes.

    5. Biasses do not impair the success of Joe's decisions. Only one ass does that, his own. With his head hopelessly stuck up it of course.

    6. Ok ok if that didn't make you laugh this one will:


      Check out the size of Hanks wank!

    7. 4:39... I never suggested cognitive biases impaired my decisions...bI can in fact think very clearly and have done on the subject matter I draw from.

      Learn to read properly before you suggest head's up backsides. You don't want to look silly now, do you?

    8. 4:46^^^ Kind of reminds me of those school art projects that used little pieces of dried macaroni.

    9. So small how could it do anything with it? It would just break off in its hands.

    10. Do you laugh like a retard with a brain fart in real life like that, Joe? All paused and st-st-st-stuttering like?

      Rhetorical question.

      That's really part of your shame isn't it? You have a speech impediment! That explains your online personality!!

      ball boy

    11. Firstly, I know you ain't Ball Boy.

      Secondly... Go cry about it somewhere else; this online personality totally plays with your emotions daily; your breakdown is ever more apparent... Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!

    12. Mah n-n-na-name i-is J-Joe and buh-buh-bahoooo-b-bigfoot muh-muh-makes mmme ha-happy!!


      Ha ha ha

    13. Quite an imagination there breakdown boy... Every Anon is me and you think of me at least 50 times a day?

      Man... That attempt at stuttering speech would probably better suit my shudder at your creepy butthurt obsession.

    14. Joe, if Mel Tillis gave you a g-g-golden, would you hold it against him?

  6. I have to cancel my vacation now. Stay away from the blue mts thanks a lot

  7. Joe fitz ! It's ttl I was just listening to Justin s on rev Jeff show and they were talking about how I was saying I get to watch these monsters!! Finnally I hope they carry out this plan and that is to set up a mile away with a spotting scope and if they were able to shoot like I am able they could bag one from a great distance or at least film and shoot, then collect blood if it was not a kill shot! I believe they are on the right path and might accutually beat me to it if they carry out this plan but I don't think they have the shooting capability? Anyways ttl the one thing I haven't herd yet is anyone setting there game trail cameras up the right way like I'm about to do this spring I'm looking forward to emailing u this coming spring joe fitz! Ttl!

    1. TTL!!

      You must be one heck of a shot to hit something at that distance!!!

      Also, there was a post here the other day regarding a piece of footage of an apparent Bigfoot that get;s up and walks into the brush; there is snow everywhere and it's from Canada, did you see it? Here's the link;


      ... Anyway, what are your thoughts on the subject filmed; legit?


    2. Goddamn are you two fucking stupid.

      Joe, in 2014 and as much as this guy posts here, you honestly believe he doesn't have an email?

      Umm...hello, to even own a computer or smart phone you must have an email account. To shop online, you need an email account.

      This guy has been hosing you for months like fish to chum.

      Don't be so thick, ya gullible bastard.

    3. Nah. I'm gonna wait till spring, just like Canadian Guy is waiting for spring to make an email account.

      But really, I dropped heavily knowledge on you above. He has an email but he's trolling you hard...if it's not just you replying to yourself.

    4. Man... Do you wake up in the night crying my name? According to you every Anon is me and I reply to myself?

      Man, let it go... Surely I'm not that important to you??

    5. Where did I say every anon is you? I didn't, yet again caught blatantly lying.

    6. You paranoid bunch are labeled collectively; the only lie is your motive for being here.

    7. So wait...

      You said I told you that you were every anon posting here when I clearly never said such a thing...

      Then you call everyone else paranoid prior to questioning motives?

      You are more delusional (ding ding for butthurt footer) originally thought.

      Your arguments are essentially the rubber/glue game.

    8. You're all the same to me; you're all one collective hate game that thinks of me 50 times a day... Creepy.

      What's the difference? Your Anon word against the next?

      The facts? You angry, upset and crying about me here now as opposed to challenging, debating or discussing the subject matter... Ask yourself, why is that?

      I know the answer.

    9. That's a damn racist thought pattern.

      All you black people look the same.

      You're messed up in the head bro.

    10. Man... Read your comments and seriously ask yourself who's messed up.

      Now run along little boy.

    11. Yes sir I would have a email account on my phone and I told joe Fitz that a long time ago a friend of mine set it up for me I don't now what it is and even if I did I would not now how to use it and that's the truth and I don't now my password on my iPhone as well so there u go sir !!!! Ttl joe fitz I left a comment about the video your referring to and to me watching on my phone I'd have to say fake for the reason there always black in the winter here or very dark so to me that looks like there trying to show a adult but it's just not wide enough in the upper body but it's really hard to see on my phone!!! Also to the other guy ranting about me I just discovered utube last year so u should get a kick out of that as well! Lol anyways joe f have good day any questions just ask and I'll let u now ! Ttl !!

    12. Also joe fitz as for the shooting I've put in just over 6000$ into my rifle that I hunt for moose with and target practice with!! Right now any joe blow could pick it up and make a 700 yard shot with little experience, rifles and scopes have come a long way these days if your willing to spend the money and have a good gunsmith !! Ttl !!

    13. Joe, if TTL gave you a friendship golden, would you hold it against him???


  8. Long live the Sasquatch Chronicles. Fabulous show again with guest from the Central Michigan area, that had an encounter eriely similar to mine from the same area. Will Jevning and his co host to a tremendous job and interact well with the guest, and each other, better than any other blog talk radio bigfoot program I have heard.
    Give it a listen.


    1. I'd rather not and say I didn't.

      Is your blog failing?

    2. Hey Chuck!! I've really enjoyed what I've heard so far to be honest buddy... Thankfully there's a lot on YouTube for what I've missed.

      Jevning is a true star.

    3. Touches himself while thinking of grown men giving him hearty morning Goldens ^

    4. Will jenving is the best out there and should be the person who everyone has to go through for proving there evidence and then we would be on the right track in this huge mess that is getting bigger by the day lol!!! Ttl

  9. Australia Yowie - eats U right U fer shure

  10. Bigfoots Screamin bez goodn ways achasin thams tipes of critters likd bigfoots ors yowies.

  11. GW knows wheres da bigfoots goes


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