Watch This Wisconsin Bigfoot Breakdown

An old classic breakdown from my distant past. Like, maybe, 7 months ago? It's still fun to watch. Brought to us by Parabreakdown.


  1. bigfoots folks says folklore be true, passed down thru the ages as teachings for us all

  2. Wisconsin bigfoots eats U up fer shure

  3. thinking GRAYs about - just saying GRAYs

    1. GRAYs takin U reel quik lack ans getz U D&A fer shure

  4. This place is frickin' comical !!! LOL

    1. The bar really isn't that high around here if truth be told...

  5. Where is MMG? I'm getting worried now.

    1. Eva said the other day he'd be back. Beyond that it seems to be a mystery.

      The Mystery of the Missing MMG.

      Who will crack the case?


    2. OH yes, MMG. I do believe I owe him an apology as well...


    3. Rumour has it that he has gone to that magical land where bronies are eternally blessed.

      San Francisco.

  6. Joe, if Phil Poling, ball boy, real sweetcheeks, and fake MMC guy gave you a swinger style 4 way golden, would you hold it against them???


    1. 4 way swinger style?? What the hell is that ?


    2. So sorry, to vulgar to speak of here where children might read it. I had another weak moment. Please just ignore me when I slide back.

    3. Joe if Patty took a dump on your chest would you hold it against her? Would you still respect the dump in the morning?

    4. It gives me inner peace and a sense of calm to know that you all will ignore my weak moments. Thank you so for your patience.

      Sweet cheeks

    5. About a year ago I pretended to be someone I wasn't. One day Shawn posted that he was going to clean up the site because school kids may be looking at the site to "learn" about BF

      Well the next day I pretended to be a bunch of different school kids and man that went over like a lead ballon. And when the Pervs came out I pretended to be some kids dad threatening to call the cops. The reactions where priceless and it was too much fun. Finally somebody caught on that evening and I stopped

      So if I were to condemn you I would be a
      Hippo. . And it is always obvious when it is you.

      But for the sake of good taste please find another line of humor. Your bladder HAS to be empty by now


    6. ^^^^ Halarious, and very true. Everyone knows its MMC making all the sweetcheeks comments apologizing. And we also know its Eva, MMC, Chick, and possibly Joe who are the little cry babies running to Shawn b/c they cant take being trolled. Maybe they should use this site as a means to discuss bigfoot, instead of turning it into there own private chatroom. It really is just you losers in here talking to each other every day about complete BS. Joe is the only one who at least keeps to bigfoot talk, and hes also been the only one grown up enough not to respond to the pee in the face comments.

      The other 3 of you, especially MMC just bought it hook line and sinker. Have you not learned MMC, you just get trolled and pwned every time you try and do something you think is going to stop the comments. But the pee comments are so immature, the dude just flips them right back on you, making you look even stupider. Then you thought you were going to be clever and try and make up the name sweetcheeks and give it to him posting anonymously. You thought that would somehow put an end to it or make him look stupid. But what did the guy do?? He flipped it on you again and embraced it.

      So now, as a last ditch effort, the apologizing sweetcakes, who is MMC, make no mistake about that, has decided that he will now use the sweetcakes name to try and flip it, but again it wont work. Everywhere MMC goes, there will be the pee in the face comments, and MMC will continually get pwned over and over and over and over again. You can tell it infuriates him, and i encourage everyone to take part.

      Him and Eva thought somehow it would be clever to say that MMC would be missing for a few days and would be back. When in reality hes just posting under anon now trying to accomplish some stupid mission to drive the pee off, but it will never work. The pee is eternal, and others will carry on the pee legacy. Then here in a few more days, MMC will miraculously appear with a new avatar, that he is supposedly been struggling with for the past 3 months. One day its up, the next week its not. and the excuse being that he doesnt know how to use google image, along with the save/copy/paste button. But what it really boils down too is that he wants to make his posts anonymously, and cowardly like the rest of us anons. Oh, and dont forget MMC is joining some bigfoot organizations real soon, he thinks its time

      And so i now leave bigfootevidence, but look to you fellow cowardly anons to continue my legacy. Hit Joe with pee in the face comments regularly, and continue to infuriate MMC. You now know what he cant stand and what infuriates him to the point of whining to Shawn to try and remove people, just like Phil Poling and Steven Streufert. Continue trolling with all your hearts and believe that one day, pee in the face will come to you all. My mission here is complete. Keep the legacy alive brothers and sisters, keep the pee flowing and you hearts full.

      And for one last time, Joe, if Bob Dylan sang you "Like a Rolling Glass of Whiz", would you hold it against him??????

      And of course, one last remix:

      Normally I don't do this
      But I'm gonna hit ya'll off with a little taste of the remix
      Ya'll ready, here we go

      I pick you up from the club
      take you home to make some love
      Got a surprise close your eyes
      I'm gonna cover you with suds

      I'm gonna give you some poo-poo
      I'm gonna give you some pee-pee
      I'm gonna give you some doo-doo
      Wash it down with some wee-wee

      This is the remix edition of the song about pissing
      I got that peeing, leaking, reeking, and there's juice in the kitchen

      Yeah, that's how it goes at a Joe Fitz party
      I sip Cris, you drink piss
      I'm wanna piss on you remix, ya heard
      Nah, I'm serious I really do want to piss on you

      Goodbye Joe,
      I love you!!!!!!!!................Sweetcakes

    7. ^^^ so I take it that your medication is not working

    8. I forgot to mention also, although i have partaken in making a few well deserving MMC posts, i can tell you that the majority were not me, there is at least one brave soul out there keeping the faith. I can also tell you that i am not ball boy, although i dont mind being blamed for it as long as ball boy hit Joe and MMC regularly with pee comments. In the good name of pee i felt in necessary to clear my name of these charges. I stand up for pee, not ball boy.

      And i now take my leave, Joe, i hope it was as good for you as it was for me.


    9. I am flattered by all your attention...... I think

      I am in no big hurry to get an avatar. Whatever it will be it will be custom having to do with Michigan Bigfooting. My avatar will be my calling card and will be present on all.

      When I make this a reality I will have to ignore you. But for now I find you a kind of "special" individual. This IS the only blog site that I have posted On a regular bases. Honestly ! And I already have my own Anon stalker. Wow

      I have a friend a lot like you. He is a chronic alcohaulic who repeats himself much more than yourself. He is always looking for an argument also. He is in the advanced stages and it won't be long. You need to examine yourself.

      You need help. You are obsessive and that is not healthy. Do
      you have real friends meaning not an anon on the net? It is not good to be alone. You are a funny person. You need to get out

      I will pray for you


    10. WHO IS? OR WHAT Does MMC Mean ??..

    11. I am a bleever in BF. I have spent a lot of time in the woods and in the near future I will have more time to do so. I post here often because i love the subject. My plan is to be a contributor of videos, images and iwitness accounts of BF. And I have my own stalker. Cool eh


    12. YEA! I'M happy for ya ! now What's this MMG shit mean monosodium glutamate?? I thank you for your help !

    13. ^ I am being honest here.

    14. One time I think he said he was from Georgia there abouts


    15. Never said what MMG meant.


    16. Thank you for your answers as I dont understand the Code or whetever it is .. Thank's MMC. p.s i wouldnt trip on any of the crap way above as this is just a bigfoot blog. : )

    17. Amen brother. I never do. Raised a few kids and know how to handle them


    18. MMC, you and your fellow 3 friends on this site do nothing but converse about stupid meaningless things all day. And basically less than 5 percent is related to bigfoot, and it has been that day the full time you have been here. Most of the posts you make are "First" comments, or saying "Hi" to your 3 friends over and over. And of course, you love making the sleeveless comments. We all know its you.

    19. Why sure it was me. Had to get the sleeves out of my system. Nothing like picking on a hoaxer. And if you ever bothered to look whenever I had some heavy criticism about a hoaxer I always type MMC. I speak my mind and fear nobody

      We support Shaun so he can better take care of those baby's he's feeding. It's not all about you.

      Got to go to bed. Have to go to work tomorrow


    20. I'm the one who posted at 7:13 and all I have to say is Thank you kids at 7:29 because half the time you little shits crack me up ,, sometimes I think you guys are PAID $ to be here anyways ,, CARRY ON !!

    21. Ps later MMC have a good one,

  7. inf bigfoot in tham woods takin U a shotgun ans a good huntin dog fer U safetys

  8. This site has become the most credible voice in the PissSquatch it seems

    1. If this site pissed on your face would you hold it against it?

  9. Really Phil? You whip out an old "classic" when the Calgary video is sitting right there for the picking? I guess when your ass is planted in a chair 24/7, low hanging fruit is all the picking you can do, you sarcastic, fraudulent, fat fuck. That kind of has a ring to it, don't you think? I dub you S-Triple F. Keeper of the Bags of Doritoistan and Chief Sage of the Slopes of Mt Dew!

  10. I want eva to tie me up to a sawhorse in the middle of stonehenge and tate rape me.

  11. That's definitely your typical bigfoot footage.


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