This Mark Anders Guy Is Very Informative

We think we've finally understand this Mark Anders guy who's been popping in and out of the Bigfoot scene showing us random Bigfoot photographs that were reportedly sent to him anonymously. Though he makes it seem like he's got something legit, most of what he has seems photoshopped, and it's probably just all fun and games. Check out this talk about the Humboldt county Bigfoot photograph:


  1. Thanks for toning down the "Dr. Matthew of the most respected..." of late.

  2. "Move on nothing to see here"...

  3. Humboldt bigfoots eats U fer shure

  4. 7.62 will take care of them Humboldt bigfoots .....

  5. I was sexually assaulted by a female sasquatch this past spring. The female monster used some sort of psychic power which increased orgasmic sensation. Now, I long for her touch once more....I know it sounds ridiculous but I just needed to vent somewhere.

    1. BS
      You cannot rape the willing

      Just ask Sweetcheeks

    2. Where did it happen I wanna get some of that

    3. You must email Joe immediately. He can google cases and cures for you.

    4. Joe, if the BS guy (MMC) gave you a pillaging golden, would you hold it against him???


    5. Sweetcheeks, you seem to have lost your passion for your craft. You used to preface your golden comments with a serious question, now you've become more about quantity than quality. Maybe as a compromise you can limit yourself to one comment per thread, otherwise your just spamming, and filling space with the same old tired comments, which makes you no better than joe.

    6. I apologize for my bad behavior. I cannot stop all of this commenting because I have severe emotional issues. I have obsessions with being peed on and cannot stop talking about them. Please forgive my vulgar comments. As I do not have any control over my issues, I pray that you all will request that Shawn Remove me from this blog.

      Kindest regards, Sweetcheeks.

      P.S. Yes this is the real Sweetcheeks

    7. ^ also i forgot to mention my humiliation when my ex boyfriend of 1 night called me little pencil dick,,

    8. Can't make this stuff up folks.

    9. deecide tham bigfoots bez everwhar

    10. Joe, if real sweetcheeks guy (MMC) was horribly furious over how he is getting pwned and gave you a rage filled golden, would you hold it against him???


    11. You can't pwn me you pinhead. You obviously have little control over your bladder also.

      But you are coming around. You now have a name and your own distinct persona that you yourself have created. You are able to now stand on your own two legs and I say good for you. Now all you need to do is get a non urine soaked life

      One step at a time junior


    12. MMC,

      You are correct, and I also owe you a sincere heart felt apology. I have been completely unkind and unfair. I have always looked up to you and how smart you are and that is why I have been so jealous. I am in a rage right now because I am so embarrassed. Sad to say I need some time tonight to gather my thoughts and use the tools my therapist suggested I use when my angry feelings make me speak of gross things. It is best to ignore me when I go to the dark side like this. Rest assured the apologies will continue.


      Sweetcheeks, former fake MMC, sometimes Ball Boy

    13. Apology accepted

      You centainly have the marker cornered on pee humor. I never would have had any idea that there were so many different ways too pee. Not that I think about it at all


    14. Now youve clenzed yur colon ,,wherez da 9hrs of HD vid ??

  6. Looks like "Biggy" had himself a full on photo shoot. Loosing his shy side. Working that camera baby. Lots of different angles and poses.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Wow, the comment above "Dirtycheeks" removed without even leaving a trace. Whats up with the disappearing comments today?

    3. Says "comment removed by author"

      (That'd be you)

    4. No rocketman, it was located above Dirtycheeks. Not that I mind because it was a rude comment.

    5. A thousand pardons!

      Carry on...

    6. Another case for George Noory.

  7. ima sayin ifn U seein tham thar bigfoots usin tham shotguns fer shure

  8. MMC must be having his daily trouble getting an avatar to work. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

  9. Replies
    1. Eva,

      I am looking over these threads and have been struck by guilt over the horrible and mean things I have said to you under my many aliases. You are kind and positive and do not deserve any of my dad behavior. Please accept this heart felt apology and understand that at this time I have no control over my trolling. Please urge Shawn to remove me until I have improved with the help of professionals. I apologize in advance for what I will do.

      Your friend with issues,

      Fake MMC, the real Sweetcheeks

    2. Your forgiven Sweetcheeks,to be honest some of it was quite funny apart from the guy bit but don't feel bad, get better soon i wish you well.
      With love and best wishes
      Eva xx

    3. So glad you have forgiven me. I fear that I will soon slip back into my bad patterns and will become vile once more. Please ignore me completely until I begin to act right again. It is the only way to help me.


    4. Look at how desperate MMC is to get Sweetcheeks removed. Him and Joe and his fellow 3 other bigfoot evidence blog champions are going crazy. They are getting pwned so bad they are literally begging Shawn to do something.
      You poor little babies. the big bad pee in the face guy has put you in your place. Wahhhh Wahhhh

  10. George Noory and Matt Moneymaker onit!

  11. Appalachian Investigators of Mysterious Sightings (AIMS) can get bigfoots with their traps and shotguns

  12. Joe,

    I am having a moment of Lucidity and am doing my best to make up for my inappropriate and cruel behavior. I speak of doing disgusting things because I do not know how to communicate my most inner feelings to others. Joe you do not deserve any of my rude comments. I must apologize in advance for the things I will probably say soon as I have no control at times. It would be best if I was forcibly removed from the situation because I do not have the ability to go on my own.

    Sincerest apologies,

    Sweetcheeks, Fake MMC, and all the other aliases I use.

  13. Now if only I was able to make it right with Harry B.... I will work up my best apology yet for him.


    1. Yes I am Ball Boy at well, so if Shawn had any mercy on my poor soul he would give me a suspension. I have said some very bad things to some very nice people. I am afraid Hairy will never come back because I was so vile.

      Fake MMC, Sweetcheeks, Ball Boy

    2. ^^^^MMC, who has been emailing his 3 friends on this site to try and get pee in the face guy removed. He is having no luck so he is losing it and having a meltdown in typical Joe fashion. Dont worry MMC, there will be plenty more pee in the face comments, just for you

    3. So sorry, I get so embarrassed and then I loose my composure again. Please ignore the outburst.


    4. I know harry well..He's not happy harry right now . He's really a decent man and hard worker. When you came after his wife, you broke the rules of conduct even for some of the greats here .It's one thing to tell each other to fuck off if we disagree, but leave the kids and blood alone . You are either one the best "Trolandia" has dealt with or your real need of help ! So poop in a jar with the lid on !

    5. Skunkey Monkey,

      I deserve all that you say. I tend to go after those that I am jealous of. Attacking Hairys wife was so uncalled for. And Harry is a hell of a guy. I am currently constructing an appropriate apology for Hairy. I was overtaken by a wave of jealousy. Those urges rise up and I am at their mercy. This is why I have no control and need monitoring. When I act up, I must be ignored. My therapist will be showing up here soon, so any that would like to help in my healing, please work with him for my benefit. I feel my disease urging me towards talk of poop. I must fight it, I must win.

      Ball Boy, Sweetcheeks, fake MMC

  14. I have been so out of control as of late that I cannot remember the names of all those that I have trespassed against. Could you ever so kindly post your name below so I can gladly offer my apologies to you individually?

    Thank you for aiding in my healing journey, Sweetcheeks

    1. If a sasquatch ripped your head off and crapped down your throat...would you hold it against him?

    2. No because I need others to forgive me for what I have done to them. I even apologize to Sasquatch himself because I have turned this site dedicated to him into such a sewer pit.

      Ball Boy, fake MMC, Sweetcheeks

    3. Joe, if Bally boy, fake MMC, Sweetcheeks guy gave you an MMC style golden, would you hold it against him???


    4. If you're anything Sweetcheeks your prolific ^^^


    5. Thank you MMC for the kind compliment. It is my goal to make all of my prolific comments at least pg rated and to say something nice to at least one person daily.


  15. I'm a scientist. Bindernagel, Krantz and Meldrum are all skeptics. Every bigfoot sighting is real and cannot be faked. Also I have a pathetically tiny penis.

  16. fer shure tham bigfeet takin U head clar off,

  17. Mark Anders would be every so proud of this thread!!!

    (poor bastard...) ugh.

  18. Dude bigfeets folks says folklore be true, passed down thru the ages as teachings for us all


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