The Calgary Bigfoot Footage When Stabilized Is Freaking Creepy!

Personally, we can't wait for Phil to do a breakdown on this footage filmed by a family in Calgary. In the meantime, have a closer look at what could possibly be a real Bigfoot:


  1. Replies
    1. i missed you, travis..

      ball boy

    2. I missed you too travis, man you have to give me a call. Im getting ready to change my avatar and make some big changes, i think its time


    3. Hi Travis!!! Good to see you again!

    4. Good to see you post Travis!! Hope all is well with you bro!

    5. Travis saw a monkey in the woods folks!

    6. No... He saw an indegenous large human. We at least agree on that he saw something large, hairy and ape-like.

    7. Flailing russian parkour lunatic in a suit.

      Patty is capable of quadropedal movement? LOL nice little dream world you live in.

    8. Yes... It does in short bursts; and we have video footage to confirm that, old boy. Parkour don't reach the speeds that the Yeti get' to.

      And before we proceed down the rout of repeating oneself ans you getting all educated and angry again... Here is the thread with all your answers and logic bashing;

      Nice to see it bothering as much as it clearly is.

    9. Oh... And an old guy and his son, arranging for an elaborate irresponsible Parkour trained, speed defying, monkey suit detail defying hoax in the middle of nowhere would be a pretty sophisticated hoax... To the point of a giant leap of faith; one would perceive.

      ; )

    10. Travis, you act like a little BiTcH sometimes..

      ball boy

    11. Do you think Sleeva or Ryder fall into this group?


    12. Joe. Educations in the United States are not free. Our country has a rich history of bad loans resulting in bad credit. So when I see you offer to freely educate dear sweet Anon like this I get emotional. Think of all the third party beneficiaries out there Joe that you are helping. Texas is as cold as my ex wife's bosom Joe. But I digress. Have a pleasant week in Wales. Just be glad you aren't here in the US to eat bad food and drink excessively at our "Super Bowl". Its not fish and chips here in Texas my friend. It's chips, dips, chains and whips. :).

    13. Everything is bigger in Texas


    14. MMC. You are correct. Example. My Hangover. Like Chet on "Weird Science" I'm suffering. But I'm especially thrilled you are here with me for Professor Fitzgeralds class!

    15. I'm serious Joe. It's a testament to your work ethic. Right now I have you third all time behind Indiana Jones and Albus Dumbledore. But. As Doctor Evil once remarked, "your stock is rising Number One!"

    16. I looked back at Shawn Bannons documentary feat. footage of Sequoias Subject as well as ThinkerThunkers analysis. Let me just say this. The subject, as does the one above , seem large. I get wary of documentaries and documentarians these days. They are agenda driven. And what may have lost them cost them back in the day on a film that was never previewed or purchased can be later used to stoke viral video fires. That being said. I don't have a problem with the original documentarian turned film maker Roger Pattersons subject so how can I toss the sequoias subject under the bus. It's like this. If I want to see a human being frightened by or startled by the appearance of a massive subject ill go back to "Prince Edward Island". I never say this. But I struggled with whether the Sequoias subject was a huge Sasquatch or a crafty flimakers idea of one. Ill keep an open mind if I can. M

    17. Thanks Joe. Going back to the inherent self sustaining proof in quadrapedal videos like Prince Edward Island and Leaping Russian Yeti may not be everybody's idea of a good time. But let me say this. Our view of a Sasqatch as a bipedal subject comes from Roger Patterson and is etched in many of our memories. However. Eyewitness accounts had told of these subjects moving low on " all fours" for much much longer. So when reasonably good vid clips of quadrapedal motion were captured by young students on PEI or Russians with children they kind of come with a measure of credibility. It's something we didn't all rush to associate with Bigfoot behavior but its what they do. Now. Going forward. Belly Crawling I have personally observed. I have heard first person accounts as well of snap second "drop downs" where a subject is startled and simply drops so quick he's "gone". As well as the habit of grabbing a bush or tree and camouflaging itself. All very interesting and all seen by prior witnesses.

    18. Mike Wooley, the guy who got chased off his deer stand by two... Stated he's seen them belly crawling and ambushing wild turkey.

      You'll find him on YouTube.

    19. Wow maybe u guys will listen to me now ! It's ttl they are on all fours most of the time etc id have to go into detail to explain it but I just don't feel like it right now sorry guys! Ttl!!

    20. No Joe my anus be itchin and somehow I have stinky fingers now. ;-) ttl

    21. Ya alright , but been better , anyways I could tell u how they walk and run if u want?? Ttl!

    22. Please do, I enjoyed your comment about them being on all fours the other day bro.

      How so they walk and run?

  2. I hope that's fake--What i saw was very disturbing--
    Looked like sassy was doing things to a deer--and worse to a person.

  3. The little girl gave it up: "that is not a human" and the man's chuckle after that - staged reaction that went over the top.

    Or, we're looking at the real thing here, folks.

    1. Exactly, its a pretty obvious hoax. That families reaction speaks volumes. Another fake for Phil Poling and Joe to deem authentic.

      Oh yeah, if the kids dad in the video gave you a golden Joe, would you hold it against him?


    2. ^^ You must be feeling poorly after all the goldens your dad gave to you all those years, sweetcheeks.

      I almost feel sorry for you.

    3. They do say you are programmed to repeat the abuse you've endured.

      Poor soul.

    4. I was going to post that it was warming to see not only how paranoid this guy is and obviously couped up (thinking every Anon is me, shudder) but also how university loathed he is...

      But you're right, now I just feel sorry for the poor soul.

    5. Yes, he is universally loathed, Joe. Even by us anons!

      What's the matter, you scared?

    7. The only thing that scares me is your ever apparent butthurtness.

      Man, I must have tuned you so badly over so many months for you to be this obsessed, to you; every anon is me and I am obviously in your thoughts at least 20 times a day.

      Do you wake up in the middle of your slumber screaming my name?

      Now that's scary, old boy.

    8. Quit dodging Sweetcheeks and answer the question Joe!

    9. I'd be dodging sweetcheeks to from what his dad said about him.

    10. Joe, if MMC gave you a milkshake full of golden, would you hold it against him???


    11. I actually thought that one was quite funny.

  4. Confirms on naked sub-Saharan African. Possibly Jay-Z.

  5. It had no sleeves. So in line with popular opinion, it must be real.

  6. The point is, that the thread asked what my goal is.If I can convince one person that they are not mentally disturbed, simply because they hallucinated a gorilla like creature, and don't have to delude themselves into believing that a Giant Hairy Man-Ape lives on the periphery of semi-rural America, in order to rationalize the misconception that a hallucination = mental problems,  then I have achieved my goal.   There is a point.  Some people who have witnessed a tree stump that looks gorilla like, and didn't want to admit they were tricked by their brain, rationalize the sighting by searching for others like them.  They are afraid to admit their brain tricked them, and see Bigfoot as a ready made excuse for this human frailty.  Why admit you had a hallucination, when you can just go along with the Bigfoot story?  Hopefully someone will be able to realize this, and stop their paranoia about the Bigfoot phenomenon.

    1. someone want some attention, BAD! ^

    2. 2:37...

      Three words;

      Multiple person eyewitnesses.

      Sorry to tarnish your reassurance quest.

    3. guess what, there are multile eyewitnesses also of the Jersey devil, stocked with wings, horns, spout, etc.

      Guess what? That there's a devil in the New Jersey woods?

    4. 3:22...

      Yes, but those comparisons don't have cases of multiple eyewitnesses in the thousands, which is backed up by ten thousand years and physical evidence.

      There is also no totally agreed upon form or appearance that the Jersey Devil has over such reports and consistency is key in determining truth in such accounts... I think you'll find.

    5. There have been many multi witnessed apparitions of the blessed virgin mother of Jesus. So she must be visiting earth.

    6. what?

      your beloved early settlers reported this creature back from 1600s

    7. just three words:

      ancient fucking alien

    8. Jersey Devil.

      The earliest accounts date back to Native American folklore. The Lenni Lenape tribes called the area around Pine Barrens "Popuessing", meaning "place of the dragon". Swedish explorers later named it "Drake Kill", "drake" being a word for dragon, and "kill" meaning channel or arm of the sea (river, stream, etc.) (in Dutch) .

    9. Schooled as always it seems

    10. Kent... Those people are probably seeing UFO's, and the Virgin Mary certainly don't leave tracks.

      4:49... Possibly they were seeing this;

      ... Also, the early accounts of which were from missionaries that were puritan (and whacky), who were trying to perpetuate the idea native's belief systems as unholy and a bunch of heathens in order to oppress and subjugate; thus the devil iconography which has propelled over the last couple of hundred years.

      In stark contrast; to go with the ten's of thousands of eye witness testimony (a lot of which multiple person), we have ten thousands years (the natives state 50) of Native American culture. Wall paintings some 8 feet tall true to size and if you know anything about indigenous culture, you would know that ceremonies, dances, utensil designs like baskets, all these things indigenous people do to pass down historical events, identity and culture because, as some may claim; written texts can be manipulated and misinterpreted. There is an easily attainable timeline of Native American culture by the determining the age of settlement sites. Burnt wood and other means have been used to carbon date areas where indigenous peoples who maintain the Bigfoot culture have resided.

      This then of course transitions into every medium right up until the modern day, with modern eye witnesses reporting the exact same thing (not a version every time) that has been as far back as this creature can be looked for.

      Now I'm not totally closed minded to the Jersey Devil, but the comparison and accumulation of evidence; especially that of physical in direct line with modern accounts (which transition in to modern mediums)... I don't think you have an argument.

    11. Joe, have you ever been to Lock Ness or done any investigation into Nessie?

    12. I've looked into it and I am leaning towards the idea that it could be a giant eel; to which there are thousands upon thousands at the bottom for the loch feeding, getting fatter and longer all the time.

      Now I seem to remember watching something the other day that suggested there are under water caves that could reach out to the ocean, and I am intrigued by sea serpents all the same.

    13. No, have you not watched River Monsters with Jeremy Wade?

      It's the Greenland shark

    14. I have seen it, and what a good programme!

      I can see how how people would likeness, yes.

    15. I do not dismiss the Jersey Devil, just do not know much about it. It is possible the Jersey Devil, Mothman, Chuppakabra, and possibly the thunderbird are all one in the same, just different names from different parts of this country.


    16. Hey Joe. When you get some time go to youtube. Pull up Thinkerthunker. Look at Creature in the Giant Sequoias. It will probably be the first entry. Just a massive creature caught in the open between wood line of the forest. His stableizations bring out clear muscle flex, a large jump in forest terrain. Some have said CGI and he makes a pretty good case why it is not.

    17. Chuck!

      I'll send you an email about the Sequoias.

      Hope you are well my friend.

    18. Look forward to it JOE. All is good.

    19. Chuck. My man...I hope you enjoy your Super Bowl. I would give you the name of a good bookie. But I've never met one. Mine is a cowardly bastard who dogs my footsteps at every Starbucks. Should I met him 100 years prior I would drop the glove and duel him at down. He would take action on the duel no doubt and insist I pay the juice whether I survived or not. :)

    20. 2:37, cameras don't hallucinate. It's comical you made your hallucination theory comment on a post which is not a report or story, but a video of an living individual.

      Yes that thinkerthunker breakdown of the sequoia footage is kind of a shock. Once you see it grabbing the small tree as it runs and leaping over a stump, you realize there's more to consider about it.

    21. 10:51. I left a reply for you above. It was a good post. I followed your lead. If you have more you have floor. Thank You. M

    22. Joe, if the Virgin Mary gave you a holy golden, would you hold it against her???


    23. Joe, if sick individual guy (MMC), gave you a viral golden, would you hold it against him??


  7. Really? A big fat copyright notice on this Shin..of other's efforts..u 2 funny boy

  8. 4 words for Joe

    Bloke in a suit

    1. Wow... I'd love to see an example of that you know?

    2. Just have a look of Hollywood productions from 1940s on

    3. You just have to look at the way furcloth was tailored then and no... Monkey suits couldn't then and can't now alter proportions. Suit modifications always add; they never subtract.

    4. Uh? By adding in a part, you proportionately subtract the other parts

    5. 9:11... Not when comparitive scale means you can't fit a human into a said suit. Also... When you have multiple limb proportions that don't add up from a suggested 'suit part' then you open more questions as opposed to answering them.

    6. you just elongate one part and the other will seem shorter on camera.
      also, no one said that the legs in the suit have actually to be exactly where the legs of the suit end. the legs inside the suit can very well be longer/shorter than the legs displayed by the suit, like one of those redneck trousers

    7. ... For example: when the upper part of the leg is comparitively shorter than a normal humans, and the crotch area is far higher, then your argument falls flat.

      Then you have the extended toes, bending fingers... Not to mention that the proportions of the alleged 'shoulder pads' would have to shift into the neck of the person, for the 'mask' proportions to actually for a normal human and see ok.

    8. 10:13. I'm convinced you are right. It sounds so easy. Why don't you replicate it using available methods from the decade ?

    9. Blevins suit, Mike. It will not have the "exact same proportions", but demonstrates the possibility to alter proportions.


      extending toes: what's the problem, every suit has it. same for the fingers.
      shoulder pads: that's exactly what happens in football player.
      legs: they do not have to be inside the costume exactly where they end for the costume. The inside of the man inside the suit can be much higher than the pelvis area if correctly designed.
      Also, on Patty's back there's an evident lineage that is plain equal to what would look like a zip of a suit, and it's the exact lineage effect you have in the zip of the blevins suit.

      oh, cases of life.


      I'm still waiting for your footage

    10. * the legs of the man inside...

    11. Joe, if a proportion altering monkey suit gave you a primitive golden, would you hold it against him????


    12. A lot of what Bill Munns does is mere common sense. Something that people like you are actually overthinking in their cartwheels of worry. When Bill Munns compares the proportions of Patty to a 'normal human'; we see something very obvious in the junction of two points of the right leg when pasted on top of eachother, from the hip socket. It is here where you have an amazing example of the posture of the upper and lower leg of Patty; the upper leg is far shorter. The crotch area of Patty is far more higher than the average human norm and like Bill States; "when you put a costume on, it always adds, it never subtracts". If you were to put the 'costume' on a human being, then we would expect the crotch area to be lower than what is clearly not the case when comparing the proportions. The arm length of Patty is 10% longer than that of a normal human in comparison proportion & scale, the 10% being in the shoulder area. When matching this over that of a normal human, the problem is evident when trying to accommodate this in comparison to a normal human, Patty's knees fall way shorter. Bill even extends this to show the possibility of using football shoulder pads, and it still cannot match the proportions of a normal human. Bill also extends the comparison image's scale of Patty by 25% , but you still have the arm with bending fingers reaching far lower than the proportions of what a normal human can achieve in a suit. The shoulder joint and base of the neck of Patty require to be shifted forward actually into the neck of a normal human for the eyes of the 'mask' to align with normal human proportions. It is therefore impossible to get the mask to fit on the shoulders of a normal human and maintain the rest of the proportions to fit on a normal person in a suit.

      Belvins doesn't have the leg proportions, arm proportions, doesn't have evidence of bending fingers, muscle tone in the back AND legs, hair color, spinal erectors, extended toes, had to have the width of the pictures reduced by 5%, and we don't see it in motion.

      To suggest it has and it should be considered accurate regardless of all these failures? SPECIAL PLEADING.

      Oh... And that effort with all those failures... Does nothing but strengthen the claim Roger couldn't have made a suit that topped such a sham 46 years later.

    13. Taken from up top;

      "The point is, that the thread asked what my goal is.If I can convince one person that they are not mentally disturbed, simply because they hallucinated a zipper on the PFG and don't have to delude themselves into believing that a magic zipper made for a magic monkey suit, in order to rationalize the misconception that a hallucination = mental problems, then I have achieved my goal. There is a point. Some people who have witnessed a zipper that looks magic like and didn't want to admit they were tricked by their brain, rationalize the sighting by searching for others like them. They are afraid to admit their brain tricked them, and see Zippers as a ready made excuse for this delusion. Why admit you had a hallucination, when you can just go along with the skepfool's story? Hopefully someone will be able to realize this, and stop their paranoia about the zipper phenomenon."

      ; )

    14. yeah you must be right, you're always right

      still, that zip is pretty evident and it's plain equal to the zip of blevins suit

    15. "... Said the nervous Anon whilst taking his jacket off in his shrink's office, approaching the coach. The shrink brased himself... Sighed, and readied himself for the evening ahead..."

    16. Oh... And about Mike's footage;


    17. Joe, if your giant blow up doll of Bill Munns gave you a bubbly golden, would you hold it against him???


  9. That, my friends is a female bear's rear end. Yes i am an expert on female bare butts.

    1. Just looked at mine in the mirror and it doesn't look anything like that. It must have been a male bare bear butt. Was it you Fozzy?

  10. Morning Eva R :)

    Just popped in to check and see if you were here..oh!! and bigfoot!! lol!!

    Ruff :)

  11. Hey guys! Agian this footage was shot in northern Ontario from the Canadian guy! And like I said after the other footage filmed in his driveway he is slowly going to release better footage and label it Calgary or Saskatchewan?i don't really now why I think he's just having fun with u bf people but I hope u all get to see some of his close up footage where u get to see the face, shoulders, arms, hands etc, also I now he's going to harvest one of the older sasqwatches this fall so enjoy the upcoming footage looks like he's ready to show everyone!

  12. I thought someone said stabilized

  13. real deal..has to be 8-9 ft tall!

  14. bigfoots orrery animulls eatin U rightup fer shure

  15. Whats creepy is that people believe this is a sasquatch.

    1. We said we were stabilized. The video on the other hand is shaky as hell.

    2. bigfoots bez in da woods fer shure, lookin fer game and such

  16. You guys notice how whenever the know-it-all skeptics come on here to laugh at us all comment on anything they always seem to use the "seeing monkeys in the woods" put down. Reminds me of the anti-UFOers and their "little green men"put downs. Does anybody else suspect government disinformation just like we all saw for years whenever UFO's were mentioned? We, the believers already are pretty sure that these are NOT "monkeys, or apes" or any other poop throwers. We DO though know when we are getting poop thrown at us from those who continue to try and discredit the Bigfoot Community of Believers. My advice to Joe Fitz: put 'em all on ignore bro.

    1. Good post 9:28...

      I certainly do remember the UFO idiots pre 90's, before the UFO phenomena went popular culture.

      There are and will be more significant parallels with this subject (not to mention that the similarities are endless); in the respect that as time goes by and the majority of people get used to the idea (even the people who have been burned long term by the bipedal gorilla school), & the evidence rolls in... That these people will simply erode and come out the closet, so to speak.

      I've said it before... But if the major institutions of the US had put the giant human skeletons they have accumilated on display all these years; then the masses wouldn't have such a difficulty getting their heads around the prospect of wild versions living in the deep wilderness areas of the US.


    2. I believe that statement is factually accurate.

    3. That's right Joe and it's the main reason that I don't mind all of the stupid Finding BF For a million dollars type shows (even though I don't watch them) are actually GOOD for the field. Eventually it will stop being a joke and stop being a source of ridicule and start to be accepted, just as the idea that we may not be alone in the universe has become accepted by 3 out every 4 people walking around on this planet, I predict the same idea of there being a race of beings much smarter, stronger, and more able to survive living in the hundreds of thousands of miles of uninhabited by humans in forests all over this continent and who knows how many others. There are a lot of fear-based people that post on the paranormal boards who will not be able to handle that idea, they would not be able to sleep at night know that the boogie man is REAL!!!!! Cowards.

    4. make that knowING that the boogie man...we need an edit button Shawn

    5. I got ya bro... I enjoyed your comments.

  17. GRAYs find U , U dont find them

  18. I sometimes poop in my pants and ride an elevator all day.Fun times.

  19. ifn U usin G2R's R.I.P rounds U getz U bigfoots fer shure

  20. phil will blow away any enthusiasm for this clip .

    he's a killjoy, a buzzkill, a dullard & a dolt,

  21. Stripped deer being eaten then carried?

  22. I herd some UFO talk well I had a alien walk up to my trailer when I was camping it was only 4' tall and it just stood in front of my door about 4" away and stayed there for about 30 minutes ! I don't care what any one says but even though I could have kicked that thing into the air I was scared out of my mind and was sweating and had goose bumps at the same time also I never got abducted or any of that bull this is a true story!

    1. Isn't your name Mescaline Matt?

      Lay off the mescaline.

  23. These para breakdowns are a lot better without Fatass Phil's bigmouth yapping.

  24. Yet another could be, could not be bigfoot clip. Absolutely worthless as proof, again.

  25. This is an awesome video of an incredibly real creature!


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