New Footage: Family Videos Sasquatch in Calgary

A family going for a hike in Calgary got a rare glimpse of a sasquatch, and managed to catch it on video before it took off. Watch their video:


  1. Replies
    1. Eva, are you still around?? I dont care if your a guy, i just want to be with you!!


    2. ^^^ mini me needs to come out of the closet.


    3. Anon 9:51

      Since you can't go under you own little name you will now officially be known as sweetcheeks. Not pee boy but sweetcheeks. You need to confront your fantasies and come out


    4. It's the same guy who's doing it to everyone, MMC. Get an avatar, problem solved and then leave him get bored.

      Take it from someone who's had too many trolls to count.

    5. Says the tro of all trolls....

    6. That won't stop it. How many times has someone just mocked up an account just to post as someone else?

      I know for a fact it happened to PJ and DC.

    7. Joe, if sweetcheeks gave you a sweet golden, would you hold it against him??

  2. thar bez tham bigfoots in Calgary da deep woods fer shure

  3. Someone should look into this video right away! My vote would be Bill Munns, Sweaty-Yeti, or a toddler.

    1. Unfortunately sweati yeti has had his microsoft paint licence revoked and bill munns will only analyse data that only he has access to.

    2. "There is a certain amount of "fair use" showing of still frames and animated portions for research purposes, particularly on the internet, but TV producers and book/magazine publishers generally must get formal licenses and pay fees for same, to use the footage or frame stills.

      So while the research into this filmed mystery is scientific (with intent to determine factually what it is we see in the film), the source material is in fact privately help and subject to licenses for display and use.

      It's an awkward situation for us. But that's the situation. So at present, there is no public archive posting of every frame of the film that is free for anyone. Most people acquire frames by doing frame grabs from the variosu DVD's that show the footage, the most popular being the Legend Meets Science DVD.


      ... Thought is clear that up once and for all.

    3. 17 U.S.C. § 107
      Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 17 U.S.C. § 106 and 17 U.S.C. § 106A, the fair use of a copyrighted work, including such use by reproduction in copies or phonorecords or by any other means specified by that section, for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright. In determining whether the use made of a work in any particular case is a fair use the factors to be considered shall include:

      the purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of a commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes;

      the nature of the copyrighted work;

      the amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole; and

      the effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work.
      The fact that a work is unpublished shall not itself bar a finding of fair use if such finding is made upon consideration of all the above factors.

    4. Footers only care about the $$$$, I thought this was common established fact? Prime example above.

      We have all of this great proof that you just have to see, it's gonna validate us completely...but you gotta pay!!!

    5. I don't pay hard earned money to watch a bloke in a suit from 47 years ago. I don't even go to the movie theatre, why should anyone have to pay for the royalties of a 50 year old film?

      But..but..but it's proof! It's validation! Seeeee it's real!

      Proof that most footers are crooks and don't care about validating a species.

      But they continue because suckers like you pay for crap like it and Melba's bunk self-published study.

    6. The film is one of the single most important pieces of footage ever recorded... Damn straight the people close to it should makeoney from it; you hypocrite. You just sponge money from your rich dad and play computer games all night... Let.'a not judge be too quick to judge.

      Last time I saw; you couldn't counter what Bill says about the suit, and that's why you're cranky... Cause it pisses you off that much.

      Got monkey suit? No?? Deal with it you child, not everything in that demanding life is under your control.

      And you will like it.

    7. Oh... And every day goes by and you get angrier cause no monkey suit crops up?

      Bill Munns helps validate this species.

      Nighty night.

    8. See I know it's hard for you to look at the worldview of the subject because you are clearly highly attached and emotionally invested but PGF looks like a bloke in a suit who's late for a business meeting and everything in that film counters every assumption that the field as a whole love to toss around unabashed.

      Perhaps you shouldn't be so haphazard with all of your assumptions and speculations.

      Are you mad at your father or something? Don't brush your daddy issues on me ya wanker.

    9. 11:02. I just wanted to say thanks. I haven't ever seen the USC quoted in this blog. You are a scholar. Perhaps learned. Joe. It's cold in Texaa. I don't know about weather patterns in Wales. But. If we can't drink it away and our lawyers can't fixi it a Texan will deny the existence of almost any problem. The bitter cold and continued cold is not one they can ignore. It makes one wonder if dramatic climate shift and species extinction is the new trend, then what if any of undiscovered hominids. Oh well. I'm gonna have another shot and call my lawyer about it. Goodnight citizens.

    10. 4:09...

      Got monkey suit? No?? Your problem, not mine.

      It appears you are equally as emotional attached... Nothing more evident with you being here. Your actions speak volumes of your personality, and your level of reassurance requirement renders you so hopelessly lost that you are compelled to act or at least so something.

      Nothing more haphazard than trying your chances at reassurance here every day... Old boy. Shame for you that I am around to get you all cracky and spoilt. Still; daddy has a new Playstation 4 for you... Time to zone out.

  4. Fuck you fuckers I'm so awesome you are all a bunch of welfare bums I'm an easy going guy who freaks out and loses his mind constantly fuck you all

    Harry stand in guy

    1. ^^^^. Must have lost your EBT card

    2. I am here,your not MMC and i'm not a guy,behave yourself sweetcheeks xx

    3. Good one Eva.

      I will by the end of this week have an avatar. I have not had time to set down in front of the computer and I gave up doing it on this iPhone


    4. I getz me my stuff kaus Iam living here, its me right to getz its

    5. Hello Ruff,i see you liked the song and the video,i had never heard of them before and only came across them the other day,i watched some of there other stuff on youtube,so far i've like all the songs and the videos are brilliant xx

    6. What kind of retards can't understand Google +?

      The Welsh, Transvestites, and some basement dweller from Michigan.

    7. I take it you mean Transsexual,would you like me to post you a link explaining the difference?(you know i will) ; ) xx

    8. If Eva gave you a male golden, would you hold it against her Joe????


    9. Look, I believe Eva is a chick, but she might be a 400lb chick who bears an uncanny resemblance to Nick Nolte.

    10. Hi Eva

      Thanks :)

      have fun!!


  5. Welp, there we have it. Indisputable video evidence that there was a brown thing in among some trees somewhere.

    1. This will rock the entire scientific community.

    2. Rock you like a hurricane

    3. welp nothing you fool
      yes a brown thing that stood up on two legs about 8' tall and had long arms. yes maam

    4. Hay I gest me food stampes so Id getme stuff

    5. There is absolutely no way of telling how tall the figure is from the video, or how long its arms are in relation to the rest of its body.
      The video is completely useless as evidence.

    6. Ignore the troll at 9:33, no one says anything about how tall it is so he's just making up shit

    7. yes its 9:33 here
      Uhhh how about you F yourself. ok..that thing's height can be estimated very easily just from the distance, trees and common sense. its at least 8' tall probably 9'

    8. You haven't been on location so how can you know the height of any of those things? Thanks for the chuckle.

    9. I have a good sense of scale and can tell by the looking at known things like, fallen trees, rocks, river bank, the people in the can estimate that is above average human height. you're just dumb or ignorant. not sure which..guessing dumb

    10. Not to mention the damn thing is standing on a down slope, the ground is not even and you can't see where the trees come out of the ground or the bottom of the hoaxers body. Give me a break. Other people can tell when you are just talking out of your ass to sound like a real expert. Still chuckling.

    11. standing on a downslope? how do you get that? its behind fallen are blind and dumb. now im chuckling. the figure is squatting down at first then stands upright . youre hung up on the height because you cant figure this one out. the look the movement the family reactions are all real.
      common sense

    12. Sure is squatting, sure does stand up and walk away. If you cannot see that the bottom half of the body is obstructed by the slope and LOTS of branches, you need some glasses and a kick in the ass. But you'll make a fine armchair researcher someday. Bet you also bought an authentic Rick Dyer membership as well. ACTUAL RESEARCHERS GO OUT TO THE SITE AND TAKE MEASUREMENTS BEFORE THEY START RATTLING #'S ON HEIGHT. I agree with the other 2 posters, you don't know shit.

    13. if the bottom half of the figure is blocked by branches. how can you tell if thats a downslope? upslope? you are dopey. if anything it appears to be flat behind those limbs. you can tell how the BF is walking. not rocket need to be a BF researcher. just good ol common sense

    14. Sorry can't help ya, find those glasses and the kick in the pants. I've got no more energy for you.

    15. most people do give up when they are wrong.
      I win

    16. Anonymous measurement expert:

      I'd like to know how you figure the height of this subject without a reference. You have to know at least the size of one thing in that footage to know the subject's size, and there is none. Give us all a break with your ignorance, please.

    17. He won't reply. He is too busy polishing his winners trophy. You know, the I Don't Know Anything So I Talk Out Of My Ass Award.

    18. no you're right @ 5:36..this thing is only 4 ft tall. you are a genius.

  6. has anyone been to Calgary? Or to Central Canada at all? I got a news flash for you....Sasquatch would stick out like a sore thumb. It's barren and flat...and there is zero chance a breeding population has been isolated in that patch of trees for thousands of years.

    1. yes that looked very barren in amongst the 90 ft tall pine trees. good call

    2. that could be at a national park just outside of calgary. I'd like to know exactly where this was taken

    3. Calgary would be western canada, which is heavily forested. Actually outside of the praries of saskatchewan the entire country is covered in trees. You haven't got a clue what you' re talking about.

    4. If anyone here is any expert on Canadian Geography, it's Joe Dirt from Wales. Dude can google the hell out of that info for you if you really want the truth.

  7. This just blew the sleeves off my shirt !

  8. this looks pretty damn good. phil will break it all down im sure.

  9. Obvious attempt by Rick Dyer to pull a fast one on Racer X.

  10. I agree with the little one
    "that is not a human"

  11. Looks good to me as well...any background on this....???
    Are they following a trackway....

  12. can someone do a close up of the creature ?
    there have been sightings before in Alberta so who knows, this may be real

  13. Replies
    1. Only thing that makes me life complete is when i turn joes face into a toilet seat


  14. Replies
    1. When a 9 foot tall bigfoot goes to bed,is it still 9 foot tall or is it now 9 foot long? xx

    2. bigfoots biggen becawz thays bez catchin all sortz of critters and such

    3. ^^ you sound like my uncle Otis


  15. Joe, if Calgary bigfoot family gave you a group golden, would you hold it against them???

  16. Calgary? Do they simply mean "Alberta"? More vague sasquatchery bullshit.

  17. All the bigfoots experts agree bigfoot is real, Moneymaker, BOBO, Ketchum, Dave Paulides, Jeff Meldrum a

  18. Doubts... It's a good video for sure, however... needs follow up.
    Where the family stops and they show the ground before them, why are there multiple steps leading towards the subject?
    If that can be explained, then how about a simple follow up with a person in the approximate position with something to measure the approximate height.


    1. There's plenty of snow, that animal, if real, would have left many tracks, but they don't bother to look for them because then you'd find your #blokeinasuit approved

    2. BOBO knows wheres the bigfoots goes

  19. tham bigfoots ornery critters comes out @ night and hunts for critters, then goes back to their dens whars thay bez safe

  20. that thing looked very large....MmmMMmM ..needs follow up said above...seems like the good video's never get that...the fake crappy one's do..

  21. Hey joe what u think of that? It's ttl! Looked a little to light brown for me?? But that's all I could see

  22. Did they check the footprints? Maybe this is real, maybe a hoax. But hoaxing fads don't last for hundreds of years, so you skeptics need to do a little thinking. There is something to this mystery.

  23. This one looks pretty good to me! Maybe something there. The family sound like they are really seeing something that they are not used to seeing.

  24. Replies
    1. I agree with you, rising from a bedding position looks back at the deer it the river bank - not at the family. I notice lots of deer sign/tracks. Invert the freeze frame from the video.

  25. I've seen worse videos. Actually it's pretty damn impressive. I suppose Phil will gig them for not mentioning there is snow on the ground and it was filmed in daylight. Where is that fat cow anyway? How long does it take to pickup Mt Dew and onion dip?

  26. U bigfooters should check out north western Ontario! It is by far the most populated area with sasqwatch, I will be going after them this fall and yes I will be showing video of the kill they are just animals, but smart ones!, as long as u now were they stalk there pray u can film and shoot from a distance of 700 to 1000 yards safely this will be my first and only attempt so remember this post I got all my ducks in a row now!!

    1. Yes sir I will do ! Unless the footage I get in amazing and I don't have 100% kill shot then I will have to review the footage and if it's not 100% then I will go back to the harvest plan and try agian which I will probably do regardless but the bullet will not leave the barrel unless the shot is 100% go!

  27. Yet another could be real, could be a hoax video.

  28. How many footers does it take to remove a peter pump?

    1. One with no sleeves, and a bloody pair of hiking boots ready for the stomping.

  29. I have to say, i have believed the pg footage to be real up intill about a month ago. If bigfoot is supposed to be this elusive, agile, ninja of the forest, then that simply does NOT move anything like that. Just my opinion. I'm not a skeptic. I'm not a believer. Just simply a dontknower. Footage looks bogus as shh.

    -The dontknower

  30. Ifn thar be bigfoots abouts tham getz U a good huntin rifle fer shure.


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