Listen: Bigfoot Stories

Rusty Wilson has compiled some of the best bigfoot stories around, and they have been compiled onto an audio book available through itunes. Check out Rusty Wilson's Bigfoot Campfire Stories.

"And now, a great Bigfoot book for both the Bigfoot believer and those who just enjoy a good story! Fly-fishing guide Rusty Wilson spent years collecting these stories from his clients around the campfire; stories guaranteed to scare the pants off you - or make you want to meet the big guy! Come read about a lonely albino Bigfoot - being stalked in the forests of northern California - a Bigfoot and his dog - rockhounding in Nevada with the Big Guy - the Bigfoot who tried to stop the BASE jumpers - and many more great campfire tales! And best of all, you'll marvel at the recent discovery of a cave where Bigfoots possibly recorded their history and language! 18 stories...but only if you dare... "I've spent a lot of my life sitting around a campfire, swapping stories with my fishing clients. We always have fun, but sometimes we don't sleep too well afterwards." (Rusty Wilson)"
Head on over and check it out at the following link. 


  1. scare my pants off and the it's party time

  2. just got of work. let see whats going on ... oops damn burittos got a go take a squatch.

  3. lonely albino Bigfoot ..
    .. a Bigfoot and his dog - rockhounding in Nevada ... the Bigfoot who tried to stop the BASE jumpers

    o please. give me a break i didn't fall off the turnip truck

  4. I like the one where bigfoot seized the dirt bike and won the 75 AMA Motorcross championship.

  5. with all of these cookamaniac stories you would think 'foots are real... let me know when they start showing up in circuses riding uni-cycles and too-toos.. i'll go watch,

  6. Where is Joe???? Is the complaint in????

  7. I want to Taterhole Todd Distotels mohawk.

  8. I like the one about those happy hoaxers Patterson and Gimlin.

    1. Does anyone know where Patterson is buried? I want to go take a dump on his grave.

    2. Show some respret dude! Can't you just light a few farts as is customary?

  9. What we need is a good old homestyle Welsh cut and paste job. I mean one that is like 500,000 words long.

  10. I like the one where Joe pursues his dream of coming to America to search for the elusive primate known as bigfoot and then gets cornholed by a family of angry mountain folk.

    1. Taterholed. Taterholed. Say it with me,Taterholed.

      Cornholed is soooo passe.

  11. I had a road crossing. He crossed the road in three great strides, all while holding both hands over his taterhole and sobbing so loud I could feel it in my chest.


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