Listen: Bigfoot Howl Audio

This is intense! Researchers from Florida catch a mysterious howl on audio. The vocalization lasts for 8 seconds, and is a response to one of their own calls. Check it out!


  1. That was very cool to hear that howl! You need to put more howls like that wen you get more!! Keep on squatching.

    1. Joe, if a yowie howled in your face, and then gave you an Aussie golden, would you hold it against him???


    2. I believe that was recorded By Stacy Browns lead investigator Matt Roberts..I wonder where in Fla. that was recorded..awesome Matt !

    3. Stacy Brown and Matt Roberts did record it. I was there with them and made this video.

    4. I wonder if this was at the thermal site ? I believe you guys are gonna bring this creature in shackled or deceased ..

  2. I shoot my sperm into a jar and allow poop in a jar guy to use it as lotion.

  3. More retarded comments from ignorant, closed-minded fucktarded mouth breathing hairless monkeys. Scratch your asses and sniff it like good little monkey trollbots. Sasquatch is as real as the basement that you're still living in beneath your parents house.

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