I can't get over how eerie these vocalizations sound

According to researcher Adam Bird, these are the "Trent Vocalizations - Recorded by Norma Trent on her property in Bruno, WV, these vocalizations are some of the best to date, with a Sasquatch openly expressing itself through its' voice during daylight hours." We heard this back in November, and it sounds just as creepy today.


  1. Replies
    1. He had enuff of the creepy crawlers and stalkers on this creepy site. I notice a lot of the past posters are just plain avoiding here. I don't come here as much as I used too, but when I do it gets mean and hateful. I am changing the channel.

    2. If dirty Harry gave you a golden Joe, would you hold it against him??

    3. Just another regular that PJ has driven away. Notice it's only PJ, Chick, and the anons here now?

      You're the reason, you gigantic pecker.

  2. Nope, that's just my buddy Chet's Uncle Neville! Dude's got a nasty droop, and can chug a beer faster than a baby blue bumble bee.

  3. How long are you going to continue putting forward weak evidence. Just produce the bigfoot already. Shouldn't be too hard if they actually exist. We all know why. No monkey to be found. Don't exist. Got a problem with that? Prove it then or shut up.

    1. Got monkey then?

      Thought not.

    2. Freakin' idiot can't even grammar.

      DO YOU EVEN TRANE 3:11?!!?

    3. 2:55 Dummy doesn't know the difference between a prosimian, monkey or hominid.

    4. Notice how 2:55 was just way too dumb to offer an explanation for the howls up top... How funny he should then suggest anything is weak.

      This is what people like him do... They offer nothing to debunk sources of evidence, most the time don't even acknowledge them, and keep asking for a monkey that isn't even there.

      No monkeys, just giant hairy people.

    5. Joe, if got monkey guy gave you a skeptical golden, would you hold it against him???

  4. For Anon Asshole 2:55 Why are you even on here? Your right, they don't exist, go over to the Aliens have landed site, go bother them. If you don't leave, I'll Sic John W. Jones Spoke after you. And you know what he will do to you~

    1. Thousands of people across the country have seen...a bear...is that what you are suggesting?

      Or are just lying to get some attention...(actually to be ridiculed).

      What is your theory my man ? Do tell...?!

    2. C'mon "Got monkey" boy ?

      Tell us allllll about it. ?

    3. That is a very workable theory, considering the types of people this subject attracts. Take 300 million people and let's look at their level of creating falsehoods. The portion that only gets science facts wrong to some degree is probably within one standard deviation ~ 225 million. The next degree is the portion of the population that habitually and pathologically lie about science, 2 sd's which is about 60 million. The tails would be someone who tells whoppers, 1-2 % of the population ~ 6 million people. Studies show that up to 5% of the population can lie with no ticks, pathological liars. So these numbers are in the ballpark maybe.

    4. this recording sucks I couldn't hear the sasquatch for that dude bellowing through the PVC pipe

    5. Not a bad way to consider some percentages really. However I have a problem with the premise...

      "considering the types of people this subject attracts."

      I think that's a false premise. I think a fair amount of sightings (and "experiences" seeing signs and hearing vocalizations etc) happen to people who are NOT interested in this subject.

      Let's toss out the few dozen "semi-famous" footers out there. The preponderance of sightings etc are from "random" people. Folks minding there own business. Which I think is
      interesting. And like is often said - all it takes is one...just one legitimate sighting for it to be real.

    6. William Parcher, got monkey brains?

    7. Maybe that random people population is quite small. When you see the turned up corners of their mouths, the choked back guffaws and hear the lilt in their voices, you know theyr'e one step away from running out in front of cars on the highway with a Ghillie suit on.

  5. I got a pint of Ben & Jerry's Chunky Monkey, or do you want to see the carton to believe me?

  6. Lookt heer bigfoots in West Virginia eatin U rightup fer shure

  7. bigfoots eats hikers, campers, hunters, dogs, hogs,
    so if you go on a walkabout in the woods take a dog and a shotgun for your safety

  8. I always have a good chuckle at the people who have no problem being childish douchebags under the cover of anonymity on the interweb. I don't believe in bigfoot, but I do believe in common decency. I also believe in Jungian archetypes, which means that most of you people flinging verbal poo at the beliefs of others, that you do not know and can't possibly know their motivations, are simply projecting your own low perception of self on to these others. To dumb it down, if you believe you are a liar, cheat of just a generic POS you will project those thoughts on to others as your interpretation of their motivations. It's a defense mechanism, it's easy to be an asshole if you believe everyone else is as well. If you wouldn't say it to another person in real life, have the courage to not say it on the net. This is what I've taken away from my time here reading the comments section.


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