Here's The Stuff That Happened Last Week Within The Bigfoot Community

Our readers (who aren't on Facebook) have no idea what's going on behind the scenes in Bigfoot land. To spare you the drama, we always try not to make a big deal out of most of the drama that goes on in the Facebook groups. However, when there's someone willing to do the legwork of summing it all up for us, we're not going to pass it up. Bigfooter Jim Lane has written a great piece on all that went on last week, and he opened with this statement:

Another week in Bigfootville and what a week it has been … Bubonic plague swept through the Bigfoot community like shit though a tin horn. In its wake it left the death of many reputations and spared the ones who knew better than run to the aide of the stricken.

Read the full article here:


  1. Replies
    1. Does anybody have an archived link to this show?

    2. This whole thing is a Rictor versus Sharon pissing match. Nothing more.

    3. I know right. Doesnt' Shawn read the drama here? Most of us are on facebook to. He acts like it something new and above us here on his blog.

    4. I still would like a link if it exists

  2. Oh boy...the things I miss not being on Facebook currently!

  3. All that's transpired... Yet, no Sasquatch.

    Update after update. No Sasquatch. Promise after promise. No Sasquatch. I believe in them, but think MOST OF YOU fail working TOGETHER as a collective community, that's filled with a majority looking to inflate their egos and make headlines. I can't speak for the rest of you, because I know there are people out there putting in the work needed to bring this subject to a real, tangible level. For all to see. All of these pictures, all of these videos are pretty much useless. They will not prove what you all come back here hoping for on a regular basis. What you put in, is what you'll get. Do you all really want Sasquatch to be the butt of some television program? A joke? Maybe that's why you are here?

    1. Bigfoot has been the butt of the joke since Ray Wallace and the PGF.

      Footers are comprised of Stoners, Profiteers, Swindlers, Trixters, Loony kooks, Native Tribes grasping at their dying culture, and maybe...just maybe a minuscule fraction of people who did see something of unknown origin.

      But you'll never find it and that's why we come back.

      To watch y'all get nothing and like it, month after month, year after year, big break after big break.

    2. Honestly, I know for people like Joe it's hard to see the unattached worldview of the subject but it's a mythical being directly beside Unicorns, Fairies, Gnomes, Centaurs, The Mothman, and Nessie.

      That's not our fault. That responsibility solely rests upon the shoulders of the believers.

      50 years, large studies and projects every decade and the best you can come up with is zero biologically identifiable evidence.

    3. I know people that have been told for 60 years they will be forced to eat crow but as the sun sets and another year rolls around there is still no BF, still no biological evidence to support a breeding population, and y'all haven't gained any legitimacy by being a soap opera.

    4. Every time any sort of movement becomes an organization involving hierarchies and money the original intentions get lost amongst the politicking. These day Bigfooters are only interested in getting the most youtube views, getting TV deals and proving that everyone else is wrong and trying to prove that Bigfoot actually exists has become secondary. Half these asshole (Dyer, SnowWalkerPrime, etc) don't even believe in Bigfoot to start with, they're just out to make a name for themselves.

  4. WOW that is a great read. Why do people hate Rictor so much? Because he made it on the TV show and they didn't? That's what it sounds like to me. -KV

    1. Typical behavior. Really.Everyone's a Biscotti.

      HA HA HA HA HA.


    2. I like Rictor. It must be jealousy.

    3. He's a fat, clumsy gay dude with terrible fashion sense and lives in the desert.

      No reason to hate the guy.

      People like Leon just want to watch the world burn.

  5. On the next episode of as the squatch turns....
    Smeja eats what he thinks is squatch turd but turns out to be wild moss mixed with psychadelic mushrooms
    Sleeveless in Seirra

  6. The real issue goes unnoticed....anothe week in the self serving failures of the blinded.

  7. The real issue goes unnoticed....anothe week in the self serving failures of the blinded.

  8. The real issue goes unnoticed....anothe week in the self serving failures of the blinded.

    1. Are you going for a threepeat? Well, you won!

  9. Another day of reading Anon Assholes comments!

  10. Lick the puss, smell the foot. Simple.

  11. well that says it all your one big real family! with all the bickering and name calling id expect some dirty diaper rash in there some where.bigfoot researchers ego`s are the worst almost as bad as the non seeing non believing ignorance is bliss folks.Put away your pride when you talk of the hairy one since everyone else is going to take whats left of your pride the second you let them know what you've seen.Its just a dam animal with it seems a lot more smarts than us.they find new species every year that some how have always been there,hmmm Its only been 60yrs since we brought dead gorillas from the congo and oh they didn't exist before that.It was a myth remember.yah and I think abe is cool so you suck it jerks

    1. "Its only been 60yrs since we brought dead gorillas from the congo and oh they didn't exist before that.It was a myth remember."

      Yeah no, that's totally incorrect. The first complete gorilla corpses were brought to the West over 150 years ago but we'd had skulls and bones long before then and several gorilla species had already been scientifically described. This story that people 100 years ago thought that gorillas were mythical that Footers keep repeating is complete bullshit.

    2. There was a lot of debate about gorillas when those first skulls were brought over but the debate was whether they were a type of orangutan, not whether they existed at all.

    3. yah back when a dr could only make your wife orgasm with his tools of science.or a 150 yrs ago they still were getting reports of sasquatch in north America.the proofs there just not a clear smell of the poopy diaper like you love your faces shoved so full of

  12. Spare us the drama? How about spare us the bullshit.

  13. Sharon Lee once called me a whore. Never liked her much since then. -KV

    1. Sharon lee. Called me a man whore. So i streched her taterbung with my 9" pecker. B.j.STUD.

  14. Whiney Babies.
    Dedicated to the most credible voices in the bigfoot community

    Inflated heads, pee soaked beds. Reputations ripped to shreds. Sometimes growing up is hard to do but it is always best done in a non public setting.

  15. I wonder if bigfoot whacks off as much as you pee stains.

    1. Bigfoot told me to say that even if he dedicated all of his efforts to it full time with no sleeping, he couldn't possibly whack of as much as you do.^


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