Guess This Hand

This image of a "hand" has been floating around on Facebook today. Can you guess what it is? The full image is below:


  1. Replies
    1. Does that Joe guy still post here? Wow, can't believe he survived the Sykes pwning.

    2. Oh hes here alrite and has actually tried to turn around his absolute pwning from sykes into a win for his cause. No one is buying it though. Most footers have tried to sweep the whole sykes thing under the rug because lets face it he utterly destroyed footery. When the top geneticist tests the best samples the bigfoot community has to offer, samples that these people swear are from a bigfoot they saw and the results come back as known animals then really what is left for footery? Nothing.

      A great man once said YGNALI.

      50 years of nothing topped off by a thorough debunking and pwning from a top expert in the field.

      That great man was correct.

    3. Thanks,

      The Original YGNALI guy

    4. You'll get no sleeves and three wishes on a monkey's paw and wish you were dead or had a good solid jar.

    5. "Dr Sykes is quite happy to discuss the negative findings of the research so far, but the groundbreaking results from two samples means that Oxford University require him to peer review these in a paper properly. This has not stopped British based newspapers running with the assumption that 'Bigfoot' has been proven to not exist via proven bear samples."

      - Fringe News

      "Sykes has publicly stated on the BBC that his main objective was and still is; to find other species' of human on this planet. If he has found a new species of bear in that process, that is pretty amazing... But you have to be of a very high level of needing closure on something to over-see the fact that a bear in Asia does not disprove a Bigfoot in America. For Sykes to still have the fundemental stance and still be associating with Bigfooters, doesn't mean that the long term results of his study are already certain... It merely means that we have to wait a little longer... Because Sykes' obvious agenda has not been fulfilled yet."

      - Joe Fitzgerald

      "For the most part the samples he has tracked down for analysis have turned out to be known species such as humans, bears or apes; however two samples taken towards the end of his quest will "change our understanding of human history. Professor Sykes is a world authority on genetics and what he has to say about Yetis will shock the world".

      - Taken from a very recent book review on

      Let's be careful not to set ourselves up before knowing the extent of the long term study. By the time of the book's release Sykes' complete work will be peer reviewed... With the 'two samples' and all. I can only hope that those two samples are what I think they are. I would suggest that the people who would like to pipe up prematurely be a little cautious with that in mind.

  2. That's an old jackoff hand they sold in porn shops in Time square New York City in the 1970's!

    1. That's it, the summit of all comments. Time to go home trolls.

    2. Obviously a homeless negroid's hand that was traded for a bottle of cool breeze wine.

  3. If I pissed on Obama's face, would you say I'm Racist?

    1. If Bigfoot ripped your head off...and crapped down your throat...

      would you hold it against him?

    2. I'M calling you all abunch of idiots and I don't give a shit if you hold it against me.

      Because your an Idiot!

  4. Replies
    1. No, it isn't. Just looked it up. That leaves only 1 thing. The hand of one of those 4 inch tall bigfoots from last month.

    2. One of these?

      Rodent paw. Only a big rodent.

    3. If women's shoes are an indicator of foreign policy, then Chick's choice of sensible shoes means that all out nuclear war is imminent. Say your fucking prayers.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Only worry if you see these

    6. Looks like an opossum paw to me. Which would make it a marsupial, not a rodent.

    7. Could be a skunk paw too but the nails look a little short.

      Regardless, it's not bigfoot.

  5. Its hilarious how sweati yeti will point out folds in morris' suit yet completely ignores the exact same looking folds on patty. Religion really destroys minds.

  6. Replies
    1. I think you are right on that!

    2. My first thought also.

      If it's from Melbas office, it's a Lemur. ha ha ha.

      I think Melba probably did what she said, Don't know?

      But I 've seen a bigfoot for myself, so I know already that they exist.

      I think they been tapping her mind, not below her belt. Something just-- ain't -- right with these critters. Thier a trixter, not your buddy.

      What do all the old legends say that Giants made people do??????

      Feed them, until the food ran out.

      Where did all the Myans go, Burp! Say's the red haired giants.

      Stupid Habituaters are going to end up in a special edition of a Pallidees book.
      GONE, FOR LUNCH! --- ha ha ha!

    3. Could just be a beaver!

      I'm a beaver of bigfooooots.

    4. Honey Badger I think. Has those claws for Ripping into trees!

  7. Looks like the hand of dyers 2nd bigfoot that he shot. So that's 3 bigfoots in total he has had. One in 2008 that the MIB confiscated. And now two that he shot in 2012: hank and the baby bigfoot.

    Not bad going really.

  8. Coon. Over there, where the red fern grows.

  9. It's a possum. Geesh, don't any of you get outdoors? When y'all see photos of an owl, you say it's a baby bigfoot. I make one post about it being an owl and days later I read that the "Owl theory debunks possible 'squatch pics". Really?,...I'm the only person to view those pics and knew it was an owl? Really? And now this. It's obvious that y'all are indoor geeks. Why do y'all bother to even come to this site? You have no interest in wildlife, let alone bigfoot. Aren't there web-communities for geeks?
    You nerds might be able to identify the furniture in your living room but if you don't know what an Opossum looks like, then you are indeed losers.

    1. Not a possum...but you are quite fond of yourself aren't you.

  10. That's Robert Lindsay's weasely paw laying down the ban hammer.



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