Favorite Cryptids: The Shunka Warak'in

I'm not prejudiced when it comes to cryptids, and this one is a favorite of mine. The Shunka Warak'in. According to crypto-expert Loren Coleman, the name translates to "carries off dogs". This wolf-like beast is something you might run into while searching for bigfoot, but not something you would want to. Check out the rest of the article below:
"Shunka Warakin is creature from American folklore resembling a wolf, a hyena, or both. It has been suggested by cryptozoologist Loren Coleman that the creature was unknown to modern sources and its name translates to “carries off dogs.” In 1986, Israel Ammon Hutchins shot an animal on a Montana ranch. Coleman suggests that it was an example of the Shunka Warakin. It was stuffed and put on display at Joseph Sherwood’s general store and museum in Henry’s Lake, Idaho. This is the only piece of physical evidence that relates to the creature. However, it was never examined and became missing until December 2007."
You can read the rest of the article right here. 


  1. If a squatch ripped off pervs head...and shit down his throat...

    would he...nevermind.

    that would be frickin' awesome!

  2. You'll Get Shunka Warak'in and Like It.

    1. thinking more like a dire wolf, folk lore in Montana say they are all abouts.

  3. There is a new species of wolf wandering around Minnesota up into canada. These specimans have been shot and are on google images. They go from 250-300 lbs.

    1. got to go with dire wolfs folk lore on these goes coast to coast

  4. That looks like the mangy mongrel that killed my daddy!

  5. This is just a goofy looking wild boar. That's all.

  6. Kinda has the head of one of those texas blue hairless dogs

  7. So when I'm out hunting an imaginary ape I should be on the look out for an imaginary wolf pig. Got it

  8. Got doggy suit?

    This photograph is proof. A relic sub-Saharan wolf pig ranges across North America and I'm going to be an obnoxious dick about it.

  9. I'm a scientist. Meldrum et al are skeptics. Bigfoot's proven and all reports are real. Bigfoot has a 0% margin of error.

    1. ^ savagely rectum-ravaged by DWA on another board, came here to attempt damage control The usual skeptardical antics.

    2. Butthurt hurt footer that was ravaged by JREF posters so bad 2 years ago it still haunts him at night ^

    3. ^His butt plug overheated and fried his brain.

  10. Montana folk sayin folk lore bez reel fer shure

  11. Dude on bigfeetsand Cryptids folks says folklore be true, passed down to us fer shure


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