Duck Dynasty Bigfoot Story

Phil Robertson from Duck Dynasty has been hunting all his life. He's heard just about every animal sound you can ever imagine. To this day, one sound from the woods has terrified him for ages. Phil talked about his supernatural encounter in a Fox News article:

“Once upon a time a long time ago, I was in the dark woods and I heard this sound,” Phil told his granddaughters in effort to scare them to sleep during a sleepover. “It sounded like a big animal and I could growls and grunts.”

“Was it Bigfoot?” Miss Kay interjected.

“I didn't know at the time but whatever it is it sounds very, very bad,” Phil continued. “So I get my gun ready and you know what it was? It was Uncle Si.”


  1. Getting desperate, eh?

    Shoulda just posted another Mulder's World Top 5.

  2. I wonder what the duck dynasty boys are gonna do when the world finds out that they have been B.S.'ing them on many many fronts. Perhaps the hardest to digest for most will be the fact that this family is Luciferian, as are many in hollywood. These people act like Christians and praise God more than most devout Christians. Problem is, they arent praising the same God. These boys are not what they appear to be. They are Luciferian, and come from rich backgrounds. Nor are the country boys. Look up there recent vacation photos. 2 of them are wearing fake beards in the show. One of them, i think Chase, actually has short hair in reality, and as of a few years ago, frosted the tips of his hair in the front. These are all preppy boys in real life, at least the 2 main brothers. They come from rich illuminati connected families. REsearch it for yourself, they arent country boys, they arent good, and they sure as heck arent Christian. Most will find that too hard to digest, but it doesnt make it any less true

    1. You're an idiot. A man can grow a full beard within a month. You probably believe in Bigfoot too.

    2. Agreed. 3:11, I'd be anonymous too if I was you.

    3. I'm always down for a good conspiracy - interesting info. (Whether it's all true or not that's another story).

      I watch one episode of Duck Dynasty ever - and it was staged...and dumb. Yet it's one of the most popular shows! It hurts my head.

    4. 3:11 has a point, a solid point. I come from a powerful connected family that wears the Christianity badge yet attends the Bohemian Grove annually and our Patriarch was a powerful 33rd degree mason. I see all of this and have been cast out of the family for my difering beliefs. So to claim the Robertson family may be connected to the illuminati is not outlandish. My family was heavy in the media and entertainment industry... people really do sell their souls so to speak when they sign those contracts... recently a television show wanted to follow me around my hunting Ranch and follow me out fishing and get into my life, I said HELL NO.

    5. Joe knows, It's all true. Joe, do you still have my email address? I have some exciting things going on right now I could keep you informed of.

    6. I'll drop you an email at the first opportunity my friend!


    7. Joe, how's it goin

      I bleev that I have figured out who my stalker is. Who ever it is it is someone pissed at my criticism of the sleeveless one. May be the liar himself. Doesn't matter. Just a Douschebag


    8. Hey MMC!!

      Man, I've said it before and I'll say it again; an avatar will sort out all the nonsense. I'd do if for you if that were possible.

      You're a good man and have good things to say. It's natural that people like that should have haters... You must be doing something right.


    9. I've actually enjoyed all of this. I get paid to see thru lies but I cannot call people on it. Here I can.


    10. Joe, do you ever just shut the fuck up for 5 minutes?

      That avatar didn't save you from being harassed by someone just making a duplicate Google + account. Hell, it happened to DC too.

      So no, an avatar won't sort it out, people are going to mess with your little private discussions as long as you people keep coming here for your little tea parties.

      If you want it to stop, then stop jerking each other about random crap. Post on subject and leave it at that. If you want to have your petty little personal chats then take it to emails or instant messaging.

      Until then, both of you are going to be the subject of harassment and be the butt of the jokes.

    11. "Boo-hoo, boo-hoo, boo-hoo, boo-hoo"

      Answer me one question; what would you like as a final senario out of all this harassment?

    12. Joe

      He has no father. Thus no direction.


    13. I know exactly who it is... I've been smacking him about for the last six months. He's pissed cause he doesn't like being wrong.

      Oh and MMC, an avatar does solve the issues... Period. He's stating otherwise cause he's fun would be totally taken away if you had one; take the hint bro.

      I would like him to man up and answer the question though; what is his motive for harassing us like this?

    14. Wow joe

      About a month ago I told a anon he was wrong and that's when it started.

      He needs to go over Eva's knee. That's what he wants


    15. Im not the one doing any of it, I'm calling it how it is. You two are oblivious to how everyone else perceives you and your petty off topic chats.

      KISS - Keep It Simple Stupid

      Keep it on topic, stop with your daily friendship social cues tht are completely off topic and off putting, stop acting like getting a profile is going to stop you poons from getting trolled on.

    16. The key is to try and ignore them as well pal, you must realise that it's the actions of someone who doesn't get much attention or drama or anything eventful in their life and we're feeding it by responding... Let's do that after he answers the question though...

    17. This comment has been removed by the author.

    18. ^not very strategically minded are you boys lol. He really is right, you do need to take 75% of this private. All the chitty chatty stuff, when it overtakes the thread is for sure going to get YOU plenty of negative attention because it is rude. Comes across as insecure and opens you up to a pounding.

    19. This comment has been removed by the author.

    20. This comment has been removed by the author.

    21. And the complaint has just gone in... Not too clever are you?

    22. This comment has been removed by the author.

    23. ... Like I said, the complaint's gone in...

    24. Hey MMC!!!!

      Getting an avatar is going to completely make it all better!

      You'll see! You are untrollable if you have an avatar, especially a meaningful one.

    25. We talk about many things because that's what guys do


    26. Schooled!!!!!

      Poor little numpty!!!

      Will somebody please talk to me? I still have 16 hours left on here.

    27. ^ And this is why you might want to pay attention to some of the tips I gave you at 9:26. Some people see it as rude and you are making people mad

    28. Rude?

      What planet are you on?? Man... Are you a sociopath?

    29. I'm actually a very rude and condescending person, I can't help it. I like to project my insecurities on other people here.

      I am a geek. I work a dead end job. I have 3 friends and 7 cats.

      My only grasp to life is my online personality with people 5,000 miles away.

      I do have petty off topic chats with people on here because my own life is so dull. I am also on medication for bipolar disorder and schizophrenia.

    30. Anon 9:38

      Get a life liar


    31. Has the point been made yet?

      Are we going to stop with out Chatty Cathy sessions and keep the posts on topic? Enough personal petty posts?

      You see, MMC, even with an avatar and account you are not impervious to trolling and impersonations.

      Welcome to the internet.

    32. Nthere is nothing you can do about what me and MMC decide to do... As soon as the mod see's my email you won't be all so clever and it'll be back to boo-hooing.

      That's why avatars work, old boy.

    33. Joe

      I invented the intarnet

      Libtard Al Gore

    34. Why did you delete half your comments Fitzy. Melting down mutch??? Do you actually think the mods give 2 craps about you. Your a noone Joe. Unless your paid to be here, no one cares if you complain. Everyone is laughing at you Joe. You better get the tissues out, b/c its time for some serious boo hooing

  3. Phil Robertson is a homophobic racist, who could believe anything that spews from his mouth. I don't think those who commit hate speech should be listened to.

    1. Neither should left wing idiots who can't grasp the definition of racist or hate. Take your ass to MSDNC. If you stick around long enough to learn how to exploit the poor and minorities for political gain like the pros, you might get your own show. I've been in Taco Bells that have a lower employee turnover rate.

    2. anon@5:27a. dude classic comeback. you hit it spot on. the clowns on the left in the country are always spewing DIEvesity! they are the one's that are the most intolerant of them all. just say anything they don't agee with and then comes the protests and the calling for people to be fired and the classic leftism idiot move of them all BOYCOTT'S. fuck you lefties go back to msnbc and leave our sasquatch forms alone. cry babies. and guess what loser racist is only a six letter word. who cares if we are called racist. won't ruin my day. shit I call it a badge of HONOR!!!


      LIBERALS are the most racist, bigoted hatred group in America! They say one thing, but mean another. If your not "In sync" with their way of thinking, they will shun you, and ridicule you.
      This past Christmas season, My wife, her sister and a friend, went Xmas shopping in New York City. They wore their traditional Native America clothes. They were constantly stopped and ask questions about their way of life, from Liberal Do-gooders.
      The questions were:
      Weren't you Mohawks cannibals and ate your British captors during the French and Indian War?! (The Mohawks were British allies, Dumbass), and no they treated their FRENCH captors really well!
      Didn't you Mohawks, kill and scalp Custer and his Men? (No Mohawks weren't even present in those Indian wars)!
      Why do you Kill and wear Animal skins ( That's our traditional clothing, and way of life)
      The questioner was wear leather belts and boots!
      How can you STILL live in T.P.'S? Dumbass, we haven't live in T.P.'S in hundreds of years!
      On and on we can go. Some 5th Ave Elite Liberals even thought they were Muslims!
      New York City, is the main Liberal City in America. You would think these highly educated people would be more tolerant of other peoples beliefs, they are not!

      Enough said on this matter.

      John W. Jones Spoke
      (The real one)
      I've recovered now from my injury. And no I didn't break my arm in a "Bar fight". My right arm was pulled out of it's socket, while training a young Mustang.

      I will not be on here to much anymore, as my valuable time is needed in writing my book.
      Not trying to convince those that don't believe in Big foots.

    4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    5. Hey John w it's TTL or Canadian guy! We talked before I hope your book is going well! Anyways I got to work with a Mohawk Indian as we were 460' in the air as ironworks together I have nothing but good things to say about the Mohawks great people from my experiences and hard workers have a good day john w ttl!!

    6. A Mohawk injun killed my grand daddy!

    7. Good! I'm glad! Was he eaten and scalped?

    8. The two biggest lying pieces of dog sh*t to ever grace this blog, Mr. Leon Buttsex and Mr. John "pochahontas touched my bones" Jones.

    9. The real question is, what doesn't John Jones Spoke hate?

    10. John!!! How are you buddy?! Hope you are well and recouperating ok. Drop me an email when you can buddy.

      Hey TTL!!!

    11. John... Just bare in mind that this freak isn't me... Hope all is well buddy.


    12. Man, Joe is getting it...getting it real good

  4. about dang time U showen tham Dynasty folk, folks heer ben talkin fer yeers about tham.

  5. Everyone can watch minisota ice man being shipped on shipping wars it's pretty awsome!! Ttl

  6. Sorry, but this family is completely fake from the beards down. Anything they say is probably BS.

    1. Your wrong! They are the real deal! It's the Liberals that are afraid of their way of life, Family and religious values, Gun owners, CONSERVATIVE!
      The Liberals are spreading these false rumors to get them out of the way. 11 Million viewers per episode! The Libtards are running scared!

      Any time a CONSERVATIVE get attention/fame their attack by the left.
      You know, The sheep people relying on government hand-outs, and baby killers, Obama's people!

    2. Shut your pie hole, Johnny Boy.

    3. libs akillin babies and agetin .gov to getz U to pay for it folks aneedin to wake up to whuts goin on heer.

    4. Anon 8:34 you're a fucking moron. Check out this family before they made this show. They are fake ass bigots. What a retarded simpleton delusional righty you are. Not a surprise.

    5. Bigots? I bet their family is more diverse than yours, dumbass. And my God, they weren't BORN with beards? Fetch my smelling salts! For your uninformed consumption, consider this. Phil Robertson was and is a legend in hunting circles LONG before any TV show came along. They really do eat and breath hunting. To succeed in a business as obscure as making duck calls, you can bet your last dollar they know duck hunting. But of course being a liberal, you'll have to use someone else's dollar. It's in your DNA.

    6. It's in your DNA to be fucking stupid. Do you know what a bigot is? Hiding behind the bible is no excuse for hating gays. That's pure bigotry. So STFU. Check out their pictures before the show was created numb nuts, they are not fucking hillbillies with beards. They are ultra yuppies with university degrees. God you're fucking stupid. But not a surprise.

    7. You fail to understand the difference between hating and not agreeing with. You asshat's throw that fucking word around so god damn much it's lost its meaning. And rednecks are smart enough to go to school? You don't say? I guess pre-judging a book by it's cover isn't just a right wing activity, huh, BIGOT. You intolerant twat. I can't stand fucking hypocrites like you. NO ONE is less accepting of other peoples lifestyle than the modern liberal. NO ONE! You group think assholes will inbreed your way to extinction. No one else can stand to be near you.

    8. They aren't real rednecks dumbass. I know you'd like to think so, but they are not. And hate is hate. Using the Bible to justify it doesn't make it right. It's hilarious who you're calling intolerant, when you're defending pure intolerance. You're the fucking hypocrite. And BTW, pure reflection much? You guys are the dying breed. Fucking bigot. Just look at the way you throw around the world liberal like a dirty word.

    9. What's a real redneck? And if they are so bigoted, I'm curious as to why they open their homes to minority children through adoption? Odd thing to do don't you think? And liberal is a dirty word. For dirty people. Didn't you see the OWS crowd? They made bigfoot look like Mr Clean.

    10. Holy fuck you're stupid. You can be a selective bigot, it's not universal. Discrimination, is discrimination. The Bible preaches a lot of BS, just read the old testament. And listen to you, you're so fucking hyper partisan extreme right wing that you have to make it about politics. What a fucking asshole. People like you are what's wrong with this world, ignorant as fuck. Go on, keep worshipping these fake clowns.

    11. LOL! The OWS crowd? HAH! They got nothing on the Tea Bagger Teahadist folks. Now that's a funny fucked group of people.

    12. How now wait a second. I know some folks that are Ron Paul Libertarians, right wingers, that were right into the Occupy Wall Street thing.

    13. I guess your afraid the Tea Party might cut off your supply of other peoples money. We can't have that, can we, leech? I know you want "Free Shit For Life" to be the next amendment but I'm not sure it's going to fly. Sorry

    14. Listen to this guy? He can't even think for himself. All you're doing is regurgitating crap that you've heard from others. You sound like a complete moron. I bet you're the biggest moocher around and you probably live in a shit hole. Hilarious.

    15. Nope. I'm a retired UPS guy from Kansas City actually. And I'd put my "shit hole" against yours any day of the week, chump. Being one of the few adults that visits this site I can give you a perspective you aren't familiar with. That of an actual taxpayer. I help pay for your snap card, your subsidized housing, your health care, your utilities etc... You should thank me. I'd suggest naming a kid after me but you probably aborted him a couple weeks after his second birthday. And why not? It's not your fault his Momma puts out after 2 beers and a bong hit. I wonder who paid for it...?

    16. Wow you're retired. Looks to me like you don't pay shit. Listen to this idiot. Don't forget to pick that piece of meat out of your last tooth as you type your hateful ignorant garbage, hillbilly. You certainly can't think for yourself. Nothing but regurgitated childish right wing spew. You defend the Duck guys saying they aren't bigots then lay out a pile of hateful ignorant BS from your pie hole.

      The Duck guys are frauds, but that's ok with you because you guys on the extreme right are completely dishonest. You don't give a shit that these fake hillbillies are fleecing your brain because they package something nested within your ignorant ideology - you want to think they are successful hillbillies when in fact they are frat yuppy rich boys. Hilarious.

      As to your other point, you don't pay jack shit for me. But I don't need to sit here and brag about what I have and don't have. It's people like me that want fair taxes. I believe in taxes, it's patriotic. You guys want to cheat the system or not pay taxes at all. It's people like me that pay taxes and demand fair taxes paid by the rich idiots and corporations that don't pay their share.

      BTW, Red States are the biggest welfare recipients in the country, and corporations are the biggest takers with their government subsidies and corporate welfare. But you worship entities like that.

      As to the Tea Baggers, others peoples money and free shit - don't forget not to touch their government assisted Medicare and social security, they demand it left alone. Now that's rugged individualism for you (HAHAH sarcasm) fucking hypocrites.

      The good news is, you guys are a dying breed, you're old and won't be around much longer.

  7. Can nobOdy be happy for other people succeeding these days? Why does everyone have to attack people on here ? Duck dynasty is a show for entertainment just enjoy it or don't watch it just like Bigfoot bounty its just entertainment wtf!

    1. but bigfoots are real, just got to find 1....

  8. The only thing less real than bigfoot is a bunch of yuppies who grow beards and pretend to be redneck swamp-rats on television. These guys are laughing at every single retard who tunes in to watch their totally unrehearsed, unscripted "adventures."

    1. Very well put and correct. The masses are blinded by what the news tells them and what pop culture shows them. They are more interested in Justin Bieber then they are whats really going on. If anyone actually bothered to research this family they would plainly see what they are doing. The beards on at least 2 of them are 100 percent fake. The main brothers are from a very wealthy family. Check out there college photos, they were all preppy, fake tanned, gold chain wearing, dyed hair preps. Check out there vacation photos from the last few years and personal photos. Not only do they have no beards, one has frosted tips on his short hair, a fake tan, wearing ralph lauren. Footers would be fooled by this fake Luciferian family. They believe finding bigfoot is real so why not. You stupid footers will never learn.

    2. Yep, 100 percent. These jokers are fake as fuck. Pretty sad that some folks think they are real and they're heroes. Morons.

  9. You guys that are attacking the Duck guys is almost exactly the same way you attack Big foot believers! The same excuses and comments. Your morons, Your delusional etc, plus all the other vile in-mature comments you make. Maybe the Duck guys don't exist! Your just Jealous! to see "True" southern Rednecks make it!
    Now you've done it, now we will need Duck Dynasty Videos!
    There they are they're 4 of them!
    There's nothing in the blind!
    This site is just full of Haters!( And you call me a hater) Guess what? Your right! But I only HATE Liberals and Anon Assholes! But,you guys hate everything! Every comment about Big foots (or anything) made here is viciously attacked, by you guys, right away!
    If there are any Morons, retards or delusional people on here it's all you Anon Assholes, that are to cowardly to put your name down!
    What a pathetic country we've turned into. If I go to The Gold Rush site, U.F.O. site, Mountain site etc, there you Anon Assholes are, attacking everyone!
    Boy I wish I could meet you face to face, then we will see who's Taterhole gets fucked!

    I don't need to put my name, you know who it is Ass wipes!

    1. Wow. Did you happen to notice that you are using Anon to type out your tirade against Anons? Give up the drink seriously.

    2. @12:23 I for sure got your back and beliefs. fuck the lib-rats cause that's what they are RATS!!! that hate cause the real racist religion is liberalism/prograssholes. you queer lovers and your pets (the blacks ) can all kiss our asses.

    3. You hate liberals eh? What a fucking douchebag. Prolly the type that wants to kill anyone that doesn't think like him.

  10. They are all Luciferian. You will see in the end


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